Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1833: Perseverance

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Chapter 1833: Fortitude

It looked like he was still struggling in his heart.

Mo Wentian is not a master who asks for people easily. Mo Wentian said so, it is already hard to come by.

"Boy, do you remember that you promised me?"

The old man of ancient books did not directly agree, but the flash of light in his eyes asked the question.


"Ancient book senior, I promise you will not forget!"

"You want to absorb my power, I will!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian remembered it instantly, and he promised to let the old man of ancient books absorb his strength.

Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, and said quickly.

"Boy, if you want me to help you this time!"

"It's not enough to rely on my only remaining power, but it would be enough if I let you absorb your power first!"

The old man of ancient books looked at Mo Wentian, and his eyes rose with admiration.

"Old Books Seniors!"

"Thank you!"

"You have to absorb power, and that's it!"

Mo Wentian made a small gift to the old man of ancient books, and his voice was full of shy words.

"Boy, are you ready?"

Looking at Mo Wentian's indifferent face, the eyes of the old man of ancient books flashed a complex light, and even the voice at this moment couldn't help lowering it.

"Old Books Seniors!"

"I'm ready!"

Mo Wentian blinked in his eyes and nodded.

"Predecessors of ancient books, can you absorb my strength and ask Brother Tian as our backbone, I am worried that this complaint will change, and other people will come!"

"Old books, you absorb my strength!"

And at this moment, a figure stood up and said with a firm face.

This figure is not someone else, it is Sky Fox.

The Sky Fox at this moment had a very firm look.

"Sky Fox!"

"Back down!"

Listening to Tian Hu's words, Mo Wentian's heart trembled for a while, Mo Wentian's heart could not help but raise a touch of emotion.

But the next moment, Mo Wentian looked cold and cold.

"Ask Brother Tian ..."

Looking at the sudden change in Mo Wentian's expression, Tianhu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Ahem ..."

"Tianhu, your power, even if this seat absorbs, it will not enhance the strength of this seat!"

"Not only that, if this seat absorbs your power, your power will not be easily restored!"

Seeing that both of them were thinking about each other, the old man of ancient books flashed a light.

A gentle cough, said the old man in a deep voice.

"Boss, Magic Sky and I will protect you!"

At this moment, Xiao Xiao's figure flickered and landed not far from Mo Wentian, with a firm look on the road.


Mo Wentian nodded and agreed.

"Old books, come on!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something. Mo Wentian's eyes flashed firm eyes, and his voice was even more powerful.

"Boy, my suction is not the same as Shenzhu Laozi!"

"I absorb your strength. The pain you have to endure is ten times more!"

Looking at the indomitable figure, a glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the old man of the ancient books, and he could not help reminding.

At this moment, Mo Wentian became more and more recognized in the eyes of the old man of ancient books.

"Seniors in ancient books, I promise you, you can come here!"

"Don't say ten times the pain. Even a hundred times the pain, I can bear it!"

Mo Wentian looked at the old man of ancient books with a firm look.

"Boy ..."

Looking at Mo Wutian's unshakable appearance, the old man of ancient books opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, he didn't say anything.

"Old books, come on!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian looked at the phantom of the old man in the void, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, which seemed to be a determined way.

With Mo Wentian's remarks, the phantom of the old man of the ancient books in the void quickly swallowed Mo Wutian's power.

A steady stream of power entered the phantom of the old man of ancient books.

At this moment, the breath of the phantom grew rapidly.

"Boss, you have to show your gods!"

"The speed at which ancient predecessors devoured power, you can't support it before you can show it!"

At this moment, Xiao Yan seemed to have found something, and there was a faint light in his eyes, a deep voice.


"God Eater!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's remarks, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, sighed coldly, and instantly turned to eat the gods.

With the operation of the God of Devouring Heaven, countless resentments in the world of resentment quickly gathered towards Mowentian.

"not good!"

"These powers are resentment, not reiki!"

Looking at the countless grievances, they gathered towards Mo Wentian, and a flash of cold mang flashed in Tianhu's eyes.

At that moment, Liu Mei also frowned slightly at the beautiful and flawless face.

"Buzz ..."

But the next moment, Tian Fox's brow instantly spread out.

I saw that countless resentments, when approaching Mo Wentian, all turned into Reiki, and countless Reiki gathered toward Mo Wentian.

"Booming ..."

In the hall of resentment to heaven, Mo Wen was trembling with three stars in his body.

Not only that, the rising rays of the three stars also faded.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's breath is also falling rapidly.

"not good!"

Mo Wentian's eyes changed dramatically.

As the three stars trembled, Mo Wentian noticed that all the meridians in the body were convulsed. This time, the old man from the ancient books was right.

The pain of the old man who devoured him from ancient books was more than ten times stronger than that of the old man who devoured him.

At this moment, even Mo Wentian can see that all the meridians on his body are convulsed, and intense pain comes immediately.

"Huh ..."

Mo Wentian hummed.

"Tick ..."

On that forehead, raindrop-sized sweat beads dripped from Mo Wentian's forehead.

Mo Wentian's face turned pale at this moment.

That way, it seems that Mo Wentian is enduring the pain in general.

"Boy, can you still bear it?"

The old man of ancient books in the void also felt the strangeness of Mo Wentian, and a complex gleam of light flashed in his eyes, he asked in a deep voice.

"Elders of ancient books, you just absorb it!"

"I don't ask what God promised, I can do it!"

Mo Wentian's voice was powerful.

"This kid ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian's face with perseverance, the old man of ancient books only felt a different feeling in his heart.

At this moment, the old man of ancient books even wanted to give up absorption, but looked at Mo Wentian's firm face.

The old man of the ancient books breathed a long breath, and the next moment, he absorbed it again.

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