Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1934: Heavenly tricks

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Chapter 1934: The Trick To Come To Heaven

"I have a feeling that the old man was the kid who killed Yu Hao in the sky!"

"Otherwise, how could he come to me to rely on heaven to provoke a dispute for no reason, and let Mo Qingqing escape from our dependence on heaven!"

Looking at Yi Tianlai's impressive face, there was a flash of light in the eyes of Tai Shang Elder.

"Too elder, it seems you've found something!"

"What news do you have about the kid's whereabouts?"

Listening to Elder Tai Shang's words, Yi Tianlai's eyes flashed a flash of cold mang quickly.

"I don't know that kid's news!"

"But don't you have a portrait of that kid?"

"It shouldn't be difficult to find news about that kid's portrait!"

After groaning for a while, it seemed to be remembering something. He was too elder and serious.

"You reminded me, I remembered it!"

"The kid still has a portrait in it. In the heavenly realm, relying on my relationship from heaven, it is not so difficult to find the kid!"

Wen Yan, Yi Tianlai's eyes flashed a light.

"Come here!"

Thinking like this, Yitian said without any hesitation.

"Jiezhu wants to let people in again, I won't go in. Those who entered just now to report have been killed by Jiezhu!"

"I don't want to go into the hall either. The Lord of the Realm is angry and I will die!"

"The lord let us in, we must have someone in. If we don't go in, once the lord is angry, we won't get better in the end!"

"The Lord of the Realm is so tyrannical, I don't want to go into the hall!"

"Yes, I don't want to go in, at least I can live a little longer without it!"


With Yitian's cold drink, countless disciples outside the hall instantly exploded the pot.

Some disciples even fled directly in all directions.

Although some disciples remained in place, their bodies were trembling. As they entered the hall, they did not have such a thought in their hearts.

Previously, Yitianlai was still good in the hearts of these disciples, but after this questioning by Mo Wentian, Yitianlai beheaded and killed many disciples who depended on heaven, which made many disciples feel cold.

What's more, most of the disciples in Yitianjie now want to escape from Yitianjie.

In their hearts, they really wanted to change Yitian.

"Master, IMHO, you were a bit past last time!"

"You can't just kill the disciples at all, this will chill the disciples' hearts!"

Listening to the sound of the talk, the eyes of the elder Taishang flashed a complex ray of eyes, which lowered the sound of the Tao.

Although the elder Tai Shang has just retreated, he knows what happened to rely on heaven.

He was very chilling about Yitianlai's approach.

If it were not for Yitianlai to have a close relationship with him, he would even want to directly withdraw from the position of lord of Yitianlai.

"Thank you, Mrs. Elder!"

"I will pay attention to this!"

In the eyes of Yitian, the light passed by.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, Yitian didn't hesitate, the figure flashed and disappeared.

When he reappeared, Yi Tianlai's figure appeared outside the hall.

"Rely on the sky, if you are still killing innocent people and disregarding your life, you can't blame me!"

"My signboard cannot be smashed into your hands!"

Looking at the direction in which Yi Tianlai's figure disappeared, Taishang's eyes narrowed slightly, said in a deep voice.

Outside the hall at this moment, a figure has appeared.

This figure, not others, is relying on heaven.

Yi Tianlai's breath converged, and the corner of his mouth even raised a touch of radian.

"It is the Lord of the Realm. The Lord of the Realm has come out of the hall?"

"Jiezhu just let people in. We didn't go in. Jiezhu is not angry, right?"

"Does n’t the Lord want to kill us?"

"We are disciples who rely on heaven, and also his disciples. How can he behead us?"

"No, there is no intention of killing the master, and the corners of the master are still radian. The master is not here to kill us!"


Looking at Yitian coming out of the hall, countless disciples who relied on heaven talked.

At this moment, their bodies could not help but take several steps back.

That looks like fear of relying on heaven.

What's more, some disciples who are lower in cultivation are trembling.

"So scary?"

Seeing those disciples looked terrified, leaning against the corner of his mouth, he couldn't help raising a radian, and his face was kind.

In front of him, this reliance on the sky was almost normal.

Countless disciples relying on heaven, looking at this scene, can't even believe their eyes.

They thought they were dizzy and blinked hard, but they opened their eyes and saw the kindness of Yitianlai's face.

"Jie ... Jie Lord, no!"

"We wanted to enter the hall, and you came out!"

Yi Tian came to this word, and a figure stood out from the crowd.

Although this person tried to suppress the fear in his heart, it was difficult to hide a little tremor in his voice.

"You're fine!"

"The Lord has given you one thing!"

"Last time I asked you to take a portrait to find someone, you have no news yet, this time, you must give me a strong search for that person!"

"If you find the clues of that boy, I have a reward!"

Looking at the disciples standing out, Yi Tianlai's heart rejoiced and nodded with satisfaction.

With a wave of Yitianlai's hand, an elixir appeared in his hand.

With the emergence of this elixir, a rich and incomparable scent of medicine spread.

On this elixir, every trace of Danshen is striking, and it is not ordinary at first glance.

"This ... This is the fifth-level peak of the elixir. This elixir seems to be the most effective booster to increase physical fitness in rumors!"

"Zengshendan? Is it the warrior who can make Tianzun in the early stage? After taking this zengshendan, his physique can directly compete with Tianzun's successful strong man!"

"This Zengzi Dan is so terrible, the master of the world even took out all the elixir, and also said that there was news of the boy, and there is a reward!"

"What's wrong with the lord? Why is it so costly to find the news of that kid!"

"Yes, even if the relationship between Yu Tianjie and the Lord of ours is not ordinary, don't you need to?"


Looking at the elixir, countless disciples who depend on heaven have a bright light in their eyes.

In their hearts, they were even more shocked.

According to their understanding of Yitianlai, Yitianlai was utterly indifferent, but he even took out Zeng Ti Dan, and said that he had greater rewards. How did these disciples' hearts not be surprised?

At this moment, their bodies could not help but take a few steps back.


"You don't want this booster?"

The disciple who looked at him stood out with a stern face, and the expression of relying on the sky changed a little, and his voice was a bit cold.

"Master, this ..."

"This increase Dan, I want!"

"Thank you, Lord!"

"I must do what the Lord of the World commands!"

The voice of Yitian came again, and the disciple of Yitianjie who stood up quickly came forward to take Zeng Tidan, thanking him.

When he was holding the Zengdan Dan, the disciples' eyes seemed unbelievable.

"Taking the things of the Lord of the Realm, we need to get things done for the Lord of the Realm!"

Looking at that disciple, Yi Tianlai's eyes flashed a cold man's way.

"Yes, Master!"

"I must live up to the Lord!"

The disciple knelt down towards Yitian, looking very respectful.

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