Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1968: The beginning of the war

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Chapter 1968: Beginning Of The War

"Go back and talk!"

In the eyes of Mo Wentian, a touch of cold mang rose.

Immediately, Mo Wentian headed for the heavenly **** world.

Xiao Yan and others followed.

And at this moment in the world of Devouring Heaven, in the eyes of Yi Tianlai, there is no limit to killing.

"Master, why hasn't that guy come yet?"

Of the five elders who followed Yitian, a figure stood out.

"Buzz ..."

As soon as the disciple's voice fell, a figure appeared in the void.

The figure that appeared in the void was not others, but the man in the black robe who came to report to Yitianlai.

"That kid is coming towards Devouring Heaven!"

"You are waiting here and he will be back in less than a day!"

The voice of the man in black robes was extremely deep.

"Thank you!"

Yi Tianlai was originally full of anger, but he heard the words of the man in the black robe. The anger of Yi Tian dissipated a lot.

The killing in his eyes disappeared instantly.

What's more, Yitianlai also arched his hand slightly towards the black robe man, thanking him.

For this man in black robes, Yitian couldn't feel the breath on him.

The practice of relying on heaven has reached the early state of the emperor, and even the practice of the early state of his emperor cannot sense the breath of the man in the black robe.

"That kid isn't a good stubble. You won't kill him today, and he won't let you go!"

"For the sake of meeting you and me, I'll give you an elixir. This elixir can make your cultivation and improve quickly!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. The man shrouded in the black robe flashed a tricky glance in his eyes, and his face was cold.

"Buzz ..."

Talking, a jade bottle appeared in the hands of the man in the black robe.

In this jade bottle, there is an elixir, a strong scent of medicine, spreading out.

"What is this elixir?"

Watching this elixir appeared, Yi Tianlai's eyes flashed a cold cold mang.

"This elixir can improve your cultivation in a short time!"

"Your cultivation has reached the early stage of Heavenly Emperor. If you take this elixir, your strength can be comparable to that of Heavenly Emperor, even more than that of Heavenly God!"

The man in black robes groaned for a while, and the somber voice was loud.

The whole man in the black robe was shrouded in the black robe, and he could not see the emotion of the man at all.

"What? Taking this elixir will increase my strength to the middle of the Heavenly Emperor, or even go beyond the middle of the Heavenly Emperor?"

Yitian came to look at the man in the black robe with eyes full of eyes.

At this moment, Yi Tian's heart went a little bit moved.

"Master, isn't this elixir the rumored blood-eating dan?"

"This elixir looks like it has become red with blood. It's really the same as the blood-sweeping rumor in the rumor!"

"If it is said that the elixir is blood-consuming elixir and has taken him, then the strength of our master will be improved again. The kid must not be the opponent of the master!"

"The strength of the lord, that kid is not an enemy at all, what great place does that kid have besides a mouth?"

"You're right, that kid can't be our opponent's opponent at all!"


Looking at the blood-consuming dan, the five elders talked.

In their hearts, they are extremely confident in relying on Tian to kill Mo Wentian.

Their self-confidence is even more confident than that of Yitian.

You should know that the cultivation practice that relied on heaven has reached the early state of the emperor, but the cultivation practice of Mo Wentian is only the emperor's completeness.

This is just about cultivation, which is a big difference.

In terms of strength, there is a world of difference.


"This is blood consuming dan!"

The voice of the man in black robes was extremely deep.

"It will take a lot of money to make this blood-consuming dandelion a success!"

"Just give me this blood consuming dan, can you tell me your identity!"

"In this way, after I beheaded the kid, there is a place for me, and I'll give you back!"

Looking at the man in the black robe, the look of reliance on heaven is sincere.

"Give me back?"

"This is not needed!"

"You just need to know, I'll give you blood-consuming Dan, I just hope you will kill that kid!"

"Just don't live up to my expectations!"

The voice of the man in the black robe was extremely cold.

"Buzz ..."

After that, the figure of the black robe man flashed and disappeared in place.

As the man in the black robe left, leaned back and forth to God.

In his hand, at this moment there was a jade bottle, which was the blood-consuming dans left by the man in the black robe.

The blood-consuming dan was extremely red, as if it had been stained with blood, and a violent force was even more wanton on blood-consuming dan.

"Do not worry!"

"I will definitely kill that kid!"

Yi Tianlai's eyes flickered, and a cold cold mang rose in his eyes.

At this moment, a figure appeared in a valley not far from Devouring Heaven.

The enchantment of this figure was billowing, and in his hand, there was a note of transmission.

There is no doubt that this person is transmitting.

The breath on this person is exactly the same as the breath on the Demon Realm where the beast owner is.

"Master, I have already transmitted the information, and I have given him even the blood-consuming dan!"

"That kid must be dead this time!"

This person is not someone else, it is the man in the black robe who just talked to Yi Tian.

The magic of this person is rolling, he is the person in the demon world.

The note was quickly transmitted, but the person did not leave.

The person's eyes stared at the direction of Devouring Heaven, and the cold mang in his eyes flashed.

"Boy, your talent is actually good!"

"But unfortunately, you are too crazy!"

The cold voice sounded, and in the eyes of the man, it was extremely cold.

On this person, a terrible killing intention rose instantly.

The time of day passed quickly.

In the Devouring World, several figures descended from the void.

These figures are not others, but Mo Wentian and others.

"Boss, I didn't feel the breath of others?"

Xuantian's figure flickered, and her furry claws stretched out, scratching her head.

"Hahahaha ..."

"Boy, it seems that the information I got is correct!"

"Your boy really came back to die!"

"That being the case, I will fulfill you!"

Mo Wentiandu had time to speak in the future, and an evil laughter resounded.

Immediately, I saw six figures coming out from the heavenly **** world.

These six figures, headed by one person, are relying on heaven.

Yitian came to see Mo Wentian, and the killing in his eyes rose suddenly.

"Come back to death?"

"Old miscellaneous, it's up to you, you don't have this ability!"

Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed, and in his voice, the coldness could almost freeze people.

In front of Tian Yi, Xiu Wei has reached the initial state of the Emperor, but his breath is not very stable.

"Master, this boy's mouth has always been amazing!"

"Why don't you talk nonsense with him, let me take a shot and kill him!"

At this moment, among the five people behind Yitianlai, a figure stood out.

This figure is not others, but the elder of the five elders who rely on heaven.

The breath of the elder has reached the perfect state of Heavenly Supreme, and it is only a step away from the state of Heavenly Emperor.

Looking at Mo Wentian, this person offered to ask.

"Boss, this old mess seems very arrogant!"

"My little sister-in-law is the one who is more arrogant than me. Let me deal with him!"

Xiao Yan's figure flashed, looking at Mo Wentian, and quickly said.

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