Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1903: Recognize Longyou

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Chapter 1903 Recognize Dragon Tour

"Shin of God!"

At the moment when Turtle's old mind was let go, Mo Wentian flashed a cold mang and sang in a cold voice.

Immediately, Mo Wentian made a series of Indian tactics.

The next moment, I saw a quaint slave character formed in the void.

With the appearance of this slave character, a boundless breath spread instantly.

"to make!"

With a swift sip, the slave **** mark went directly towards Guilong's brows.


The entire Turtle was rolling on the ground as if he were suffering huge pain at the moment.


In the eyes of the old turtle, terrified, the screams resounded.

A quarter of an hour later, Guilong's scream stopped.

The next moment, the old turtle got up from the ground and knelt respectfully in front of Mo Wentian.

"the host!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Gui old face was full of respectful look.

That looks like the arrogant Turtle Old just now.

At this moment, the turtle is old, like an obedient dog, and dare not show any disrespect to Mo Wentian.

"Get up!"

Do not ask Tian look very indifferent.

A slight lift of the hand and an upward force made the turtle's old body stand up.

"Thank you, master!"

After a moment of drowsiness, Guizhou quickly said after returning to God.


"Gui Gui is completely surrendered!"

Looking at this scene, Long You couldn't help taking a breath.

At this moment, in his heart, he respected Mo Wentian before him.



And at this moment, two figures came out of Wentiange.

They looked at Mo Wentian, their faces were full of joy.

These two figures are not others, but Xiaoyan and Xuantian.

Don't ask me how happy you are to conquer the old turtle.

"Turtle old!"

"You're watching for this Emperor just outside this door, don't let anyone in!"

"Ben Di advanced to look in the treasure house!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

"Yes, master!"

Gui old didn't hesitate, and agreed quickly.

Gui Gui's attitude is as much respect as possible.

"Boss, this old turtle didn't expect you to take it so soon!"

Looking at the extremely respectful old turtle in front of him, Xiaoxiong's figure flickered, and she fell on Mo Wentian's shoulder, expressing joy.

"His body has died long ago, and he has escaped!"

"And his spirits were still damaged, but eight hundred feet, I suppressed them with spirits. If he doesn't surrender, there is only death!"

The corner of Mo Wentian's mouth slightly grinned, raising a radian of the road.

"Boss, it seems that this spiritual improvement is also very important!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan's eyes rose with a very bright light.

At this moment, Xiao Yan's heart also raised an idea, he must work hard to promote cultivation.

"It's not too short for us to find the treasure house!"

"We need to quickly take down the contents of the treasure house, Mo Qingqing and Yinger are still waiting for us!"

The next moment, it seemed that I remembered something, asked Mo Tian's look, and instantly became serious, said coldly.

"Boss, let's go!"

Wen Yan, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a light.

"Longyou, come and lead the way!"

Mo Wentian looked at Long You and said coldly.


Long You looked at Mo Wentian and nodded indifferently.


Immediately, Long You approached directly and pushed out the iron door.

As the iron door was pushed open, a strong scent of medicine rushed towards the face.

At the same time, an immense amount of power invaded toward Mo Wentian and others.

These powers are not the strong ones in this treasure house, but the spread of the artifacts stored in the treasure house.

"Boss, it has a strong scent of medicine!"

Smelling this smell, Xiao Yan could not help but take a deep breath.

Immediately, looking at Mo Wentian, said with excitement.

"I didn't expect that there is still the elixir of the fifth level and the peak of the fifth level in the deep sea this day!"

Seems to find something, Mo Wentian's eyes fell on a few elixir shining bright blue light not far away.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's eyes also rose a dazzling light.

"You guessed it!"

"The levels of these elixirs have reached the end of the fifth level, the pinnacle!"

"In our treasure house of the sky and sea, there were originally five levels of perfect elixir, but those elixir were divided up by the lord and several elders!"

Just then, an indifferent voice came.

In Long You's eyes, there was still no trace of fluctuations, and he could not see the slightest emotions in this bland appearance.

"There are five perfect elixir?"

"Divided by the Lord of Heaven and the Sea and several elders?"

"Aren't you also the five elders of the Underworld this day? Can you get some of this five-level perfect elixir?"

Listening to Long You's words, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold, cold voice.

"It's mine, it's mine, it's not mine, I won't take it for myself!"

The indifferent voice sounded, and in the look of Longyou, indifferent.

It seemed that he could not see the slightest expression on his face.


"You are very good!"

Mo Wentian looked at Long You, and his eyes rose with admiration.

From the point of view of Long You, we can see that he is not greedy, and as long as people do not have greed, step by step, not looking for shortcuts, one day they can go to the other side of victory.

At this moment, Mo Wentian became more and more appreciative of Longyou in front of her.

He didn't ask God what he wanted, it was such a person, such a loyal and righteous person, no greedy person.

"Boss, there are a lot of good things in this treasure house!"

"Are we going to bring all these things back to Devouring Heaven?"

At this moment, Xiao's figure flickered, and she fell on Mo Wentian's shoulder, expressing a smile of joy.

"These things are naturally brought back to Devourer!"

"Just before I bring back Devourer World, I still have something to do!"

Mo Wentian's eyes were stunned for a moment, his expression was extremely serious.

"Longyou, everything in this treasure house will be taken down by the emperor!"

"What's your opinion?"

The next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all. Looking at Longyou, there was a flash of light in his eyes.

The artifact in this treasure house, Mo Wentian unfolded the spirit and swept away, all appeared in Mo Wentian's mind.

I have to say that there are really a lot of good things in the Treasures of the Underworld.

If he brings these cultivation resources back, his strength to eat the heavenly world will be upgraded by one level.

"You can take away the cultivation resources in the Underworld Treasures this day!"

"As long as you don't slay my disciples in Tianminghai!"

"By the way, we still have some lower-level artifacts and elixir for us, so we can maintain it for a while!"

After groaning for a while, Longyou's eyes flashed a complex light.

At this moment, Long You seemed to be hesitant in general, and his brow frowned slightly.

"Tian Minghai's disciple, I can not kill and leave some cultivation resources, and I can promise you!"

"But don't forget, you promised Bendi!"

Listening to Long You's remarks, Mo Wentian felt that the recognition of Long You was a little more.

Looking at Long You, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a look of admiration.

Long You, as the five elders of Minghai of this day, but those disciples of Tianminghai did not respect Longyou in the slightest, and even did not care a little.

But at the critical moment of life and death, it was Long You who stood up and tried to save their lives again and again.

This alone, Long You has been recognized in Mo Wentian's heart.

He asked Mo Tian what he wanted, not how strong he was, but his loyalty, righteousness and righteousness. The dragon tour in front of him was exactly the kind of person Mo asked.

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