Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1912: The battle between the elders and the little sister-in-law

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Chapter 1912: The Battle Between The Elder And The Youngest

"Old miscellaneous, it seems you are trying to die!"

The immense coercion struck, and Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a cold touch.

"Roar ..."

Immediately, Xiao Yan's figure flickered, turning into a magnificent dragon, standing proudly in the void.

A few roars, violent power, wantonly.

At this moment, Long Wei's body was extremely vast.

Xiao Yan's breath quickly skyrocketed.

Originally, Mo Wentian exerted his concealment on the body of Xiao Yan, but at this moment, Xiao Yan's power was revealed, and Xiao Yan's cultivation behavior was also exposed.

"It turned out to be a little reptile at the peak of Tianzun!"

Looking at Xiao Yan, Long Xiangtian's eyes were full of disdain.

That looks as if he didn't put Xiao Xiao in his eyes.

What's more, he was relieved in his heart.

Originally, he opened his soul and wanted to investigate Xiao Xiu's cultivation behavior, but he couldn't detect it. He thought Xiao Xiu's cultivation was very strong.

But I did not expect that Xiao Xiu's cultivation was just the peak of Tianzun. Compared with him, he was even a little worse.

At this moment, the corner of Long Xiangtian's mouth couldn't help raising a radian.

"Tianzun pinnacle? This monster is actually the dragon of Tianzun pinnacle. I thought it was a dragon!"

"The power of this dragon is so powerful, it seems to be more than the peak of Tianzun!"

"Even if the dragon is strong, it cannot be our elder's opponent!"

"Yes, I think this dragon is dying in the hands of our elder!"

"This dragon is so arrogant that he dared to talk to the elders like that. Even if he was beheaded, it would not be considered wronged!"


Listening to Long Xiangtian's words, the countless disciples of Tianminghai exploded the pot.

At this moment, their eyes fell on Xiaoyao in the void.

I have to say that Xiao Yan's power is very strong. If you don't say anything else, it's terrible that Xiao Wei's dragon power emanates.

Among them, the lower-ranked warrior, the corners of his mouth could not help but overflowed with blood.

The warrior who is more powerful has a pale face.

Their bodies could not help but take several steps back.

"Tianzun Peak?"

"is it?"

"Your little grandpa and my strength are not measured by cultivation!"

Xiao Yan proudly stood in the air, watching Long Xiangtian, his face cold and arrogant.

Immediately, the figure flickered, and the thousand-foot-long dragon tail fell directly toward the dragon toward the sky.

"Little reptile, Tianzun Peak wants to compete with me?"

"You are not my opponent!"

Looking at Xiaozhang's long dragon tail, he was about to fall towards himself. Long Xiangtian's eyes narrowed, and the intention of killing in his eyes skyrocketed.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, Long Xiangtian's figure flashed into a dragon.

There was a force of thunder and lightning on his body, not only that, but his power of lightning was mixed with flames and looked terrible from a distance.

"Little sister, be careful!"

"This person is not weak!"

Looking at this scene, in the eyes of the magic sky, there was a touch of refined light, a deep voice.

"Do not worry!"

"I can still compete with this person!"

Xiao Yan's face was full of confidence.

The next moment, Xiaoyan didn't hesitate, the figure flickered, and the giant giant tail fell directly to the dragon toward the sky.

"Little reptile, Tianzun's peak situation, also wants to fight me!"

"Since you're looking for death, then I will fulfill you!"

Seeing this, Long Xiangtian's figure flickered and greeted Xiaoyan.

At this moment, Long Xiangtian turned into a huge dragon, and the breath on his body was a little stronger than that of Xiaoyan.


The next moment, in the void, two huge figures collided together.

A figure flew upside down.

The figure that flew backwards was not someone else, it was Xiao Yan.


A bite of blood squirted from Xiaoya's mouth.

Xiao Yan's face paled instantly.

"This dragon is not our elder's opponent at all!"

"The elder is a perfect man of Tianzun. Even if it is only one step away from the realm of Heavenly Emperor, this dragon is only the highest state of Tianzun. He can never fight our elder!

"The elder is completely irritated by this dragon. Even our lord, we must give the elder some face, but this dragon is in front of so many people today, so humiliating him, I see our big Elder, it is impossible to let go of this dragon! "

"In fact, this dragon's talent strength is still good, but unfortunately, he offended people who should not offend!"

"The elder will definitely kill this dragon!"


Watching Xiaoying's figure fly backwards, the countless disciples of Tianminghai instantly discussed.

At this moment, some sympathy arose in their hearts.

But the next moment, thinking of them as Tianminghai people, even if this elder is not doing something well, after all, the elders are still Tianminghai people, they can't turn their elbows outward.

Thinking about it this way, they were facing down to the elder.

"Little sister!"

Looking at this scene, Xuantian's eyes raised a touch of worry.

Longyou, not far away, looked at this scene, and a look of anxiety rose in his eyes.

He wanted to come forward, but the next moment, thinking of Mo Wentian said, to conquer the sea of ​​the sky.

Looking at the numerous Tianminghai disciples, if he stood up at this time, for the disadvantage of Mo Wentian conquering these Tianminghai, one foot of Longyou's stepped back was retracted.

"I'm fine!"

"This old mess, I didn't expect to be strong!"

Xiao Yan grinned at Huan Tian, ​​said calmly.

But the next moment, thinking of the collision with Long Xiangtian just now, Xiao Yan's expression was dignified.

In the collision just now, Xiao Yan knew very well that if he bumped hard, his physique was not as good as that of Long Xiangtian, and he wasn't his opponent at all.

Although there is only a small difference between Tianzun's perfection and Tianzun's peak, the difference in strength is still very obvious.

"Since it doesn't work, it's soft!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, Xiaoyan's eyes rose with a very bright light.

"Little reptile, I say you are not my opponent!"

Just then, a sound of ridicule came.

I saw Long Xiangtian looking at Xiao Yan, with a smile on his face.

"Old miscellaneous, what aura you are!"

"You are just a little bit stronger than me in terms of physical fitness!"

"The war has just begun. Do you have a conclusion now? Is it too early?"

Listening to Long Xiangtian's words, Xiao Yan's eyes narrowed.

At the same time, the breath of Xiao Yan's body skyrocketed.

"Too early?"

"Little reptile, it seems that you have not lost sight of the Yellow River!"

"I'll do it for you!"

It was okay for Xiaoyan to say nothing, and Xiaoxiang laughed wildly when Xiaoyan said this.

That look, it seemed that he had heard some funny jokes and couldn't stop.

"Fulfill me?"

"I'm here to fulfill you!"

The cold voice sounded, and Xiao Yan's body was unparalleled.

Immediately, Xiao's figure flickered and disappeared into the void.

When he reappeared, Xiao's figure was tangled directly towards Long Xiangtian.

At this moment, on the scales of Xiao Xiaolong, a bright golden light shone.

"Little reptile, want to trap me?"

"Let's take a look. Is it your physical strength or my strength!"

Looking at Xiao Yan tangling towards himself, Long Xiangtian's expression looked cold, his face cold.

The next moment, Long Xiangtian didn't hesitate, the figure flashed, and he tangled up towards Xiaoyu.

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