Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2007: Degree

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Chapter 2007

The breath on Yitian was soaring at this moment.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, Yitian didn't hesitate at all, and his heart moved to control Yitian Ding.

But his abacus was miscalculated. His spirit was covered by Mo Wentian's spirit, and his mind wanted to control Yi Tianding. Without Mo Wentian's consent, he couldn't control it.

"What else can I do as your old mess?"

"Originally wanted to control Yitianding with your heart?"

"Your spirit can't move yet, can your heart move?"

"Old miscellaneous, you are really stupid home!"

Relying on the strength of heaven to come, Mo Wentian instantly understood.

Looking at Yitian, Mo Wentian sneered.

In his opinion, Yitianlai was ridiculous.

His soul was shrouded in shroud, and he even tried to use Yiding Ding to kill Mo Wentian?

"Yi Tianlai wants to use Yi Tian Ding to kill the kid? As long as Yi Tian Ding can control it and open it, I heard that Yi Tian Ding is a huge devourer, it can devour everything!"

"Yes, I also heard that this level of reliance on Tianding is not the peak of the imperial rank. It was only the early artifact of the imperial rank ten years ago. It consumed a lot of things and raised the level!

"That being said, this Tiantian Ding is really a good thing. If Tiantian can control this Tianding, this kid will really be swallowed up by this Tianding!"

"I really don't understand. An ant who has been cultivated to have only the emperor's complete success has a soul of 1,200 feet, which is incredible!"

"Where is this boy still human? This is simply evil, and I am afraid that it will be planted in his hands today!"


Listening to Mo Wutian's ridiculous words, countless disciples of heaven rely on them, and they talked instantly.

They looked at Mo Wentian, and a complex light rose in their eyes.

Originally, they determined that Mo Wentian would be killed by Yitian today.

But now, the story is reversed, and for a while, they can't see it.

"Boy, you are awful!"

"You shroud my soul, what do you want to do?"

Listening to the sound of the talk, Yi Tianlai's eyes flashed a bit of gloomy eyes, cold drink.

At the same time, Yitianlai's heart raised a bad hunch.

In front of Mo Wentian, although a smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, the smile fell into Yitian's eyes, but it was extremely dazzling.

But I can't tell why, but Yitianlai always felt that Mo Wentian would not kill him.

"What do I want to do?"

"The Emperor does not want to kill you, the Emperor wants you to surrender!"

"I want you to be a dog of this emperor, for this emperor's use!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian looked cold.

He is just in the heavenly realm, and he will not be slaughtered by relying on heaven.

What he needs now is strength, and by virtue of his current practice, if he wants to compete with other forces in the heavenly world, he does not have this strength yet.

But it would be much better to conquer this Yitian and Yiyuan.

"Want me to surrender?"

"Want me to be your dog?"

"Boy, don't you think about it!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Yitian's hands could not help but clenched, the bones creaked.

Looking into Mo Wentian's eyes, there was a terrible sense of murder.

Surrender? He is the lord of heaven, and his cultivation has reached the beginning of the emperor's realm, but in front of him, he ca n’t make the emperor complete.

The emperor's successful warrior is a cricket in front of him. How could he surrender to Mo Tian?

It was a shame to surrender Mo Wentian, and in front of the countless disciples of heaven, he could not surrender.

His image in the minds of the disciples who rely on heaven would not be good at all. If he surrendered to a successful emperor of the emperor, he would not be able to become the master of the heaven.

"Submit? This boy actually wants to rely on heaven to surrender? The practice of relying on heaven comes, but when he reaches the early stage of the emperor, he wants to rely on heaven to surrender?"

"This boy is too arrogant. If Yitian came to be our master, and we usually treat us well, we can't help at this time!"

"This is not our indifference. It is because Yitianlai usually treats us too harshly. We cannot find a reason to help him!"

"This boy will rely on heaven to conquer, and it will remove a scourge for us. It is time for us to rely on heaven to change another world master!"

"It's abominable to rely on heaven. It can be conquered today, and this is his retribution!"


Countless disciples of Yitianjie looked at Yitian, and there was a flash of light in their eyes.

In their hearts, at this moment there is a kind of happy feeling.

They don't have the slightest feeling for Yitian. They even hope that Mo Wentian will kill him.

After all, Yitianlai was so cruel to the disciple who relied on heaven, and beheaded at every turn. The disciple who relied on heaven didn't know how much he had been killed.

"Don't think about it?"

"What the Emperor wants to do, has not been done yet!"

Mo Wentian looked at Yitian with a cold look.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's 1,200-footed spirit was shrouded in the spirit of heaven.

"Boy, you ..."

"What do you want to do?"

As Mo Wentian's spirit came over him, Yitian was anxious.

As long as Mo Wutian's spirit was directly covered, he didn't need to agree, Mo Wutian would directly conquer him.

At this moment, Yitian came to panic.

In his heart, the bad hunch became stronger.

"What do you want?"

"The Emperor gives you one last chance, be honest and happy, and surrender to the Emperor!"

"Otherwise, don't blame the Emperor for suppressing you directly!"

"You are already in the early days of the Emperor. You must know the pain and consequences of the direct suppression of this spirit!"

Looking at Yitian, Mo Wentian said with a cold face.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's spirit is more and more enveloping towards Yitian.

In the void at this moment, a man shrouded in a black robe shrank his eyes.

"This boy is really abominable, he even suppressed it directly with spirits!"

"There are two more people here. It seems to be the kid, I want to take a shot, this is impossible!"

"Today, this kid is going to succeed!"

"However, this time your kid is over. When the adult sends someone, that's your death!"

Nana whispered in his mouth, the slain air of the man in the black robe was terrible.

If he hadn't sensed that there were also two figures watching the war, and it seemed that the two figures were people who could not ask the sky.

The man in the black robe had already started.

This time failed to use Yitian to kill Mo Wentian, but also lost a **** blood Dan, the man in the black robe against Mo Wentian's intention of killing, became more and more terrible.

"The pain of direct suppression?"

At this moment, Yitianlai also returned to God from awe-inspiring.

Nana whispered in his mouth, his eyes could not help but widen.

Suppressing it directly, this pain, although he has never experienced it, but he has never seen a pig run before eating pork.

The pain of the soul being suppressed directly is not what ordinary people can bear, and what's more, if it can't bear it, it will fall directly.

Thinking about this, Yi Tianlai's heart, which was so firm and unsubservient, shook.

Mo Wentian's spirit is really stronger than him. It is not impossible for Mo Wentian to suppress directly with his spirit.

He wanted to escape from Mo Wentian, which was obviously impossible.

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