Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1807: Ten people looking for death

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Chapter 1807: Ten People To Seek To Death

"What to do?"

"Our god-eating world has just been established shortly, and now is the time to lack strength!"

"And we have offended Yu Tianjie now. If these people can subdue it, it will greatly increase our strength for Devouring Heaven!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, the light skyrocketed.

"But ask Brother Tian, ​​there are hundreds of monsters here. Although their individual cultivation is not high, but their strengths add up, then ..."

Sky Fox's eyes flashed a touch of cold mang, and at this moment, his look was also dignified.

"Receiving is just an option, we have another option!"

Before waiting for the words of Tianhu to finish, Mo Wentian interrupted and said coldly.

"What choice?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Sky Fox almost came out subconsciously.

The Sky Fox at this moment was puzzled.

The hundreds of monsters in front of him, although they are all in the early days of Tianzun to the latter, are not very strong.

Her strength has also broken through to the middle stage of Tianzun. With her current strength, it is not a problem for her to kill the monsters in the later days of Tianzun.

But his strength is just enough to fight a single hero. If these monsters fight together, she has no confidence to stop.

Thinking about this, Tianhu's brows couldn't help narrowing.

"What choice?"

"They are not surrendering, then we will solve them directly!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were boundless.

At the same time, an extremely cold chill spread from his whole body.

The breath on his body, at this moment, also skyrocketed.

Although the strength of these monsters is not very strong, mosquitoes are small but also flesh. What he lacks now is strength.

If he accepts these monsters, it will be a great breakthrough in strength for his Devouring Heaven.

"Ask Brother Tian ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Tianhu's eyes flashed a light, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Boss, this kid is too strong!"

"I underestimated him!"

At this moment, Mo Wentian punched directly into a severely injured toad, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, came to the boss in their mouth, and said in a deep voice.

"You underestimated him?"

"You are useless, a little emperor can't solve it in the middle!"

"Ten of you guys came up to me and solved this kid for me!"

"Today's beauty, I'm interested in this seat. I'm taking it back to be the lady in charge!"

The man looked at the toad with a contempt in his eyes.

Immediately, it seemed to remember something, and looked at the remaining monsters not far away, drinking coldly.

"Yes, boss!"

"Boss, ten of us must tear this kid into pieces!"

"This kid is so arrogant that he dared to seriously hurt Lord Toad, we must get justice for Lord Toad!"

"Without beheading this kid, the anger in our hearts is unbearable!"

"That's right, this boy also shared our great power, he must die today!"


As the man's words came out, ten people hurriedly stood up, one by one angrily talking.

At this moment, their eyes were looking towards Mo Wentian.

Looking at Mo Wentian, the killing in their eyes was undisguised.

If the eyes can kill people, at this moment I don't know how many times I have been beheaded by these ten people.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​these ten are about to make a move!"

Looking at this scene, Tianhu's eyes flashed a cold touch.

"Just give them to me!"

"Your cultivation just broke through, don't shoot when you don't need it!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, the slightest rays of light passed, and the sound was extremely cold.

The ten people who stood out, Mo Wentian really didn't look at them.

Among these ten people, the one who cultivated the highest was the mid-day deity.

In the middle of Tianzun, it is not difficult for Mo Wentian to solve it now.

"Okay, ask Brother!"

Looking at Mo Wentian's confident look, Tianhu quickly agreed.

An exclamation sounded, and the young man who had begun came to the man.

"Boy, you met us today, you can only say that you are unlucky!"

"You have seriously injured Lord Toad. Today you are definitely dead. Don't blame us if you are dead!"

And at this moment, among the ten people, a figure stood out, looking at Mo Wentian, full of contempt.

"Do you know how many people told Ben Di to die?"

Listening to the man's arrogant words, Mo Wentian even raised a touch of radian.

It looked like he didn't take these people to heart at all.

"People who want you to die?"

"how many?"

The man almost blurted out subconsciously.

"Quantity is not the point!"

The radian of the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth became richer.

"Quantity is not the point, so what is the point?"

"Isn't your kidding me?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, a anger rose in the man's eyes.

"The point is that those who threatened to kill Bendi are dead!"

"All died in the hands of Bendi!"

Mo Wentian's expression turned cold, and the sound of coldness almost frozen people directly.

"All died in your hands?"

"Hahahaha ..."

"Boy, do you think you are bragging?"

"Yes, your boy's cultivation, but in the middle of the emperor, depending on your cultivation, who can you kill?"

"I think it's almost dreaming of this boy, because he can't kill other people because of him!"


As Mo Wentian said this, the ten people laughed wildly.

The discourse is even more ridiculous.

"Ask Brother, these people are really abominable!"

"The eyes are so short-sighted, so much ridicule you, let me kill them!"

Listening to the sound of this argument, Sky Fox only felt harsh, and the killing in his eyes rose instantly.

At the same time, a coldness from Tianhu spread out and shrouded toward the ten people.

"Sky Fox!"

"It's over to Bendi!"

"Your power cannot be exerted easily!"

Feeling the spreading power of Tianhu, Mo Wentian flashed a complex light in his eyes and quickly stopped.

I can't say why, although this person Sky Fox did not have the power to communicate with Yin, Mo Wentian had a hunch, not far from the power of Sky Fox to communicate with Yin!

Sky Fox's destiny is awakening!

If Sky Fox's destiny is awakened, Sky Fox's strength will greatly increase.

It's a good thing to increase strength, but I can't ask Tian Tian's heart, it's always a little uneasy. It's not a good thing that Tianhu's destiny is awakened.

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