Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2043: The elders' wrath!

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Chapter 2043: The Elder's Wrath!

"Thank you, Father!"

"Thank you!"

The two figures made a small gift towards the magic sky, and then stood up.

"Where are you going?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. In the eyes of Xuantian, there was a flash of light and cold drink.

"Master Hui father, we are trying to inquire about the three-headed tiger tribe!"

With the words of Xuantian, the young man stood up and looked at Xuantian with a respectful expression.

"The news of the three tigers, you don't need to inquire now!"

"In Kariya in front, something happened, you go and deal with it!"

The cold voice sounded, and in the eyes of the magic sky, a touch of cold mang rose.

"Yes, my father!"

"Yes, king!"

Listening to Xuan Tian's words, the two did not dare to have the slightest neglect, and quickly agreed.

"Go ahead!"

With a cold drink, the magical figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Seeing the disappearance of Xuantian, despite the doubts in the hearts of the two, they both obeyed Mo Wentian's words and went towards the place where the fierce tiger was beheaded.

As soon as the mission of Magic Sky was completed, Mo Wentian and Xiaoyi appeared in front of the three-headed tiger clan.

"Boss, how do you plan to bring these three tiger kings out?"

Looking at the hall, Xiaoyan's eyes raised a doubt.

"If we want to draw out these three tiger kings, naturally we can't show the true face!"

"Pass in the news and let the three tiger kings come out!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a flash of cold mang flashed.

"Boss, that's not easy!"

"We passed on the news directly to the disciples, who would naturally go to the hall to report such a big event!"

In Xiao Yan's eyes, a dazzling light rose instantly.

"Small sister, since you say it's simple, it's up to you!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiaoyao, and the corner of his mouth raised a radian.

"Okay, boss!"

"I promise to complete the task!"

In Xiao Yan's eyes, it was difficult to hide the joy.

Immediately, Xiao Yan's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, Xiao's figure appeared above the hall.

There was a musical note in Xiao's hand, and Xiao Zhi passed the news that the fierce tiger was beheaded by the young master of the stegosaurus without any hesitation.

"Buzz ..."

And the moment Xiao Xiao shattered the note, the sound rang in the ears of the disciples.

"This ... this is impossible!"

"This young master of the Stegosaurus is really abominable. He dared to kill our chief executive!"

"The Grand Chief is the only son of our elder. The young master of the Stegosaurus family has beheaded and killed our elder son. It is impossible for the elder to let him go!

"I think this Stegosaurus is intentional. He and our young masters both like the Emperor of the Charismatic Fox. He wants to stand before our three-headed Tiger!"

"This Stegosaurus is simply too bullying. This news must tell the king that our three-headed Tigers cannot be bullied by the Stegosaurus!"


Listening to Xiao Zhuan's voice, all the figures were instantly angry.

The breath on them was soaring at this moment.

That looks as if they are going to kill the Stegosaurus in the next moment.

At the same time, some disciples also quickly went to the main hall of the three-headed tiger tribe.

A moment later, the disciple who went to report appeared in front of the main hall.

In that hall, at this moment the elders of the three-headed tiger tribe and the king of the three-headed tiger tribe are discussing how they should deal with this conflict with the stegosaurus.

"King, the big deal is bad!"

The disciples who came to the letter went into the main hall continuously, panicking.

"what's going on?"

"You are so panic!"

On the Lord sitting, a figure stood up, watching the disciple who came to report, a terrible coercion struck towards this disciple.


This disciple's cultivation is, but the state of the peak of Tianzun, where can he withstand the coercion of the three-headed tiger tribe king.

A bite of blood spewed from the disciple's mouth.

The breath on this disciple fell quickly.

At this moment, the disciple's complexion was instantly pale.

"King, elder, someone has news!"

"Big ... Big Manager was cut by the young master of the Stegosaurus, cut off ..."

Despite being attacked by this coercion, this disciple still dared not neglect, wipe the blood on the corner of his mouth, and said quickly.

"What? The chief was killed by the young master of the stegosaurus?"

"This ... how is this possible? How could Huer be beheaded by this young master of the Stegosaurus!"

"The young master of the Stegosaurus family dare to kill our elder son. I don't think he wants to live!"

"This stegosaurus is really abominable. He dared to kill the chief executive!"

"I think this Stegosaurus wants to tear up their faces with our three-headed tiger clan. In this case, we of course can't watch it!"


With the words of this disciple, the hall suddenly exploded.

Standing in the hall, one of the figures stepped back a few steps, and his face paled.

This figure is not someone else. It is the elder of the three tigers and the father of the fierce tiger.

Although the practice of the fierce tiger is not very good, the elder only has the son of the fierce tiger. The elder sees the fierce tiger as normal.

The fierce tiger's cultivation is based on the relationship between the elder and the three-headed tiger tribe.

In order to promote the fierce tiger's cultivation to the early days of the Emperor Tian, ​​the elder was naturally rejoicing, but what he didn't know is that the fierce tiger died in Mo Wentian's hand today because he used elixir to promote the fierce tiger.

If this fierce tiger's cultivation is based on the improvement of strength, Mo Wentian would not be able to kill this fierce tiger.

"What are you talking about?"

Stepping out, the man sitting on the Lord looked at the disciple who came to report, his face cold.

"Return to King Wang, it's true!"

"People who heard the news said the chief executive was beheaded in Kariya!"

Listening to the man's words, the disciples who came to report did not dare to neglect, and said quickly.


"King, my tiger is beheaded by the young master of the stegosaurus. I must kill the young master of the stegosaurus and avenge my tiger!"

When I heard it in Kariya, the expression of the elder was so cold and cold that he asked him to take the initiative.

"You are going to kill the young master of the Stegosaurus?"

"Elder, I understand your mood, but leave this to the King!"

"I will definitely give you an account!"

Looking at the elder looks of such excitement, the king of the three-headed tiger tribe flashed a complex light in his eyes.

"Wang, you must get justice for my Huer!"

The elder's look was extremely excited.

"Elder, you are in this hall first!"

"Go and see!"

"Be assured, King will give you an account!"

The three-headed tiger tribe stepped forward, patted the elder's shoulder, and said with a firm face.


Hearing, the elder's eyes flashed a light.

Opening his mouth, the elder seemed to want to say something, but ended up saying nothing.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, the king of the three-headed tiger tribe, without any hesitation, left the hall directly.

As the king of the three-headed tiger tribe left, every figure in the hall walked towards the elder in an instant.

They looked at the elder, their expressions were not friendly.

What's more, their eyes were a little bit happy.

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