Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1949: Force world

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Chapter 1949 Force Heaven

"Okay, boss!"

Hearing that Xiao Xiao didn't hesitate, and agreed quickly.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, Xiao's figure flickered and disappeared into the hall.

"This little sister ..."

Seeing Xiao's figure disappeared, Mo Wentian couldn't help shaking his head.

Xiao Yan has been following Mo Wentian for so long. Mo Wentian knows Xiao Xiao very well.

Xiao Yan is belligerent, Mo Wentian knows that whenever he says there is a war, Xiao Yan is definitely the most active one.

However, because Xiao Yan was so belligerent, Mo Wentian was also worried.

After all, the war is not a joke, it's a terrible thing to say.

For a moment, two figures appeared in the hall.

These two figures are not others, but Xiaoyan and Qiyun.


Looking at Mo Wentian, Qi Yun said respectfully.

"Get up!"

Mo Wentian lifted his hands slightly, Qi Yun's body stood up involuntarily.

"Qi Yun, what is the next world of this blame?"

Suddenly, what seemed to be remembered, Mo Wentian looked at Qi Yun and asked coldly.

"Does this blame the next world of heaven?"

"Master, the next world that resents Tianjie is Litianjie. The people in Litianjie are as famous as they are, and their muscles are extremely powerful. From a distance, it looks like a A giant! "

Qi Yun froze slightly, returning to God, and quickly said.

"Li Tianjie?"

"The strength of this heavenly realm?"

With a whisper in his mouth, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"Going back to the Lord of the Realm, the strength of this force is really great, and what they are best at is strength!"

Qi Yun looked at Mo Wentian, looking respectfully.

"How much do you know about the situation in Litianjie?"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light.

"Master, we haven't had much contact with this world!"

"But I know the strength of their lord, their cultivation has reached the perfection of the Supreme Master!"

Qi Yun's expression suddenly became serious.

Tianzun's perfect cultivation is not too difficult to solve for Mo Wentian, but the hard part is that the master of the realm of heaven is good at strength.

"Tianzun is complete?"

"It's still good!"

Listening to Qi Yun's remarks, Mo Wentian didn't have any worries, and the corner of his mouth was a little grin, but he even raised a radian.

In that way, it seemed that he did not look at the people in this world in the slightest.

"The Lord ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian, Qi Yun's eyes were full of magnificence.

He opened his mouth and tried to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

"Qi Yun, gather ten thousand Xiu as the strongest disciple, set out with the emperor, and go to force heaven!"

"No! All disciples follow this emperor to Litianjie!"

The cold voice sounded, Mo Wentian's power was terrible.

"Yes, Master!"

Hearing that, Qi Yun quickly agreed.

Immediately, he turned and exited the hall directly.

"Boss, go and conquer a celestial world, do you want all our disciples to go?"

And at this moment, the magical figure flashed, fell on Mo Wentian's shoulder, and stretched out his furry claws, scratching his head.

"To conquer the heavens, naturally we don't need all our disciples to go!"

"But people who rely on Tianjie and Yutianjie will find them soon. I can't let the remaining disciples bear their anger here!"

"To face us together!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's body spread like a king of coercion.

"Boss, you're right!"

"To face us together!"

As soon as Mo Wentian said this, Xiao Yan and Huan Tian looked at each other almost in unison.

"The people who depend on Heaven and Yu Tianjie don't know how many people will come to this meeting. Will they come?

The next moment, it seemed that I remembered something, and asked Mo Tian's look and became serious.

"Boss, even if we come here, we are not afraid now!"

"Mo Qingqing's cultivation is not bad, and Yinger, plus we can block him even if this person comes from Yitian!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a faint light, a deep voice.

"Although there is only a small difference between Tiandi and Tianzun, there is a big difference in strength between them, so don't belittle this person!"

Do not ask the look of the sky, slightly dignified.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's mind emerged from Yi Tianlai's shot.

Although relying on Tiantian's strength, Mo Wentian has not experienced it directly, but he has already seen it. Although Mo Qingqing's strength is already good, compared with Yitian, he is a little witch.

But I ca n’t tell why. At this moment, speaking of Yitian coming, Mo Wentian has no worries at all.

"Boss, don't care so much!"

"Let's go and conquer Li Tianjie!"

Looking at Mo Wentian's solemn look, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a trace of refined light.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

"Master, I have assembled!"

"As soon as the Lord's order is issued, we can start!"

Just then, a figure appeared in the hall.

This figure is Qi Yun. Qi Yun looked at Mo Wentian with a respectful look.


Mo Wentian just spit out a word coldly.

Said, Mo Wentian stepped forward and walked outside the hall.

Outside the hall at this moment, countless disciples of devouring the heavens and spirits bowed down to worship Mo Wentian.

Their looks were extremely respectful.

"Meet the Lord!"

"Meet the Lord!"


Every sound resounded through the entire Devouring Heaven world.

"Let's all get up!"

"You are all disciples of this emperor, kneel without moving!"

Mo Wentian raised his hands slightly, his expression indifferent.

As Mo Wentian raised his hand, it seemed that there was an upward force, dragging their bodies up.

Every figure stood up involuntarily.

They looked at Mo Wentian, and they couldn't help raising a touch of light.

"Thank you, Lord!"

"Thank you, Lord!"


Mo Wentian said these words, and the figures were standing slightly towards Mo Wentian.

"All of you will go to Li Tianjie with this emperor!"

"Let's go and conquer Li Tianjie!"

Mo Wentian looked at the countless disciples of heavenly gods and said coldly.

"Conquering the power of the heavens? The strength of the power of the heavens is not a little bit stronger than the original Qi heaven. The world mainly leads us to conquer Qi heaven."

"What? Could it be that you dare not go?"

"The Lord of the World gave us cultivation resources and elixir. Our cultivation has improved a lot. Now we are not the disciples of Qi Tianjie, but the disciples of Devouring Heaven. Farewell, why is Li Tianjie afraid? "

"Yes, our strength has improved a lot. Even our talents have been strengthened a lot. What are you afraid of?

"Don't say it's Li Tianjie, even if the world is stronger, we are not afraid!"


Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, the countless disciples of heavenly gods talked.

At this moment, the breath on them quickly rose up.

One by one, they seemed to fight chicken blood, and the warfare on each one grew rapidly.

From these arguments, it is not difficult to know that at this moment these Qi Tianjie disciples who were subdued by Mo Wentian have completely surrendered.

They are not just verbal, but unknowingly, their hearts have been surrendered, and their admiration for Mo Wentian is beyond concealment.

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