Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1927: Dragon to Heaven

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Chapter 1927: Dragon's Transformation

At this moment, the second elder was really afraid!

At this moment, he has only one thought in his heart, and that is to survive.

The power of Xuantian is really terrible!

"Tongtong ..."

At this moment, the two elders made a bang and bowed down.

His body was trembling even more.

That looks like he was afraid that Xuantian would kill him.

"Submit, the second elder will be willing to submit!"

"The two elders have already surrendered, and I will not be his opponent!"

"I'm willing to surrender too. If you don't surrender, you'll be dead!"

"Yeah, I'm willing to surrender too!"


Watching the second elders surrender, the three elders and the four elders paused for a while, then returned to God, and they quickly bowed down to the magic sky.

They looked instantly respectful.

"Boss, they really are willing to surrender!"

Looking at this scene, Xiao Yan looked at Mo Wentian, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.


"Just surrender!"

Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

In fact, the surrender of these people was as expected as Mo Wentian.

But these people surrendered so quickly, but it was somewhat unexpected.

These elders, Xiu Wei, have reached the top of Tianzun, and the two elders Xiu Wei have reached the perfection of Tianzun.

The strength of these people is still good. Now the trouble of relying on heaven has not been solved. It is very useful to conquer these people.

"Boss, will this big elder surrender?"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something. Xiao Xiao's eyes looked towards the dragon and the sky, and a touch of coldness rose in his eyes.

"Is this Presbyterian surrender?"

"He will surely submit!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a flash of cold mang flashed.

"Surely surrender?"

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiaoxiong opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"You ... you all betrayed me!"

"Don't forget that your loved ones are still under my control. You have surrendered to him and you are not afraid that I will kill them?"

At this moment, Long Xiangtian, who came back from the drowsiness, looked at the second elder and others, and said with a murderous expression on his face.

At this moment, Long Xiangtian was really angry!

His fists were clenched tightly, and the terrible punches spread even more.

The breath on him was skyrocketing, except that he took half of Pindan, and now he has been backfired.

"What does the elder mean by this? The elder is asking the second elders!"

"The elder actually wanted to sacrifice several other elders. I thought it was the second elder who faithfully obeyed them, but I didn't expect to be sacked!"

"The elder is such a person, he will not let the second elder surrender them!"

"The lord of the world is completely outraged. The two elders are not subject to submission. This is simply looking for death!"

"The elder said so now, but he would also surrender. The elder has always valued life!"


As Long Xiangtian's remarks came out, one after another, there was a quick discussion.

Their eyes now fell on Long Xiangtian's body.

Among these disciples of Tianminghai, those who were originally loyal to Long Xiangtian, have now changed their minds.

At this moment, their hearts were even very fortunate, they surrendered to Mo Wentian.

Otherwise, their end must not be better.

"Long Xiangtian, I think you are looking for death!"

"You won't submit, you won't let them submit!"

"And you even caught the family of several elders and beat them, and I will give you one last chance!"

"If you don't submit to my master, go on the road!"

Listening to the sound of the discussion, the magical eyes flashed a complex touch of light, drinking coldly.

At the same time, a horrific killing intention on the magic sky, shrouded toward the dragon toward the sky.

"Huh ..."

With the horrible coercion invading the heavens, Long Xiangtian was attacked.

With a moan, blood squirted out of his mouth.

At this moment, the breath of Long Xiangtian dropped rapidly.

At the same time, Long Xiangtian's body shivered even more.

"Long Xiangtian, don't you surrender?"

Seeing that Long Xiangtian hadn't spoken yet, the breath on Xuantian's body became more and more terrifying.

Xuantian stepped forward and walked towards the dragon toward the sky.

"You ... what do you want to do?"

Watching Huantian walking towards himself, Long Xiangtian only felt a breath of death and shrouded toward him.

His body couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't submit, take you on the road!"

The cold voice sounded, and in the eyes of Phantom Sky, there was no limit to killing.

With that said, Magic Sky stepped directly on Long Xiangtian's body.

"No ... don't kill me!"

"I surrender!"

Xuantian stepped on his body, Long Xiangtian felt the breath of death and came over him.

"Submitted? The elders also obeyed!"

"I said that the Presbyterians were subservient. The lives of the elders are more important than anything!"

"The elder spoke so hard, I thought he was not surrendering!"

"He really surrendered, he surrendered!"

"It is more than necessary to surrender to that, and to accept the half of the emperor Dan. He surrendered, and only one life was left. His cultivation is impossible to break into the realm of Heaven!"


Watching Long Xiangtian promised to surrender, countless days of warriors in the underworld, they instantly discussed.

"Master, he surrendered!"

At this moment, looking at Long Xiang Tianchen, Huan Tian looked at Mo Wentian, looking respectfully.


"Yuer, you step down first!"

Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded, coldly.

"Yes, Master!"

Magic Sky nodded.

Immediately, Magic Sky turned and retreated.

"Long Xiangtian, you are willing to submit!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian's eyes fell on Long Xiangtian and several elders.

Looking at several elders, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Submit, I am willing to submit!"

"Senior, I surrender, I am willing to surrender, as long as you don't kill me!"

"I'm willing to surrender!"

"Senior, spare me. As long as you leave me alive, I'm willing to do anything!"

"As long as you don't chop me, I'm willing to do anything, I'm willing to go up and down!"


As Mo Wentian said this, Long Xiangtian and others came to Mo Wentian's side.

Looking at Mo Wentian, said respectfully.

"You are willing to surrender, good!"

"Let go of your mind!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.


"I'm willing to be happy, as long as I don't kill me, I will!"

When Mo Wentian said this, Long Xiangtian said quickly.

Said, Long Xiangtian let go of the moment.


"I'm willing to surrender!"

As Long Xiangtian let go of joy, the second elder and others knelt before Mo Wentian.

Their minds also let go instantly.

But when Long Xiangtian and others said this, countless disciples of Tianminghai were shocked in their eyes.

"Let it go, elders, they really let go!"

"The elders let go of their minds, and what is the difference between the dog who made this kid!"

"Really happy, let go of their minds, their lives and deaths are in the hands of this kid!"

"Why do they obey this kid? Is this kid really the master of our master?"

"If you let go of your mind, you will not be free!"


Countless disciples in Tianminghai exploded the pot.

At the same time, their hearts were puzzled.

They could not understand why Long Xiangtian surrendered to Mo Wentian.

But what they don't know is that in the hearts of elders and others, life is the most important thing. As for the face, it is all outside life.

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