Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1966: United front

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Chapter 1966 United Front

"No ... dare not, Master, we will go back to practice immediately!"

"Yes, Lord, let's go back to our own courtyard!"

"The Lord is angry, we all listen to the Lord!"

"The Lord is angry!"


The terrible coercion struck, and the disciples nearly fell to the ground.

Talking, every figure, quickly rolled away quickly.

Watching those figures leave, Magic Sky waved his hand and closed the door to the treasure house.

Not only that, Magic Sky also placed a ban in front of the treasure house. Although this ban is not strong, it can also delay him.

"Boss, let's go out!"

Xuantian looked at Mo Wentian, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

Immediately, Magic Sky walked directly outside the treasure house.

Looking at the magical sky with Mo Wentian walking towards the main hall, countless disciples of heavenly heaven, eyes full of doubt.

Especially for the figure shrouded in black robes, they were extremely curious.

"Jiezhu went to the treasure house just now, why did he come out!"

"Who on earth is the man in the black robe?"

"The breath on this person can't feel the slightest. Is this person's cultivation better than our master?"

"The owner is very kind to this person. The identity of this person must not be low!"

"Does the Lord of the Land send him away, or does the Lord of the Land leave us to rely on Heaven?"


Each figure looked at Mo Wentian and Huan Tian, ​​and talked.

As for these discussions, Magic Sky didn't bother to pay any attention, but just strode toward the gate of Yitianjie.

For a moment, Magic Sky and Mo Wentian had already left the gate of relying on heaven.

At the moment, outside the gate, San Qianying's face was anxious, waiting for Mo Wentian and Magic Sky to come out.

Watching Mo Wentian and Huan Tian come out, Tianhu and Mo Qingqingyinger quickly greeted them.

"Ask Brother Brother, will things be done?"

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​are you okay?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Mo Qingqing and Tianhu quickly asked.

"I'm fine!"

"All the cultivation resources in the heavenly treasure house have been taken away, but the cultivation resources in the heavenly treasure house are really a little small!"

Do not ask the look of the sky, slightly dim.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​since the cultivation resources of this heavenly treasure house have been taken away, we no longer need to stay in this heavenly kingdom!"

"When you entered the treasure house of Yitianjie, but you saw that elder elder came out!"

"We shouldn't stay here for long!"

"Let's leave early?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, and Mo Qingqing's eyes flashed a worry.

"This day we are about to leave Tianyi Realm. Yitianlai has been waiting for us for a long time. We should also meet him!"

Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed, and there was a flash of cold mang in his eyes.

"Will you meet him in Devouring Heaven?"

"Boss, is there another battle?"

As soon as Mo Wentian's voice fell, a figure appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

This figure is not someone else.

"It's a battle!"

Looking at Xiao Yan's delight on his face, Mo Wentian couldn't help shaking his head.

Tian Devils Realm must go back. Mo Wentian wanted to see it. What kind of scene would it be if Yitian came to see himself!

If told him, he relied on the cultivation resources in the treasure trove of the heavens, all of which he had taken away.

I do n’t know what it ’s like for Yitian to hear this?

Thinking about this, Mo Wentian's mouth couldn't help raising a radian, and he was looking forward to it.


"Let's go back to Bingtian Realm first and bring the disciples of Devourer Realm back!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, there was a flash of light, and in the deep voice, it was extremely cold.

With that said, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, the figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Seeing this, Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian quickly followed.

Sky Fox and Mo Qingqing returned to God and followed them.

An hour later, Mo Wentian and others were already in the Bingtian Realm when they appeared again.

"Meet the Lord!"

"Meet the Lord!"


Watching Mo Wutian's figure appeared, countless disciples bowed down towards Mo Wutian.

Their looks were extremely respectful.

"Let's all get up!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely indifferent.

"Ji Wujing!"

Suddenly, it seemed to remember something, Mo Wentian's eyes were cold, looking at Ji Wujing, said coldly.


Hearing that, Ji Wujing didn't hesitate at all, and hurried out, and his body took a step forward.

"To convene disciples in the world of Devourers to reach the disciples who are above the level of Heavenly Supreme!"

"Follow this emperor to go back to devour the heavens!"

"In the world of Devouring Heaven, Yitian is waiting for the Emperor!"

"This battle, we must face the gods!"

Looking at Ji Wujing, Mo Wentian said with a cold face.

"Yes, Master!"

Ji Wujing took a deep breath and agreed quickly and respectfully.

In Ji Wujing's heart, Mo Wentian has become his master. Mo Wentian's strength has grown, but he has seen it.

Regarding Mo Wentian, Ji Wujing's heart, in addition to admiration or admiration.

What's more, in his heart, he thought that being able to follow Mo Wentian was his blessing.

"Master, is this Yitian coming with all the disciples of Yitian?"

Suddenly, Ji Wujing seemed to think of something. His eyes looked at Mo Wentian, and his eyes were full of suspicion, he asked in a deep voice.

"According to reliable information, he brought five elders together!"

"The cultivation of these five elders has reached the perfection of Tianzun!"

Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes, Han Mang flickered endlessly, said coldly.

"Bring five elders, and they are all powerful men with perfect heaven?"

"Master, the battle is our whole thing that consumes the **** of heaven. More than the disciples above the top of the heavenly **** are going back to eat the **** of the gods. I think all our disciples who eat the **** of the gods should go back and fight against the gods!

At this moment, the breath on Ji Wujing's body quickly skyrocketed.

"All the disciples who eat the gods go back together?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex light.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's brow tightened.

"Boss, I think Ji Wujing is right!"

"Since all these disciples have become our Devourers, no matter what happens to Devourers, we should face them together so that we are together!"

At this moment, Xiao's figure flickered and fell on Mo Wentian's shoulder, with a serious face.

"You're right!"

"Yes, we should face them together!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's heart has his own plan!

Except for the disciples who conquered Tianminghai, the disciples who conquered the world of resentment, Bei Mo Tianjie and Bingtianjie Li Tianjie all anxiously, went back to eat the gods together.

Although these disciples' cultivation is not strong, Mo Wentian will not let them go to war, but at least let them feel that they are standing on the united front with Devouring Heaven.

"Ji Wujing, summon all the disciples of the Ice Heaven Realm and the Heaven Realm!"

"Let's go back to eat the gods together!"

Immediately, Mo Wentian looked at Ji Wujing and said coldly.

"Yes, Master!"

Ji Wujing did not hesitate at all, and quickly agreed.

"Boss, what do you want?"

Hearing, Xuantian's heart was a little confused.

I opened my mouth and wanted to say something, but thousands of words were swallowed back, but in the end nothing was said.

"We are all together, we should face this war together!"

Mo Wentian looked at Huantian and said with a firm face.

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