Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1982: Painstakingly

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Chapter 1982: Hardworking

The figures of Mo Wentian and others already appeared in Yitianjie when they appeared again.

In the world of heaven, countless disciples gathered at this moment, and from afar, it was almost crowded.

"Boss, there are so many disciples who rely on heaven. It seems that this war is about to begin!"

Xiao Yan looked at this scene, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"The war is about to begin?"

"Go in and see!"

Mo Wentian's eyes narrowed, his face indifferent.

After speaking, Mo Wentian went straight into the crowd.

At this moment, all the people's eyes are on the two figures of Yitianlai and Yiyuan. Mo Wentian and others appeared without attracting anyone's attention.

Watching Mo Wentian heading towards the crowd, Xiao Yan and others followed quickly.

"Rely on the sky, and teach the laziness of less strict teachers!"

"I will teach you this wicked today!"

And at this moment, Yi Yuan's figure flashed, standing proudly in the void.

Looking at Yitian, said coldly.

"Yiyuan, do you still have a face?"

"I didn't do anything wrong. You even said that I was a criminal, and you still need to teach me?"

"You have to figure it out. When you weren't relying on Heaven, you occupied my position as Lord of the Realm and said what is for my good!"

"What is the reason for the Lord of Lords not to fall into the hands of others, wait for me to return this Lord of Lords to me, but I am back, my Lord of Lords?"

Listening to Yi Yuan's remarks, Yi Tianlai only felt ridiculous, and the evil smile rising from the corner of his mouth was extremely ridiculous.

Regarding Yi Yuan's dim thought, Yi Tian had always disdain to dismantle him, but he was so ignorant and embarrassing that it was no wonder he was.

He had already decided when he returned to rely on heaven.

If he returns to rely on Heaven, this Yiyuan honestly returns to him the title of Lord of Heaven. He may look at the sentiment of the master and apprentice and spare Yiyuan's life.

However, if he did not return him as the master of this realm, he would have to kill Yiyuan and put the soul of Yiyuan under the fire of the red lotus industry to burn it for thousands of years.

Obviously, Yiyuan now has no plans to return Yitian to this position.

This makes Yitianlai's heart not angry.

"What? The elder Tai Shang said that when Yitian came back, he would return the title of this lord to him?"

"Not only that, the elder Tai Shang also said that he came to be our lord, so that he would not fall into the hands of others!"

"What does the elder elder think, and what does he want?"

"Why the elder Tai Shang said to us is completely different to Yi Tian!"

"I think the elder is too trying to use our strength to help him sit in the position of Lord of this world!"


Listening to Yitian's words, countless disciples of Yitianjie exploded instantly.

At this moment, Yiyuan's image changed slightly in their hearts.

Their respect for Yiyuan in front of them is no longer that respect.

What's more, in the minds of some disciples, Yiyuan's mind is so deep that it is even more terrifying than Yitian.

"Shut up for me!"

"I relied on Yuan for the sake of you, but you didn't believe me at all, why should I do this!"

"What's more, you rely on heaven to kill and kill tens of thousands of disciples who rely on heaven. Do you think that disciples who rely on heaven still want you to be their master, and are they willing to accompany a tiger like you?

Listening to the sounds of discussion, Yi Yuan's heart was full of anger.

At the same time, the breath of Yiyuan was soaring rapidly.

This remark by Yi Tian has completely aroused the views of the disciples. This makes Yi Yuan's heart not angry.

If it is said that the eyes can kill, Yiyuan at this moment, among the eyes looking at Yitian, don't know how many times to kill Yitian.


"Old thing, are you angry?"

"When I get to the point, are you angry?"

"The disciples who rely on heaven are watching, this is the elder elder you have always admired, and you want to respect the master of the world!"

"Such a hypocritical person is really better than your own master to be your master?"

Looking at Yi Yuan's full of anger, Yi Tianlai's eyes flashed a light.

The next moment, Yitian came to see countless disciples of Yitianjie, said in a cold voice.

"Boss, is Yitian's mouth very powerful?"

"It seems that this war cannot be avoided!"

Among the crowd, there was a flash of light in his eyes when he watched this scene.

"A war cannot be avoided!"

"This reliance on Yitian's mouth is so powerful, this reliance will not be bad!"

"This will only get more and more lively, we all watch first, and when we should come out, we will come out again!"

The corner of Mo Wentian's mouth gave a slight grin and raised a radian.

"Okay, boss!"

"Everything is the boss's plan!"

"Okay, ask Brother!"

"Yes, Master!"


As Mo Wentian said these words and figures, he quickly agreed.

"Is the elder too real like Yitian said?"

"If the elder too is really like the one who relies on heaven, such a person is really not worthy to be our Lord of heaven!"

"Although Yitianlai is tyrannical, he is powerful, and his character is straightforward, not so hypocritical!"

"Staying by hypocrisy is actually the most terrifying!"

I really don't know, who is suitable to be our Lord of Heaven? "


And at this moment, countless disciples of heavenly heaven returned from the shock and talked.

At this moment, there was a mess in their hearts.

Regarding the words of Yitianlai and Yiyuan, they didn't know who to believe, but Yiyuan's words and faces that shut them up kept in mind.

Although they do n’t know who said this thing is true, what is certain is that not everything that Yi Yuan said is true.

"Ahem ..."

"Rely on heaven, I am angry!"

"I am angry that in my hands, I have taught a disciple like you!"

Listening to the argument, Yi Yuan knew that he had almost exposed his true face just now, and his expression was slightly relieved, and his expression was helpless.

That being said, in fact, at the moment, Yi Yuan's heart couldn't bear it and killed Yi Tian directly.

But Yitian hasn't shot at him yet. He wants to protect his image. He can't shoot beyond Yitian.

If he took the lead, he would confirm what Yi Tian said, and he would not lose the hearts of these disciples who rely on heaven.

After all, the person who wins the hearts wins the world, and he will not give Yitian the chance to win the hearts of the people.

The lord of the heavenly kingdom must be his, and only his!

Thinking like this, Yi Yuan's eyes were full of firm eyes.

"Hahahaha ..."

"Yiyuan, stop quibbling!"

"Your thought, in fact, everyone already has the answer, why do you do it again!"

Looking at Yiyuan, Yitian only felt ridiculous and couldn't help laughing.

"God, you and I have no grudges!"

"Before I became the lord of heaven, I already told my disciples, you just have to come back. Except for the lord of heaven, you also exist among thousands of people in heaven!"

"The disciples who rely on heaven will respect you!"

"God, don't do this again. If you do this again, you will only lose your support!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Yi Yuan's eyes flashed a light, and his face was sincere.

That looks like a master with a lot of emphasis, as if everything he did was to rely on heaven.

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