Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1944: Beastmaster's Fury

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Chapter 1944: The Beastmaster's Fury

"Ask Brother Brother, I ..."

"Where am I jealous? I see. This is my small eye!"

"I should go and apologize to Mo Qingqing and Yinger!"

Tianhu looked up, looked at Mo Wentian, and said sincerely.

In the past, Mo Wentian told her once, and she also apologized to Mo Qingqing and Yinger, but Mo Qingqing asked her brother often, and once again, Tianhu's heart raised jealousy.

But now Mo asked Tianyi said that Tianhu's heart disappeared instantly.

What's more, Tianhu's heart reflected on it.

"Tianhu, it's good that you can do that!"

"But this is not the time to apologize to them!"

Watching the change in the look of Tianhu, Mo Wentian's mouth, the rising radian, became richer.

But the next moment, what seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a tricky eye.

"Ask Brother Tian ..."


Suddenly, the temperature rose throughout the courtyard.

"Let's go ahead and do something serious!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian picked up Tianhu with a smile on his face and walked towards the courtyard.

Tianhu was full of shame and buried Qiao's face in Mo Wentian's arms. Qiao's face seemed to be dripping with water at the moment.

As Mo Wentian and Tianhu entered the small courtyard, a murmur of sounds resounded.

It's just that in this small courtyard, Mo Wen had been banned for a long time. If it hadn't been banned, I'm afraid that the whole god-eating world would have heard the sound of this cricket.

It took a full day for the noise to stop.

"Woohoo ..."

Mo Wentian exhaled a rough breath.

"Ask Brother Tian ..."

At this moment, Sky Fox, with a shame on his face, has changed his clothes.

In an elegant room in the courtyard, the room was full of fragments of the original Sky Fox clothing.

"Tianhu, do you feel any change in your breath?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. Mo Wentian looked at the sky fox, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

Sky fox is an ancient fox family. Previously, the **** Shenzhu said that the cultivation of the sky fox was to break through the realm of the emperor, and he could awaken the power of Yin.

Unable to say why, Mo Wentian had a strong premonition that Tianhu's cultivation was not far away from the emperor's realm.

But Mo Wentian was on Tianhu's body, but he didn't feel the abnormal breath at all, which made Mo Wutian's heart raise a doubt.

"Change in breath?"

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​I always feel a strength in my body, and that strength is colder than the strength of my ice!"

"But this power can't hurt me, but this power, I know it's terrible!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Sky Fox's expression suddenly became serious.

Since returning from Tianminghai, she can occasionally exert that power, but that power is not under her control. It seems that the power is free. If you want to come out, do n’t want to come out. come out.

"You can use that power occasionally?"

"It seems that you are not far away from the power of Awakening Yin!"

Mo Wentian looked at Tianhu, and couldn't help raising a smile on his face.

The awakening of this overcast power is a good thing for both Tianhu and Mowentian.

Once Sky Fox awakens the power of the sky, Sky Fox's strength will increase several times.

In this way, Mo Wentian's strength in the whole world of Devouring Heaven will also increase.

"The awakening of the overcast power is also at risk!"

But the next moment, what seemed to be thinking, Mo Wentian's expression faded instantly.

It is inevitable that when the power of extreme Yin awakens, it will attract some people's attention.

Thinking about this, Mo Wentian's brow froze tightly.

Sky Fox's extremely awakening power is not good for Sky Fox if it attracts some people's attention.

"My strength must be improved before Sky Fox awakens the extremely overcast power!"

In his mouth, he whispered to himself, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a firm eye.

His cultivation must be promoted, and he cannot let Sky Fox be harmed.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​after hearing that you are going to conquer other worlds after three days?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, and in the eyes of Tianhu, there was a flash of light.


"The strength of our Devourer World is still too bad, and the strength must be expanded and improved!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​I'll go with you!"

Sky Fox reached out and pinched Mo Wentian's neck, and said with a firm face.


"Let's all go together!"

Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

And just when there was harmony in the heavenly demon world, a figure in a hall of the heavenly demon world jumped up.

This figure, if Mo Wentian is here, must be recognized, this figure is not someone else, it is the beast owner of the orc who entered the passage with Mo Wentian.

The breath on the beast owner has reached the initial state of the emperor at this moment. The breath on the body is not very stable. His cultivation should be just broken into the early period of the emperor.

The breath on this person was violent, his fists clenched, and his eyes were terrible.

"Beastmaster, do you want to enter Tianxian Realm again?"

In the hall, the man sitting in the black robe sitting on the Lord's seat looked at the hands in the hall, and said in a cold voice.

"Master, my Xiuwei has reached the realm of Heavenly Emperor. Don't you say that my Xiuwei can go to Tianxian Realm to kill the kid as long as he reaches the realm of Heavenly Emperor?"

In the eyes of the beast owner, there was a flash of light.

"Do you know what the kid was doing in the heavenly realm?"

The man sitting on the Lord looked at the Beast Lord, his face cold.

"What about that kid?"

"What about that kid?"

Listening to the man's words, the beast owner almost blurted out subconsciously.

"But the kid offended Yi Tianjie and Yu Tianjie. Yi Tianjie and Yu Tianjie are now looking for him everywhere!"

The corner of the man's mouth grinned slightly, raising a wicked smile.

"Relying on heaven and Yu Tianjie?"

"Are these two worlds strong in the heavenly realm?"

I heard that in the eyes of the beast owner, a bright light rose instantly, and he asked quickly.

"This Tiantian Realm and Yu Tianjie both rank in the top five hundred in Tianxianjie. Their strength, in Tianxianjie, can be said to be in the middle of the top!"

The voice of a man is extremely deep.

The whole body was shrouded in a black robe, and the man's slightest expression could not be seen.

"Ranked into the top five hundred?"

"In the heavenly world, there are a total of 1,200 worlds, and the strength of entering the top five hundred will not be worse!"

"Master, to what extent is that kid's strength now?"

"What state has he reached?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, and a complex gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the beast owner, she asked in a deep voice.

"I don't know the boy's strength, but I know that his cultivation is now the Emperor's consummation!"

"In addition, I got reliable news that this boy is in the heavenly realm, but he has established a force called the heavenly world!"

"And he continues to conquer the forces and improve his strength to eat the gods!"

Speaking of Mo Wentian's conquering forces, the man stood up from the main seat, his eyes burst into a cold mang, his voice was even colder.

"Establishment of the Devourer Realm?"

"This boy, it seems that he wants to walk on the old road of ancient relics again!"

"Expanding strength, with my beast owner, he did not want to expand strength in the heavenly world!"

"Boy, I won't let you succeed!"

Listening to the man's words, in the eyes of the beast owner, there is no limit to killing.

At the same time, the breath on the beast owner's body rapidly increased.

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