Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1924: The true face of Long Xiangtian

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Chapter 1924: Long Xiangtian's True Face

"Boss, these disciples of the sky are really surrendered!"

Looking at this scene, Xiao Yan's face couldn't help raising a touch of joy.


"I'm afraid it won't be so smooth!"

Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed suddenly, and a touch of cold coldness rose.

"Boss, what do you mean by that?"

"Do you mean anyone will come to find the difference?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiaoyan's brow tightened, and her eyes were even more refined.

"This dragon has been in charge of Tianminghai for so many years, he will not surrender so easily!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely serious.

"Boss, what if the dragon does not surrender to heaven?"

Hearing that Xiao Xiao's expression sank.

"What to do?"

"What do you say?"

Mo Wentian didn't answer, but asked the question back.

"Boss, this dragon's strength in the sky is in Tianminghai. He is the strongest other than the master of that day!"

"This person is still useful!"

Xiao Yan groaned for a while, said in a deep voice.

"Since this matter has been assigned to Magic Sky, this should naturally be handled by Magic Sky!"

The cold voice sounded, his eyes looking at the magic sky.

"Elder, I have heard the words of these disciples!"

"You have always been motivated, and you want to replace me!"

At this moment, the magical sky flashed and disappeared into the void.

When he reappeared, he appeared in front of the elder Long Xiangtian, and his voice was extremely cold.

"Now that you have heard everything, I have nothing to explain to Long Xiangtian!"

"They're right, I just want to replace it!"

"You are often not in Tianming Sea. I am dealing with things in Tianming Sea. Aren't you longing for martial arts? You can go after your martial arts, why do you come back!"

"On this day, I can dominate the underworld!"

Listening to the words of Xuantian, Long Xiangtian stood up instantly and looked at Xuantian, saying nothing at all.

In Long Xiangtian's heart, he was always dissatisfied with Dragon Rain, the master of the heavenly sea.

He always thinks that his management ability is stronger than Long Yu, and he even thinks that Long Yu is better than him except that he is better than him.

He wanted to replace Long Yu, but he ignored a problem, and even if the Long Yu in front of him wasn't magical, he couldn't agree.

After all, in the heavenly world, strength is the last word.

"It seems that you Long Xiangtian is very dissatisfied with me!"

Xuantian froze slightly, and then came back and said coldly.


"I'm very dissatisfied with you!"

"You're willing to surrender to a ant who can't be restored to the emperor's realm, I don't want to!"

"A lot of my disciples will not be willing!"

Long Xiangtian said at this moment that he had not concealed it directly.

Said, Long Xiangtian's eyes looked towards the countless disciples of Tianminghai.

I do n’t know. This look of Long Xiangtian could not help but be shocked. Ninety percent of his people have already bowed down towards Mo Wentian.

Those disciples, the eyes at the moment, fell on Mo Wentian, and in their expressions, they were full of respect.


"how can that be?"

"How can you just surrender his Master Longyu so that the boy is not even our Tianminghai people, you are willing to submit to the hands of an outsider!"

Long Xiangtian pointed at the disciples who were kneeling down, angrily.

However, no matter how Long Xiangtian said, those disciples who fell to the ground did not respond at all.

That looks like he didn't hear what he said.

Long Xiangtian was about to explode at this moment. The breath on his body was skyrocketing at this moment.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, Long Xiangtian's figure flickered and disappeared into the void.

"not good!"

"Boss, this old mess wants to escape?"

Watching Long Xiangtian disappear and disappear, Xiao Yan's expression instantly dignified, and said quickly.

"He won't escape!"

"He's just trying to get revenge on the disciples these days!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely indifferent.

"You ungrateful people, die for me!"

The sound of Li Li sounded, Long Xiangtian punched directly towards those disciples in Tianminghai.


"Elder, you ..."

"Do not……"



Screams screamed, and those figures flew backwards.

A strong **** smell spread even more.

Dozens of disciples were directly beheaded by Long Xiangtian.

At this moment, Long Xiangtian's fist, the slightest heat was still bubbling.

"Is the elder crazy? He beheaded the people who followed him!"

"It's really lucky. Before the elders wanted to win me over, I didn't agree, otherwise I might have been punched into a flesh!"

"The elder, it just doesn't make sense, how can he treat his people like this!"

"The elder did so only to chill those who followed him!"

"The elder actually beheaded and killed so many disciples in Tianminghai in front of the Lord of the Realm, and I am afraid that Jiezu was going to hit him!"


The thick **** smell came, and the countless disciples of Tianminghai couldn't help taking a sip of cool air, and their eyes rose with a touch of astonishment.

Their bodies, at this moment, could not help but take a few steps back.

At this moment, the elders have no image in their hearts, especially the disciples who originally followed the elders, and are even more chilling at this moment.

In their hearts, at this moment, they were determined to listen to the words of the magic sky, and surrendered to Mo Wentian's hands.

As for Long Xiangtian, they want to be as far away as possible.

"Long Xiangtian, you are looking for death!"

"This is all my disciples in Tianminghai. You have been so violently beheaded. Today, I am going to clean up the portal for the dead disciples!"

Listening to the sounds of the discussion, the look of the magical sky was cold.

The icy voice sounded, and the breath on Phantom's body suddenly skyrocketed.

"Master, the elder was just confused, he didn't mean it!"

"The lord of the world depends on the usual merit of the elders, and spare the elders this time!"

And just when Magic Sky wanted to attack the dragon and the sky, the three figures stood together in front of Long Xiangtian.

These three figures are not others, but the remaining elders.

They have always been the first elders. Longyu is about to shoot at the dragon and sky, and they naturally want to stop it.

After all, Long Xiangtian is alive and well for them.

"Rao Xianglong?"

"It seems you don't want to live anymore!"

Phantom was unmoved, and his expression became even colder.

"Master, you don't spare the elder, but don't blame us for being rude!"

Listening to the words of Xuantian, the breath on the three of them suddenly skyrocketed, and the voice became colder.

"it is good!"


"It seems that the three of you were bought by Long Xiangtian. Since you want to die with him, don't blame me!"

Xuantian's eyes narrowed suddenly, and the killing in his eyes rose instantly.

"Boss, these people are still useful, can't they all be killed?"

Looking at the magic sky, he was about to make a shot, and Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a light.

"Magic sky he and the cent!"

A faint voice sounded, Mo Wentian had no worries at all.

"Master, don't blame us!"

"Although your cultivation has reached the early stage of the Emperor, we are four!"

"Also, our elder, with half of the product, is in hand. If he takes it, his strength is not much worse than you!"

And at this moment, the second elder stood out, looking at the sky in front of him, and there was a gloomy glare in his eyes.

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