Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2046: Sword

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Chapter 2046 Sword Front

"What's going on? Why is the king here? What happened?"

"We came to Kariya with the chief executive. What about the chief executive?"

"The managing director fell, who was killed by the managing director?"

"Who else can be, of course, the young swordsman of this stegosaurus. Look at the sword in his hand, it is still bleeding!"

"Yes, it is the young master of the Stegosaurus who killed our chief executive!"


Every figure came back to God, and they looked at Jianfeng in an instant and talked.

They couldn't tell why, there seemed to be a voice telling them all the time.

Their fierce tiger to the general manager was killed by this sword.

What's more, Jian Feng's hand is holding a long sword. It is difficult to explain that the fierce tiger was not killed by Jian Feng.

"Jianfeng, you hear me!"

"The three disciples of the Tigers, but all said that the tiger was killed by you!"

"How do you quibble!"

Listening to this argument, the king of the three-headed tiger tribe who had some disbelief, was instantly resolute. This fierce tiger was killed by Jian Feng.

At this moment, the breath of the three-headed tiger clan rose again.

"The king of the three-headed tiger family, in this matter, you ask your disciples of the three-headed tiger family. These disciples naturally helped you with the three-headed tiger family!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something. In Jian Feng's heart, he didn't panic at all, but indifferently said.

"Jianfeng, what you mean is that what my three-headed Tiger disciples say is not credible!"

"Then I want to see, what are your disciples here?"

It was said that the anger in the heart of the three-headed tiger tribe grew instantly.

But since Jian Feng said so, he could not stop there.

What's more, the three-headed tiger tribe had a hunch in their hearts. No matter who they asked, the answer was the same.

Immediately, the king of the three-headed tiger clan disappeared without any hesitation.

When it appeared again, the king of the three-headed tiger tribe appeared in front of some disciples of the stegosaurus.

"The king of the three-headed tiger family!"

"I'll ask this disciple of the Stegosaurus!"

Jian Feng stepped forward, came to a disciple of the Stegosaurus, and said coldly.

"That's fine!"

"I don't think your sword is immortal without the Yellow River. I will let you be completely dead!"

The king of the three-headed tiger tribe flashed a cold gaze in his eyes.

"Boss, how do these disciples of the Stegosaurus family say this?"

At this moment, Xiaoyan was also very curious about the answers of the disciples of the Stegosaurus.

Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"The disciples of the Stegosaurus and the disciples of the three-headed tiger were erased by their predecessors."

"The answers of these Stegosaurus disciples will not differ much from those of the three-headed Tiger disciples!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

"No big difference?"

"Boss, what you mean is that these disciples of the Stegosaurus will also think that the fierce tiger was killed by the sword?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a light, deep voice.

"Look at it!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, extremely indifferent.

Immediately, Mo Wentian's eyes fell directly on the disciples of the Jianlong clan.

Looking at the disciples of the Stegosaurus, Mo Wentian gave a slight grin and couldn't help raising a radian.

The answer is Mo Wentian's heart, I already knew that these disciples of the Stegosaurus will be like the disciples of the three-headed tiger, and they will think that this fierce tiger was killed by the sword.

"Jianfeng, you can start asking!"

At this moment, watching Jianfeng didn't open his mouth to ask, the king of the three-headed tiger tribe flashed a cold, cold voice in his eyes.

"Master Ben asked you, who was killed by this fierce tiger?"

Listening to the words of the three-headed tiger tribe, Jian Feng flashed a light in his eyes and asked coldly.

With the words of Jian Feng, the figure changed suddenly.

In those eyes looking at Jianfeng, with fear, his body receded quickly.

That looks like the horrible sword front.

"Young Master, this ..."


For a long time, the disciples of the Stegosaurus did not say anything.

His body shuddered.

"Master Ben asked you questions, and you answered honestly!"

"The young man's hate is the one who doesn't tell the truth!"

Looking at the disciple's body trembling, Jian Feng's brow frowned slightly, it seemed a little displeased, and his voice became colder.

"Less ... less Lord ..."

"This fierce tiger ... was killed by you!"

The disciples of the Stegosaurus groaned for a while before they said slowly.

It was just his body that shuddered.


"what did you say?"

"This young master has just come to this valley, how could this fierce tiger be killed by this young master!"

"Who made you so vilify Master Ben?"

When this disciple spoke, Jian Feng was instantly angry.

But his sword came to this valley just recently. He didn't even see the fierce tiger. How could this fierce tiger be killed by him.

At this moment, the breath on Jian Feng's body suddenly skyrocketed.

The sword in Jianfeng's hands fell subconsciously towards the disciple's head in front of him.


A scream rang out, and the head of the Stegosaurus disciple fell directly to the ground.

The thick, **** smell spread instantly.


"This is what your disciples of the Stegosaurus said personally. You even killed him!"

"This king and my three-headed tiger family disciples, but they all heard clearly, our three-headed tiger chief was killed by your sword!"

"This is what your Stegosaurus disciple said, you can't quibble if you want to quibble!"

The king of the three-headed tiger clan looked at Jian Feng, and said coldly.

At this moment, the king of the three-headed tiger tribe was very convinced that this fierce tiger was killed by the sword.

He didn't originally want to kill this sword, but in front of so many three-headed disciples of tigers, how could he explain to the elder if he did not kill this sword in front of him.

Thinking about this, the killing intention of the three-headed tiger tribe was terrible.

"Master, what are we disciples of Stegosaurus?"

"This fierce tiger clearly did not kill you. Why did they say so?"

"There must be something going on here, or our disciples of the Stegosaurus would not be able to push the death of this fierce tiger onto you, Master!"

Suddenly, the middle-aged man seemed to be thinking of something, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, a deep voice.

"No matter what happened, the kings of the three tigers have come!"

"It seems that today we want to leave this Kariya, it is not so simple!"

"Quickly spread this to his father, and let his father come quickly!"

"Otherwise, you and I are going to be beheaded here today!"

Jian Feng looked at the middle-aged man with a cold face.

"Yes, Master!"

It was said that the middle-aged man agreed without hesitation.

Immediately, the middle-aged man flashed and disappeared.

Watching the middle-aged man leave, Jian Feng took a long breath.

The middle-aged man left, at least he had a hint of life.

"Jianfeng, want the King of the Stegosaurus to come!"

"Do you think the King of the Stegosaurus is here to save you?"

Seeing that the middle-aged man disappeared, the king of the three-headed tiger tribe naturally knew that Jian Feng was asking the middle-aged man to come to the king of the stegosaurus.

But the three-headed tiger tribe was in no hurry.

That looks like the king of the Stegosaurus came, and he didn't take it seriously.

What's more, the corners of these three tiger kings even raised a smile of evil.

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