Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1803: Both hard and soft

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Chapter 1803 Both Soft and Hard

"Mo Qingqing, don't let go of my Haoer, but don't blame me!"

After looking at Mo Qingqing, Yu Zhentian shouted coldly.

In his eyes, the killing was boundless.

But at this moment in his heart, there was no sense of self-confidence. Mo Qingqing in front of him was stronger than him. He said so, but he just wanted to deter Mo Qingqing.

Unexpectedly, Mo Qingqing was not something he could deter.

"You're welcome?"

"What's the use of being rude, and today you are going to die in the hands of the Emperor, what's the matter of being rude? Is this Emperor rare?"

Listening to Yu Zhentian's words, Mo Qingqing's face was full of disdain.

At this moment, in Mo Qingqing's eyes, the aftershock in front of him had become a dead body.

"Shit, I have already said so, you don't even give face!"

"If you kill me and Haoer today, Yitianjie will soon get the news, and your North Motianjie will also suffer the devastation because of your stupid behavior, you must think about it!"

After hearing the words, Yu Zhentian's eyes flashed a complex light, but the sound became more and more cold.

"Does this all matter to someone who is about to die?"

Mo Qingqing's mouth cornered slightly, raising a radian of the road.

"Icy finger!"

The next moment, a cold voice sounded, and Mo Qingqing dropped a finger directly toward the aftershock.

At the moment Mo Qingqing dropped his finger, Yu Zhentian greeted him directly.

"Hmm ..."

There was no unexpected collision sound, only the sound of ice freezing instantly.

The moment Mo Qingqing fell on the palm of Aftershock Tian, ​​Aftershock Tian was frozen in an instant.

The breath on Aftershock Tian also solidified instantly.

Aftershock days at this moment have been frozen into ice sculptures.

"Yinger, almost enough!"

"He's already miserable enough to kill him!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Qingqing's eyes looked at Yinger who was still falling with a whip.

Looking at Yu Hao's miserable look, Mo Qingqing shook her head slightly.

Immediately coughed, and said coldly.

"Direct kill?"

"Miss, Yu Tianjie is a force that relies on His Majesty. If we kill both Yu Tianjie and the young master, I am afraid it will cause trouble!"

Ying Er's whip to fall, listening to Mo Qingqing's words, stopped in the void instantly.

Turning his head, looking at Mo Qingqing, Ying'er's face was full of doubts.

"Whoever wants to kill Mo Wentian, I will kill anyone!"

The powerful voice sounded, and Mo Qingqing's eyes were boundless.

At this moment, the breath of Mo Qingqing was violent.

"Miss, I see!"

Looking at Mo Qingqing, Yinger nodded quickly.

Immediately, his expression became cold, and the power on the whip in his hand became even more terrible.

The next moment, Yinger stepped towards Yu Hao step by step.

"You ... what do you want to do?"

Seeing Yinger approaching himself with a long whip, Yu Hao only felt a breath of death, approaching himself, and this breath made his body tremble.

"kill you!"

The cold voice sounded, and the long whip in Yinger's hand turned into a sharp blade at this moment, piercing directly into Yu Hao's chest.

"Do not……"

"Dad, save me!"

"I don't want to die, dad, save me!"

Listening to Yinger's remarks, Yu Hao's face was terrified, and he quickly begged for mercy toward Yu Zhentian.

At this moment, all the hopes of Yu Hao are in Yu Zhentian's body.

"Prince, please let me go, let me go!"

"I will obey your assignment after Yu Tianjie!"

"We are obedient to you, as long as you let me and Yu Hao!"

"Prince, this is my aftershock, please!"

At this moment, a voice sounded through the void.

This voice, not others, is the voice of Aftershock Tian.

Although Aftershock Tian was frozen by Mo Qingqing with the force of ice, Aftershock's spirit was still there.

At this moment, Yu Zhentian was really scared, especially when he saw Yu Hao's appearance, Yu Zhentian's heart was frightened.

He was really afraid that he also became like Yu Hao. At the moment, he didn't expect Yu Hao to be his son, but to himself.

He didn't want to be like Yu Hao, and he didn't want to be like Yu Hao.

"beg me?"

"Yu Zhentian, the emperor said, whoever wants to kill Mo Wentian will die!"

"You don't have this chance, because you offended you shouldn't offend!"

In the face of Yu Zhentian's begging for mercy, Mo Qingqing didn't move at all, and even the killing in his eyes was a little bit strong.

"People who shouldn't offend?"

"Do you ask God? Where is this kid good? But it's just a warrior in the middle of the emperor, why are you ..."

Listening to Mo Qingqing's words, Yu Zhentian's eyes flashed a very complex light.

"Aftershock, don't talk nonsense!"

"Today is your death, and you should be on your way!"

Mo Qingqing's eyes flashed a cold mang, directly interrupting the words of Aftershock Tian.

The power of the ice on his body became more and more terrible.

Immediately, the terrible ice force invaded towards Aftershock.

"not good!"

"I don't leave anymore, there is really no chance!"

"Hor, this is no wonder dad!"

Looking at Mo Qingqing beheading himself again, Yu Zhentian just felt that his heart was shaking.

But the next moment, it seemed to be remembering something. In the eyes of Yu Zhentian, there was a very bright light.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, after the shock of Aftershock Tian, ​​a rune appeared in the hands of Aftershock Tian.

The next moment, aftershock did not hesitate, crushing the rune directly.


A violent explosion came.

Aftershock's figure has disappeared.

"This old miscellaneous, there are escape symbols!"

"Otherwise, he will die today!"

Watching Yu Zhentian disappear into the void, Mo Qingqing's eyes were terrible.

But at this moment, Mo Qingqing didn't chase aftershocks.

Instead, he looked at Yu Hao.

"Yu Hao, this is your father!"

"He's gone, but he threw you here!"

Mo Qingqing looked at Yu Hao and said coldly.

"Qingqing, I ..."

"I beg you to let me go, for my part to be true to you!"

Yu Hao naturally knew that Aftershock left, so his last hopes were annihilated.

But when he looked at Mo Qingqing with his eyes, he raised a little hope again.

Rolling and crawling to Mo Qingqing, quickly said.

"Yinger, aren't you hearing the words of the emperor?"

"This person no longer needs to stay!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Qingqing's power was unparalleled.

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