Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1956: Not an opponent at all!

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Chapter 1956: Not An Opponent At All!

Unable to say why, at this moment, there was a deviation in the victory and defeat of this war.


Just then, in the void, a fierce collision came.

A figure flew upside down.

The figure that flew upside down was not Mo Wentian, but the master of the force heaven.

That gigantic figure smashed a hole in the ground of dozens of feet.


A bite of blood spewed out of his mouth.

"This ... how is this possible?"

"Your self-cultivation is the perfect condition for the Emperor. Even if you realize the dragon fist, the power you exert will not be so terrible!"

Wiping the blood from the corner of his mouth, the master of Li Tianjiejie stood up and looked at Mo Wentian. His eyes were full of fascination.

The dragon master of the power of the Celestial Dragon Realm knows this, but in his opinion, this boxing technique has a great relationship with human cultivation.

In the same boxing method, the stronger the strength of the training, the more terrible it is.

But in front of Mo Wentian, the Emperor Xiu was complete, and Shenlongquan was terrible, but Mo Wentian displayed it, how could it be more terrible than his gravity boxing.

This really exceeded Mo Wentian's expectations.

"Lose, our Lord lost!"

"The lord of Li Tianjie is not the kid's opponent?"

"This boy is too terrible, but this boy has no injuries at all, and the master of Li Tianjie has flew out!"

"How can this kid's strength be so strong? Does he hide that he cannot do it?"

"His cultivation is not hidden. The atmosphere on his body is always only the emperor's perfection!"


Looking at this scene, countless disciples of Li Tianjie and Bing Tianjie returned to God, and their eyes were full of fascination.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't have believed it. An emperor's successful warrior would have injured the respected and powerful man with one punch.

At this moment, in the hearts of countless disciples of Li Tianjie and Bing Tianjie, he never dared to ask questions.

What's more, at the moment, some martial arts' hearts are rising with admiration.

That's admiration for the strong!

"This man is so good!"

"Where did he come from, let alone the leader of Li Tianjie, not his opponent, nor am I!"

Listening to the sound of the talk, the celestial world master not far away, there was a complex gleam of light in his eyes, and the dark road in his heart.

"Now you know our boss is terrible!"

"Look at it, there are two more tricks, this celestial master must lose!"

"Your celestial realm and ice celestial realm will soon become my **** eater!"

"I'm your little sister, he's your magician, but remember!"

Watching the change in the look of the Lord of the Bingtianjiejie, Xiao Yan's figure flickered, and he fell in front of the Lord of the Bingtianjiejie, with a flash of light in his eyes, a proud expression on his face.

That looks like the posture of a winner.


Looking at Xiaoyao, the owner of Bingtianjie was so angry that he opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"I said, you won't be my opponent!"

And at this moment, Mo Wentian looked at the master of Li Tianjie with a look of indifference.

In fact, Mo Wentian's lap was somewhat unexpected, and in his opinion, his punch was at best equivalent to that of the master of the Celestial Realm.

I didn't expect that the punch of Li Tianjie Realm did not hurt him at all, but his punch hurt Li Tianjie's Realm.

Thinking about this, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light.

"It seems that the breakthrough of the sixth-level Kowloon Eucharist of my immortal body is still very helpful to my strength!"

Suddenly, it seems to be thinking of something. In Mo Wentian's eyes, a dazzling ray of incomparable light rises, the secret way in his heart.

It turned out that Mo Wentian didn't think that the breakthrough of the Jiulong Divine Body was of great help to the strength, but this was a collision with the master of Li Tianjie, Mo Wutian was already very clear.

"Will not be your opponent?"

"It's not three moves that determine the outcome. This is one move. It's too early!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the eyes of Li Tianjiejie flashed a cold mang, his face cold.

Although Mo Wentian's strength has exceeded his expectations, Keli Tianjie's heart did not give up.

He even had luck in his heart.

In the previous move, he didn't show his full strength. He showed only 80% of his strength.

"I can beat him with a full blow!"

With a whisper in his mouth, the eyes of the Master of the Realm of Heaven were full of firmness.

"Come again!"

The next moment, the master of the Litianjiejie didn't hesitate at all, and shot again with a punch, heading towards Mowentianhong.

"Bite your sword!"

"Breaking the sword!"

At this moment, Mo Wentian was not resigned.

With a cold drink, he directly displayed a sword breaking the world.

"Buzz ..."

With the sword breaking out of the realm, the terrible sword intention in the void is extremely wanton.

The Devouring Sword of God greeted the gravity fist in the void.

And just as Mo Wentian's figure was approaching the Lord of the Heaven Realm, Mo Wentian's figure flashed and disappeared into the void.

When he reappeared, Mo Wentian's figure appeared behind the master of Li Tianjiejie.

A sword shot directly and stabbed towards the chest of Litianjiejie.

"not good!"

"This kid is so fast, I can't stop it!"

Feeling a terrible sword strike, the master of Li Tianjie wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

Just when Li Tianjiejie thought that Mo Wutian's sword was about to pierce his chest, Mo Wutian's sword stopped in the void.

"This ... this kid didn't even get a sword!"

"Fast speed, I didn't even see the afterimage!"

"Li Tianjie's Lord lost, it was a complete loss, not the kid's opponent at all!"

"That sword didn't fall. If it was stabbed towards the chest of Li Tianjie, the master of Li Tianjie would be a dead body at the moment!

"Who the **** is this guy? How could his strength be so terrible?"


Looking at this scene in the void, the crowd couldn't help taking a breath.

At this moment, they couldn't help but wonder about their identity.

At least in this heavenly realm, they have never heard of a successful emperor of the emperor, who can defeat the powerful one of heavenly respect.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never have believed that the strength of a person was not simply measured by cultivation.

"Today is a good day for your Litianjie and Bingtianjie. I will not kill you!"

"One more trick, are you still fighting?"

Don't ask Tian Aoli to stand in the void, looking at the opposite Lord of the Heaven Realm, a flash of cold mang flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Mo Wentian, the Heavenly Devouring Sword, which is only a short distance from the master of the Litian Realm, has been put away.

"Still fighting?"

"I ... I won't fight!"

"The result has been divided, and it doesn't make much sense for me to fight again!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the master of the power heaven world took a deep breath.

Regarding Mo Wutian's strength, although he did not know what Mo Wutian's limit was, he already knew that he was not Mo Wutian's opponent at all.

In the original collision, Mo Wentian defeated him. He thought it was accidental, but the second time he gave a full blow, he did not even touch Mo Wutian's body.

And Mo Wentian's Devouring Sword has already appeared on his chest. If it weren't for Mo Wentian's mercy, where can he stand here at this moment.

At this moment, the sweat beads on the forehead of Litianjiejie were all the size of raindrops and could not stop falling.

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