Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1812: Kraken Family Surrender

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Chapter 1812 Sea Monster Family Surrender

Immediately, the man's figure flashed into the sea of ​​heaven.

"You want to leave without Ben's consent?"

Seeing the man trying to dive into the sea, Mo Wentian's look suddenly froze.

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

When he appeared again, Mo Wentian's figure actually appeared in front of the man, blocking the man.

"Boy, you ..."

"What do you want to do?"

Watching Mo Wentian appear, the man's heart aroused a bad hunch, even the voice could not help shaking.

"What do you want?"

"What do I not want to do?"

"I just want you to submit to the Emperor!"

The corner of his mouth grinned slightly, and Mo Wentian raised a wicked smile.

This person is the general manager of the Underworld Siren. If this person is subdued, the Sirens who follow him will be much easier to conquer.

Thinking about this, Mo Wentian's eyes rose with a very bright light.

Mo Wantian also had confidence in conquering this person.

"May I surrender to you?"

"Boy, I said long ago, this is impossible!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, the man's eyes flashed endlessly.

After speaking, as soon as the figure flashed, he wanted to escape into the sea.

Men's speed is really good, but Mo Wentian's speed is faster.

But within a few breaths, Mo Wentian appeared not far from the man.

Mo Wentian didn't hesitate in the slightest, hit a punch directly and blasted towards the man.

"Boy, I just don't want to fight you!"

"You've been chasing after my lord, it seems that I don't know how good I am if I don't shoot!"

Looking at Mo Wentian's punch was about to fall towards himself, the man's eyes narrowed.

At the same time, the breath on the man's body quickly rose.

His fists, clenched, when he did not know when, a terrible fist, wanton on top of his fists.

The next moment, the man greeted him directly with a punch.


A violent collision came, and a figure flew straight out.

The figure that flew backwards was not someone else, it was the boss of the sea monster.


A spit of blood spurted out of his mouth.

"Boss was also hurt by this kid's punch, this kid's strength is also terrible!"

"Boss is not even this kid's opponent!"

"The emperor's cultivation in the middle period is even stronger than the later period of Tianzun. It is too strong!"

"I don't think we can run away anymore. According to our cultivation speed, we can't escape his palm at all."

"This person's cultivation is so terrible for the Emperor's mid-term state. If his cultivation is elevated to the state of Heaven, his strength is probably not as good as the Emperor of Heaven!"


Watching their boss who flew out, countless Sirens, stopped and escaped, and exploded.

If it was accidental that Mo Wutian solved the thirty people, then this is a real punch against their boss, but it shows the strength of Mo Wutian.

The emperor's cultivation in the mid-term situation hurts the strong in the later stage of the celestial body with one punch, which makes them not shocked in their hearts!

At this moment, some of them have given up resistance.

They looked at Mo Wentian, and a complex light rose in their eyes.

"Ask Brother Brother, you have frightened them!"

Listening to the sound of this argument, the corner of Tianhu's mouth raised a radian, and said softly.

The Sky Fox is absolutely stunning, so smiling with a smile, it is even more beautiful, making people happy.

"It won't be long before it can be resolved!"

Looking at Tianhu, Mo Wentian's mouth also smiled slightly.

The Krakens had awed him, and it was not far from his conquest of the Krakens.

"Boy, you ..."

"How can you be so strong?"

"Your cultivation, isn't it in the middle of Emperor?"

At this moment, a terrific voice came to Mo Tiantian.

This voice is exactly the boss.

Looking at Mo Wentian, the man's eyes widened, and his body shivered at this moment.

"Ant, you know Tianjiao!"

The corner of the mouth of Mo Wentian, the radian raised, became a little richer, coughed, and said coldly and proudly.


"Of course I know this day!"

Slightly hesitated, returning to God, the man's subconscious way.

Tianjiao, he naturally knows that in the Kraken family, he can be said to be the youngest being. At his age, he can cultivate to the late stage of Tianzun. He also belongs to the Kraken family.

"Tianjiao's strength is not measured by cultivation!"

Mo Wentian looked at the man, his expression sullenly cold, and his voice was still cold.

"Tianjiao's strength is not measured by cultivation?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the man's body trembled, his heart shivered even more.

He only felt the coercion of a king, suppressing him. This coercion made his legs feel soft, and he wanted to bow down directly towards Mo Wentian.

But he worked hard to stabilize, so he did not bow down to Mo Wentian.

But at this moment, his heart is extremely impressive.

Mo Wentian in front of me is really terrible!

"Shit, Bendi gives you one last chance!"

"Submit your emperor to your emperor, or you will end up like those just now!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were boundless.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's body, a spirit of Xiao killing, even spread out.

"Boss, surrender, we are not his opponents at all!"

"Yes, boss, let's surrender, life is the most important thing!"

"I'm willing to surrender, I don't want to die yet!"

"I want to live too, and I want to surrender!"

"Boss, surrender!"


With Mo Wentian's words, countless figures began to talk.

The next moment, every figure bowed down towards Mo Wentian.

They looked at Mo Wentian and looked respectful.

That way, as if they really recognized Mo Wentian's strength at this moment, they regarded Mo Wentian as their object of admiration.



Listening to the comments, the man's eyes flashed a complex light.

Immediately, his knees softened and he bowed down towards Mo Wentian.

It's just that the depth of the man's eyes is a tricky look.

"Ask Brother Brother, they have surrendered!"

"Those people, I thought how strong they were, but I didn't expect that they would surrender!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, a flash of cold mang flashed in Tianhu's eyes, his face full of disdain.

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