Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1941: No chance

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Chapter 1941: No Opportunity

"To the people who deserve it!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light.

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Tianhu and Mo Qingqing looked at each other, and they did not ask any more.

"Let ’s go down and practice first!"

"I make elixir and it consumes a lot, so I need to restore it!"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

"Okay, ask Brother!"

"Okay, boss!"

"Yes, Master!"


With Mo Wentian's remarks, all the figures in the hall quickly left the hall that consumed the gods.

Between the moments, the entire hall of Devouring Heaven Realm was left with Mo Wentian alone.

"I want to stand on top of the sky, and the road is still far away!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, wondering the look of heaven, instantly dignified.

"I don't care so much!"

"Restore your strength!"

Immediately, what seemed to come to mind, Mo Wentian sat down cross-legged.

"God Eater!"

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian directly started to eat Tianshenjue.

With the operation of the Devourer of Heaven, the surrounding aura quickly gathered towards Mowentian.

Mo Wentian's breath, which was originally due to the refining of the elixir, also stabilized at this moment.

"Ask the Lord of Heaven, it's terrible!"

"Refining thousands of elixir at one time, this is simply too much to call it evil!"

"Smelting alchemy? This is the first time I've heard of it!"

"Yeah, it's an honour to be able to see the Alchemy of Furnace Alchemy with my own eyes!"

"It will not be bad to follow the Lord!"


But outside the hall at the moment, the eyes of Ji Wujing and others fell on the figure sitting cross-legged in the hall.

Their eyes were full of admiration.

At the same time, the awe of the figure in their hearts increased countless times.

Two nine-spot purple soul pill, and the countless fifth-level peak of the elixir, floating in the void, until now they come to their minds.

It's not just Ji Wujing and others. The whole world of Devourers, countless warriors, has not returned to God for a long time.

But with the sound of Qi Yun's voice, countless disciples of Devouring the World of God instantly exploded the pot.

"The master of the world has refined thousands of elixir this time, and all these thousands of elixir have been distributed to us!"

"Now, we will distribute elixir according to the height of Xiu Wei!"

Qi Yun looked at the countless disciples of heavenly gods and said coldly.

"What? The lord of the world actually made thousands of elixir this time, and all these thousands of elixir were distributed to us?"

"The level of refining the elixir this time is not low. Generally, it is the fifth-level elixir. If the elixir is refining, it must be a certain distance even if it cannot be broken into a small realm. It's not far to break through the next realm! "

"Isn't the Lord of Jiefang refining the elixir just now? Are all these elixirs made by him alone?"

"Did you not hear what Master Qi Yun said just now? These elixir are all made by the master of the world!"

"The Lord has given us all these elixir. We must follow the Lord's order in the future!"


Each figure was full of awe-inspiring expressions, a moment's glance, and when they returned, they talked instantly.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

Qi Yun also distributed all the elixir.

Thousands of disciples who have eaten the gods of heaven have distributed an elixir.

"Long live the emperor!"

"Thank you Emperor for granting Dan!"

"Thank you, Lord!"


Holding elixir, countless warriors fell to the ground.

In the next few days, from time to time, martial arts breakthroughs.

"Late Hundred Days!"

At the top of the Kingdom of Devourers, Mo Wentian glanced around, and the light in his eyes skyrocketed.

Beside Mo Wentian, Qi Yun looked at this scene, and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

The two hundred days of honor!

Such strength, but beyond the world ranked one hundred and one hundred!

"Only two hundred heavens later!"

"Talent is still too weak!"

Looking at excited Qi Yun, Mo Wentian shook his head slightly.

Even with the help of elixir, there were only 200 disciples from Qitianjie who broke through to the early emperor.

This shows that the qualifications of the disciples of Devouring Heaven are indeed inferior.

"Talent is too weak?"

"Monarch, this ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, and then looking at Mo Wutian's dissatisfied look, Qi Yun's expression changed instantly.

The look of excitement disappeared in an instant, replaced by a frown, and the eyes were very complicated.

The original disciples of Qi Tianjie were not very talented. After refining the elixir, they were trained to be able to be promoted to the later stage of Heavenly Respect. This seemed to Qi Yun to be very good. Very dissatisfied.

Then I thought about it, thinking of my own cultivation, thinking of the nine-spot purple soul dan that Mo Wentian gave him, Qi Yun's look suddenly dimmed, and his head dropped instantly.

"Qi Yun, your talent is actually pretty good!"

"But if you want to stay with Bendi all the time, your talent is still too bad!"

"However, you don't have to worry about it, Bendi will find ways to improve your talent!"

Looking at Qi Yun's dimmed look for a moment, Mo Wentian instantly saw Qi Yun's mind.

Reaching out and patting Qi Yun's shoulder, Mo Wentian said a slight grin, his expression indifferent.

"Qi Yun vows to follow the Lord!"

"It's just my talent, I'm afraid that's all it can be!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Qi Yun froze slightly, returning to God's eyes, Qi Yun's eyes rose instantly and moved.

But in his mind, it was clear that his talent was like that.

A person's talent is innate. If you want to change a person's talent, this is a thing you can't even imagine!

"Qi Yun, although your own conditions are worse, but your martial arts heart, the emperor appreciates it!"

"Bendi promises you that he will find an opportunity to change his talent!"

Looking at Qi Yun's unconfident appearance, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of coldness, but his voice was extremely firm.

"Thank you, Lord!"

Looking at Mo Wentian's vowed look, Qi Yun didn't want Mo Wentian to worry about himself, and his mouth reluctantly slightly raised, his face grateful.

At this moment, Qi Yun's heart secretly made up his mind. He must cultivate well and improve his strength.

His strength has been improved, and it is the biggest reward for Mo Wentian!

Thinking about this, Qi Yun's eyes raised a firm light.

"By the way, what's abnormal in our Devouring Heaven world these days?"

Suddenly, what seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light.

"Going back to the Lord, I just wanted to report to you!"

"According to reliable news, the celestial master Yu Zhentian and those who rely on celestial heaven are looking for your whereabouts!"

"Your portraits are circulating everywhere!"

"Go on like this, I'm afraid it won't be long before he finds it on your head!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Qi Yun's eyes were full of respectful expression.

"Looked at the Emperor's head?"

"They don't have this opportunity!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian's mouth slightly lifted, and a wicked smile spread instantly.

This Devouring World was just established by him. It is impossible for him to hurt his Devouring World.

As for Yitianjie and Yutianjie, he still can't come forward to fight against it, but he wants to avoid Yitianjie and Yutianjie, which is not difficult at all.

As long as he doesn't want people who rely on Tianjie and Yu Tianjie to find them, they can't be found at all.

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