Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1818: Aftershock's Wrath

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Chapter 1818 Aftershock's Wrath

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Master!"


Qi Yun and Pou Yu quickly agreed.

Immediately, Qi Yun and Pi Yu hurriedly exited the hall.

As Moyu and Qiyun left, only Mo Wentian and Tianhu were left in the hall.

"Boss, are you really going to conquer the heavens?"

The next moment, Xiaoyan and Huantian looked at each other and looked at Mo Wentian, almost in unison.

"Breath of heaven must be conquered!"

"The strength of our god-eating world is still too bad!"

"I originally wanted to start conquering from the world of heaven, but the strength is not allowed, it seems that we can only slowly conquer gradually!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold chill, and the low voice became cold.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​as long as you make a good decision, I will support you!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Tianhu stood up and said with a firm face.

"Tianhu, thank you!"

Mo Wentian looked at Tianhu, and a complex gleam flashed in his eyes. He reached out and took Tianhu into his arms again.

"Boss, are you really good like this?"

"Magic Sky and I are no longer your light bulbs here!"

"My magical sky and I went to practice first, and after three days, I conquered the world of resentment!"

Looking at the tired look of Mo Wentian and Tianhu, Xiaoxuan twisted her head quickly.

The sound of the joke sounded, and the figures of Xiaozhang and Xuantian flickered and disappeared in the hall.

Xiaoyu and Huantian didn't say it, Tianhu didn't feel it yet. When Xiaoyu said so, Tianhu's fair and pretty face was instantly stained with red.

That Jiaozi drilled into Mo Wentian's arms, and she looked extremely shy.

"This little sister-in-law and magic sky seem to have gone bad!"

Mo Wentian laughed and cursed.

But I can't ask Tian that the hand holding the Sky Fox is tight.

And while the heavenly gods hall was breathing a warm breath, in the distant Yutianjie hall, a figure was sitting on the Lord's seat, and the killing in his eyes was boundless.

This figure, if Mo Wentian is here, must be recognizable. This figure is not someone else, it is Yu Zhenjie, the master of Yu Tianjie.

"Master, big things are bad!"

"Master, big things are bad!"

At this moment, a figure came from outside the hall, and looked very panic-stricken.

He almost knelt down and crawled on the hall.

"whats the matter?"

"Are you dead?"

Looking at this disciple who came, Aftershock's anger soared, and he said coldly.

"Jie ... Jie Zhu ..."

"Dead, Master Master, dead!"

"The soul card that the Lord of the Worlds stored in the shrine was broken!"

"Little Master, fallen!"

Yu Zhentian didn't ask, the disciples who came here didn't have the courage to say so.

But Yu Zhentian asked so, and his disciples hurriedly told him about it.


"Haoer was actually beheaded!"

Listening to the disciple's words, in the eyes of Yu Zhentian, the killing intentions were extremely wanton.

Although Yu Hao's death was in his expectation, and Yu Hao's death also had his reasons.

Had he not left Yu Hao for his own life, Yu Hao would not necessarily have died.

But at this moment, Aftershock Tian put everything on Mo Wentian's body.

In his opinion, if it were not for asking questions, his Haoer would not have died at all.

At this moment, the breath on Aftershock Tian's body skyrocketed rapidly, and a terrible and mighty might emerged from the vastness.


"This little world owner ..."

Looking at Yu Zhentian's boundless appearance, the disciples wanted to say something, but the words were not finished.


I saw Yu Zhentian hit a punch and landed directly on his disciple's chest.

The disciple's chest was directly bombarded with a hole, and the internal organs were extremely clear, especially the heart, still scorching heat.

A strong **** smell spread in the hall.


"It's abominable!"

"Boy, I don't care who you are, I am aftershocked, I must kill you!"

"My Haoer, I can't die in vain, I must let you bury him!"

Li Li's voice sounded loudly, aftershock punched, and fell directly towards the table and chairs next to him.

The tables and chairs instantly shattered, and a horrible and mighty power was heading outside the hall.

"What's going on? The Lord is angry?"

"I seem to have heard that the Lord of the Realm could not let Haoer die in vain. Is the Lord of the Young Realm beheaded?"

"I just saw a disciple of an ancestral hall heading towards the main hall. Could there be something wrong with the master, really?"

"Jie Zhuo has only one son, Xiao Jie, who is really dead. I see that Jie Jie will avenge the Jie No matter what the price is!"

"Who is it? Who is so bold and brave enough to dare to kill our young master, I do n’t think the master can let him go!"


The terrible power came from the main hall, and the disciples outside the main hall exploded instantly.

Especially when they heard Yu Zhentian's revenge on Yu Hao, the disciples' hearts were even more shocking.

It didn't take long for their young master to go out, and their young master brought several strong men this time.

Moreover, they are very confident. In the heavenly realm, even if they rely on the relationship between Yu Tianjie and Yi Tianjie, ordinary people are afraid to move them.

At this moment, their hearts were also very curious, who actually dare to kill their young master.

And just as they talked, a figure emerged from the hall.

This figure is exactly the aftershock that is extremely angry.

"It's the Lord, the Lord is out!"

"The anger on the lord is so terrible. It seems that the lord of the realm is really in trouble!"

"Look at what the Lord will say!"

"If the Lord of the Realms was really beheaded, I think we have something to do next!"

"Yeah, by virtue of the lord of the world, no matter who killed the lord of the world, I don't think the lord of the world will stop!"


Watching after Yu Zhentian came out of the hall, all the figures burst into an instant.

At this moment, their eyes fell on Aftershock Tian. They wanted to see how Aftershock Tian planned.

"Your young master, Haoer was beheaded!"

"You all checked it out, and you used various relationships to check it out. Once you found out who killed and killed Hao'er, the owners of this world have great rewards!"

"An impeccable imperial artifact, and the elixir that can help the warrior in the middle stage of Tianzun to break through to the late stage of Tianzun, or even directly to the top of Tianzun!

Suddenly, aftershock sounded extremely cold and loud.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, after Yu Zhentian's hands, an impeccable artifact appeared. This was a dagger that looked like a normal weapon, but above it, it was cold and bright.

With the emergence of the dagger, there was also an elixir. Once this elixir appeared, a strong and incomparable scent of the medicine instantly filled the heart and spleen.

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