Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1951: Go to Ice Heaven

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Chapter 1951: Going To Ice Heaven

"This treasure trove is really hard to find!"

"Spirit, spirit, drive!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's discouraged words, Mo Wentian flashed a cold, cold drink.

With his cold drink, Mo Wentian's spirit and consciousness unfolded instantly.

"Buzz ..."

The spirit and soul are unfolded, and the surrounding scenes are instantly presented in Mo Wentian's mind.

Mo Wentian also knows the location of the treasure house of Litianjie.

"Boss, can you find out this treasure house of Litianjie?"

Looking at the change in Mo Wentian's expression, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed.

"Under the Litianjie Hall!"

Mo Wentian's voice was extremely cold.

"The location of this treasure house of Litianjie is really unique, even under the hall!"

Listening to Mo Wentian has explored the location of this force heaven treasure house, Xiao Yan's tight brows also spread out instantly.

"A unique location for the treasure house?"

"When you say this, there seem to be some, you have seen many treasures, but no one's treasure is under the hall!"

The corner of Mo's mouth couldn't help but raise a radian.

"Boss, let's go to Li Tianjie's treasure house now and take all the resources of Li Tianjie?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be thinking of something, Xiaoyan's eyes flashed a light.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

The next moment, Mo Wentian went straight to the treasure house of Li Tianjie without any hesitation.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan and others quickly followed.

A moment later, the crowd appeared in the hall.

"Boss, how do you go down this hall?"

Entering the main hall, Xiaoxiong looked around for the institution that entered the main hall, but he could not find it.

At this moment, Xiao Yan could only look at Mo Wentian.

"It's just a ban!"

An indifferent voice sounded, and Mo Wentian directly printed a secret with both hands.

As the Dao Yinjue came out, in the void, that restraint disappeared instantly.

Appearing in front of Mo Wentian was a door. Above that door, two striking words appeared.

treasure house!

"Boss, is this the treasure house of Litianjie?"

Looking at the word "Treasury" that appeared, Xiaozhang faintly looked back, and Xiaozhang said with a stern expression on his face.

"Go in and see!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely indifferent.

With that said, Mo Wentian walked towards the door.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan and others quickly followed.

As for the countless disciple of Devouring Heaven Realm, the treasure house of Li Tianjie can't hold it either. These disciples are waiting outside.

"Booming ..."

As the door opened, countless cultivation resources were presented in front of everyone.

"These resources are a bit poor!"

"Xiaoyu, Magic Sky, you collect these resources first!"

Looking at those resources, Mo Wentian shook his head slightly, lowering his voice.

That seems to be very dissatisfied with these resources.

However, these cultivation resources are not enough for Mo Wentian.

After all, the treasure house of Tianminghai has already been collected except for the inner layer. This ranks more than 1,100 treasure houses of Litianjie, naturally it cannot be compared with Tianminghai.

"Okay, boss!"

"Okay, boss!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian quickly agreed.

Immediately, the two flashed their figures and began to gather training resources.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​after we have collected these resources, shall we go to Bingtianjie?"

At this moment, Tianhu seemed to be thinking of something. Looking at Mo Wentian, Tianhu's eyes flashed a light.


"This ice heaven, we must go!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Ask Brother Tian ..."

Looking at Mo Wentian's firm face, Xiaoyan opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

"Boss, the resources in Li Tianjie Treasury are all here!"

The small figure flickered and fell in front of Mo Wentian.

Also appearing in front of Mo Wentian, there was a string of space rings.


"These resources can barely cultivate some disciples!"

Looking at the series of space rings, Mo Wentian swept away and shook his head.

"Boss, Li Tianjie's resources have been collected. Should we go to Bingtianjie?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a faint light, and it was difficult to hide the anxious expression on his face.

"You little sister!"

"Bendi said that he would definitely go to Bingtianjie. Are you in a hurry?"

Looking at Xiaoxi's anxious look, Mo Wentian gave a slight grin, and couldn't help raising a radian.

"Boss, I'm thinking of doing something and I should make a quick decision!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiaoyao couldn't help but pouting at Mo Wentian, a little anger and a deep voice rose in his eyes.

"A quick battle?"

"Are you sure you are making a quick decision?"

And at this moment, the magical figure flashed, looking at Xiao Yan, and said it was interesting.

"Magic sky, you ..."

"How dare you laugh at me?"

It's okay for Magic Sky to say this. When Magic Sky's words came out, Xiao Yan's anger suddenly surged.

"Mocking you?"

"You're right, I'm laughing at you!"

"Magic sky, you ..."

"You are abominable, I will not spare you!"


Suddenly, a dragon and a monster started to argue.

Looking at this scene, Mo Wentian couldn't help laughing and shook his head.

"Well, do you still want to follow this emperor to Ice Heaven!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian smiled and said coldly.


"Boss, I want to follow you to Bingtianjie!"

"Boss, I'm going, too. How can I be better off with such good things as Bingtianjie!"

"My sister-in-law must teach them something and let them know that my sister-in-law is amazing!"


Mo Wentian's voice came, Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian stopped fighting immediately.

The two figures flashed and landed on the shoulders of Mo Wentian.

Looking at Mo Wentian, the two quickly said.

At this moment, they had a little anxiety on their faces, it seemed that they were afraid that Mo Wen would not take them to Bingtian Realm.

"You dragon and demon!"

"What a happy couple!"

Looking at the moment of harmony between a dragon and a demon, Mo Wentian raised the radian again.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​let's go to Bingtianjie!"

Just then, Mo Qingqing's voice came.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

Immediately, Mo Wentian flickered and disappeared in the hall of Litianjie.

When he reappeared, Mo Wentian's figure appeared outside the hall of Litianjie.

Watching the appearance of Mo Wentian, the countless disciples of heavenly gods talked.

"Jie Zhuo came out, Jie Zhu went in for a quarter of an hour and came out!"

"Do n’t the Lord enter the Treasury of Litianjie, wasn't it in order to seize the resources of the practice of the Treasury of Litianjie? He came out of the treasure house so quickly. Could the marrying group's resources be seized so quickly?"

"I don't know what resources will be in this treasure house of Litianjie!"

"The masters have taken all the resources from the Li Tianjie Treasury, and it is time for us to go to Bingtianjie!"

"Bingtianjie will no longer exist, only we will eat Tianjinjie!"


Watching Mo Wentian's figure appeared, countless disciples who devoured the world of heaven exploded.

They looked at Mo Wentian, and they couldn't help raising a touch of admiration.


"All the disciples who eat the gods of heaven, all follow the emperor to go to the ice heaven!"

Looking at the countless disciples of Devouring Heavenly Swords, Mo Wentian said coldly.

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