Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 1984: Phantom Dan?

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Chapter 1984 Phantom Dan?

"forgive me?"

"Old thing, what I didn't do, why should you forgive me?"

It's okay not to say Yi Yuan. When Yi Yuan said this, Yi Tian came to be furious.

Looking at Yi Yuan, Yi Tianlai's anger was skyrocketing.

"God, you witness, the four elders have been beheaded by you!"

"You have no evidence now that you haven't come back to Heaven!"

"Do you still have to quibble?"

"You refuse to admit it this way, you are really disappointed!"

Looking at Yi Tianlai's soaring anger, Yi Yuan's heart couldn't help rejoicing.

But the look of Yi Yuan still looked like a word.

The four elders have been killed by Yitianlai. This is a good opportunity for Yitianlai.

How could Yiyuan miss such an opportunity.

"Is it really relying on heaven to pretend to be our elder elder, and have we taken away all the cultivation resources of our heavenly treasure house?"

"When I relied on Heaven to be our Lord of the Realm, I took all of my resources as my own, and distributed to us disciples only a small amount of cultivation. Now he is not our Lord of Heaven. It ’s so abominable to have all the cultivation resources of Solo solo! ”

"Too elder must teach him a good lesson for us!"

"This time, even if the elder too let him go, we can't let him go. What four elders he said could testify to him, but the four elders have been beheaded by him!"

"I looked at Yitian because I was afraid that the four elders would sue him before they beheaded them!"


Listening to Yi Yuan's words, countless disciples of relying on the heavens suddenly made a noise.

They looked into Yitianlai's eyes and changed again.

At this moment, the breath of some disciples has grown rapidly, and the killing in that eye is even more unabashed.

If Yiyuan and others would not make any move towards Yitian, those disciples who rely on heaven would all come to Yitian and get back a fairness.

"Yeah, all four elders have been killed by me!"

"I was fooled by this old thing just now. If I had left the lives of the four elders, I would have a witness at this time!"

Take a deep breath, leaning against the sky, and regret it.

Yiyuan has been his master for so long, and he is too clear about his character.

Now thinking about it, Yiyuan had thought of this outing long ago and stopped it when he shot at the four elders.

For a while, Yi Tianlai's eyes flashed a cold cold mang.

"Tianer, hand over the cultivation resources in the treasure house of heaven!"

"You can't be the lord of heaven, but the elder of heaven can still do it for you!"

"This teacher can pack tickets for you. The disciples who rely on heaven will not treat you!"

Watching the change in Yitian's look, Yiyuan's eyes flashed a faint light and a deep voice.

"Yiyuan, stop talking nonsense!"

"This reliance on the cultivation resources in the heavenly treasure house, I did not take it from heaven, or I did not. Now you are the master of the heavenly world, you have lost the cultivation resources in the treasure house, you do not want to plant this thing in my head on!"

Originally, it was not done by Yitian. How could Yitian admit it?

What's more, at this moment, relying on the sky, has felt the countless disciples, the breath on his body, has skyrocketed.

Those figures looked at him and could not wait to kill him directly.

Not to mention that he did not take away the cultivation resources in the heavenly treasure house. Even if he took it, he would not admit it.

"Plant stolen? Is this really the elder's elder who stole the incident to Yitian?"

"The meaning of Yitianlai is that this elder elder has swallowed up the cultivation resources alone, and then returned all of this to Yitianlai!"

"Too elders have always been good at planning, and this may not be true!"

"If the elder Elder really swallowed up his cultivation resources alone and did not take it out for us to cultivate, he should not be our Lord of Heaven!"

"One of these two must have taken this resource away!"


At this moment, countless disciples of heavenly eyes stared straight at the two.

The eyes didn't blink, it seemed to be afraid of missing something wonderful.

"Relying on the sky, so much to induce you as a teacher, you are even reluctant to admit it!"

"Then don't blame the teacher!"

"A thousand years ago, I gave you a Phantom Dan. This Phantom Dan is in the heavenly realm, and there are not many of them. I bought it for you at a great price!"

"It's not just me who knows this, the managers are all clear about it!"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something, Yi Yuan's eyes flashed a faint light, and his face was cold.

"Diamorphic Dan? The diamorphic Dan is not just the rumor that you can be transformed into the appearance you want, but also the breath of that person, looks like the real person!"

"Isn't Yitian really taking Xingxing Dan and transfiguring it to look like the elder Tai Shang, right?"

"No wonder I always think that the elder Taishang who entered the treasure house is a little different from the current elder Taishang. Now I want to come, this is the case!"

"So, we rely on heaven to take away the cultivation resources from the treasure house of heaven!"

"This reliance on heaven is too abominable, it's not that we relied on the lord of heaven, but we also took away all the cultivation resources in our treasure house!"


It's okay not to say Yiyuan's words. Once Yiyuan's words came out, countless disciples of relying on heaven, his body surged.

In those eyes that looked at Yitianlai, the killing intention was terrible.

If the eyes can kill people, then the countless disciples who rely on heaven have already slapped countless times against him.

At this moment, in their hearts, they hated relying on the sky to grit their teeth.

"Shaped Dan?"

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​the magical Dan they said was the elixir you took when you and I entered Yitian Yuanjie to save Miss?"

Suddenly, Yinger seemed to think of something, and there was a faint light in his eyes, a soft voice.


"That's the illusion Dan. That illusion can not only transform the appearance, but also the breath of the person you want!"

Mo Wentian nodded, his face was extremely serious.

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​this Yitian seems to be out of touch!"

Wen Yan, Ying Er's eyes, the slightest rays of light flashed, the corner of her mouth could not help but raise a touch of arc.

"These disciples all know the existence of this magical Dan. It is impossible for Yitian to jump into the Yellow River and wash it!"

He breathed a long, soft breath, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light.

"No, according to Yi Yuan, this magical Dan, he gave Yi Tian a long time ago!"

"Is it possible that Yiyuan has a plan to plan ahead? I already expected this scene 10,000 years ago, or is he already planning to rely on heaven?"

"This heart is too terrible!"

Suddenly, what seemed to be thinking, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed awe-inspiring.

Yiyuan is so deep-hearted that even if he is not good at planning, he has to admire him at this moment.

The person is a bit older and the talent is a bit worse. If the talent and age are not weak, Mo Wentian even wants to subdue it for his use. Once such a person becomes his person, he can Help him do a lot of things.

Thinking about this, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

"Shaped Dan?"

"Old thing, are you embarrassed to tell me Phantom Dan?"

It's okay not to mention the magical Dan. When mentioning the Magical Dan, Yi Tianlai's eyes burst into anger.

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