Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1932: Heavenly anger

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Chapter 1932: Heavenly Wrath

"I'm willing to surrender!"

"Master, we are willing to submit to you!"

"We are willing to follow the leader of the realm and march toward the summit of martial arts!"


The next moment, every figure stood out, then bowed down towards Mo Wentian, their faces were full of respectful expression.

"Longyou, you are doing well!"

Looking at this scene, Mo Wentian's mouth raised a touch of radian.

"Thank you, Lord, this is what Longyou should do!"

Long You said slightly to Mo Wentian, Shen Sheng.

"You are fine, Bendi is very satisfied!"

"Let's all get up!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian looked at the numerous Tianminghai disciples in front of his eyes, and said with a smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, Master!"

"Yes, Master!"


Every voice sounded, and then countless disciples of Tianminghai stood up.

"From now on, when Bendi is away, you all listen to Longyou's arrangements!"

"Also, remember to the emperor, the emperor's temper is not very good. For those who do not obey the order of the emperor, those just now are your end!

"You better listen to the emperor honestly!"

It seemed to remember something, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold and extremely cold, cold drink.

As Mo Wentian said this, everyone just felt that a cold chill struck instantly.

They couldn't help shaking their bodies.

"Yes ... yes, Lord, we will never disobey your orders!"

"Master, we must obey you!"

"Master, we will not be disrespectful to you, everything will listen to Master!"

"Yes, Master!"


Slightly hesitated, returning to God, countless disciples of Tianminghai quickly agreed.

Do n’t ask about the terribleness of the sky. Although they have n’t seen it, the terrible lord of the heavenly sea world has seen it.

What's more, Longyou has already said so, even if they look at Longyou's face, they have to surrender.

At this moment, Long You was instantly elevated in their hearts.


"Longyou, the Emperor of the Underworld will give it to you this day!"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

Immediately, watching Long You, said coldly.

"Jesus master rest assured, Tian Ming Hai I will manage well!"

Long You swears his answer.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, Mo Wentian's figure flickered and disappeared directly.

"Boss, wait for us!"

Watching Mo Wentian's figure disappeared, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian looked at each other and said quickly.

The next moment, a figure of a dragon and a monster flashed, and quickly followed.

As for the old tortoise and several other elders, Mo Wentian also let them stay in the heavenly sea.

In Devouring Heaven, he must go back and take a look first.

After all, people who rely on heaven might have gone to trouble.

Mo Wentian wants to conquer these people in Tianminghai, and stays in this Minghai as his hidden strength.

An hour later, Mo Wentian and other figures appeared again in the middle of Tianminghai when they appeared again.

At the moment, in the middle layer of Tianminghai, Mo Wentian and others appeared, and all of them greeted them quickly.

"Ask Brother Tian!"

Watching Mo Wentian appear, Tianhu rushed over and rushed into Mo Wutian's arms.

Looking at this scene, Mo Qingqing and Yinger flashed a complex light in their eyes.

"Sky Fox!"

Don't ask Tian a handful of foxes in his arms, the crickets are getting tighter.

"Ahem ..."

"Did you just go to the treasure house of Tianminghai?"

Looking at Mo Wentian and Tianhu snuggling together, Mo Qingqing coughed softly.

"Yes, I've been to the treasure house of Tianminghai!"

"It's just the treasure trove of the underworld this day. I only went into the outer and middle layers. I haven't entered the inner layer!"

"Do you know any way to crack the inner layer of the treasure house of the Underworld this day?"

Mo Wentian did not conceal in the slightest, and admitted it directly.

Suddenly, thinking of the inner layer of Tianminghai's treasure house has not been opened, which makes Mo Wentian's heart very curious.

"Can't open the inner layer of Tianminghai's treasure house?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Mo Qingqing's eyes flashed a faint light, which lowered the voice.


"The inner layer of the treasury of the Underworld cannot be opened this day!"

Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

On the inner layer of the Treasure Chamber of the Ming Dynasty, although Mo Wentian has not been in it, Mo Wentian has a hunch. In the inner layer of this treasure house, there must be a lot of cultivation resources.

"I don't have a solution for the treasure house of the Underworld this day!"

Mo Qingqing's eyes flashed.

"There is no way to solve it!"

"Except for the Lord of the Heavenly Sea, I have conquered it. When the Lord of the Heavenly Sea returns, I will subdue it. The treasure house of the Heavenly Sea is always in the hands of the Lord of Heavenly Sea. , After conquering him, the treasure house can naturally be opened! "

The next moment, it seemed that I was thinking of something. In the eyes of Mo Wentian, a cold cold mang rose.

"Boss, the world of Minghai is mainly coming back!"

"Are we coming back to this day?"

Suddenly, Xiao Xiao aside seemed to think of something, and there was a faint light in his eyes.

"It's time to go back to Devour!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Yinger and I followed you to go and eat the gods!"

Wen Yan, Mo Qingqing said quickly.


With a cold drink, Mo Wentian flickered and disappeared.

Seeing this, all the figures followed quickly.

And when Mo Wentian and others went back to eat the heavenly realm, leaning on the heavenly hall.


There were violent sounds.

I saw a middle-aged man sitting on the Lord, full of anger.

If Mo Wentian was here, he would have recognized that the man sitting on the Lord was relying on heaven.

Yi Tianlai made a fist and shot directly. One of the disciples in that hall relied on his body and flew out.


A bite of blood spewed out of that disciple's mouth.

The breath on that disciple was extremely weak.

"Kai ... Kai Lord!"

"We really didn't find the old man's news!"

"We haven't found the news of Mo Qingqing!"

The disciple wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, said in a deep voice.

This disciple talked about the old man, and it was Mo Motian.

When Mo Tian came to rely on heaven to find trouble, he turned into an old man.

Therefore, in the minds of the disciples who rely on heaven, and even on Tianlai, they haven't thought that it was Mo Wutian.

"No, you dare to come back!"


This disciple is okay. When this disciple comes out, Yi Tianlai's eyes are bound to kill.

He punched again and blasted towards the disciple's chest.


A violent collision sounded.

The disciple's figure flew upside down again.

But this time the vitality of this disciple has disappeared.

This disciple has fallen!

"What's the matter? The Lord seems to be angry again?"

"I heard that the disciple who went out looking for the news of the old man and Mo Qingqing came back to report it. It should be that the news of the old man and Mo Qingqing had not been received. The master of the world was angry!"

"That obituary disciple has fallen!"

"The Lord of the Realm is really ruthless. Even if we don't get news, we can't kill people!"

"The lord of the world didn't take our lives to heart at all!"


Feeling the atmosphere in the hall, countless disciples relying on heaven to discuss.

In the minds of the disciples who rely on heaven, when Mo Wentian came to provoke contradictions, the minds of disciples who depended on heaven had already changed their views on relying on heaven.

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