Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2050: The elder blasted to kill Jianfeng?

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Chapter 2050 The Elder Blasts the Blade?


"Yuan Hu, the chief manager of your three-headed tiger tribe was not killed by our stegosaurus. Why should I give you an account?"

Jian Zhentian looked at Yuan Hu, but he was not polite.

From Jian Zhentian's point of view, this fierce tiger was beheaded and killed, not by his stegosaurus, why did he bear this responsibility.

"Jian Zhentian, even if you killed my tiger, you said that you wouldn't even give me an account?"

Before waiting for Yuan Hu to speak, a figure appeared in the void.

Looking at Jian Zhentian, the man was full of anger.

The breath on this person also grew rapidly.

This person is not someone else, it is the elder of the three-headed tiger tribe.

Although the elder was very sad about the death of the fierce tiger, for the sake of the overall situation, he also thought that if the people of the stegosaurus could give him compensation or an account.

He didn't even have to, but when Jian Zhentian said this, it was clear that he didn't even want to give an explanation.

This makes the elder's heart not angry.

"The elder? The elder is here?"

"The elder is here, and this will not be so easy!"

"The **** has always been the pride of the elder. Now that the **** is beheaded and killed, the elder can't stop there!"

"I don't think the elders will explain to you, they won't stop there!"

"Our king wants to solve this matter well, the elder is here. It is impossible to solve this matter!"


Seeing the appearance of the elder, those disciples of the three-headed tiger tribe suddenly exploded.

In the eyes of these three-headed tiger tribe disciples, the elders would not stop talking about it, they would not stop there.

They looked at the elder, only to feel that the coercion on the elder's body was terrible, and they could not help shrinking their bodies.

Some disciples who were lower in cultivation became paler, and their bodies could not help shrinking.

"The elder is here, and this good show is really the beginning!"

Listening to the comments, Mo Wentian's eyes fell on the elder.

Looking at the elder, Mo Wentian's eyes, a very bright light rose.

"Boss, we need to take a good look at this good show!"

Xiao Yan's figure flickered on Mo Wentian's shoulder, and a wicked smile was raised on her face.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.

Immediately, Mo Wentian's eyes looked towards the void.

"Elder, didn't you let you wait for the king in the hall, will the king give you an explanation?"

At this moment, a figure flashed and appeared in the void.

Looking at the elder, the king of the three-headed tiger tribe was obviously unhappy.

If the elder does not come, he is fortunate to deal with the king of the stegosaurus, but since the elder has wanted to deal with this matter, it has not been so easy.

After all, this fierce tiger is not an ordinary existence for the elder.

"Wang, I'll take care of it myself!"

"Not to mention, Huer, I should come and see for myself!"

There was a flash of coldness in the elder's eyes, and his words were not very polite.


The king of the three-headed tiger tribe just snorted, and his face was full of dissatisfaction.

But he didn't say much, just that he was dissatisfied with the elder.

As the king of these three tigers, everyone should naturally listen to him. He originally thought that he said that he would let the elder stay in the hall, and the elder would leave immediately.

Unexpectedly, instead of leaving, the elder stayed here.

"Yuan Hu, it seems that you are not powerful enough among your three-headed tiger family!"

"Hahahaha ..."

Looking at this scene, in the eyes of Jian Zhentian, a flash of cold mang flashed, and a wicked smile was raised.

Jian Zhentian's evil smile fell into Yuan Hu's eyes, which was extremely harsh.

What's more, Jian Zhentian, in front of countless three-headed disciples of the Tiger and Sword Dragon disciples, stepped on the ground.

Suddenly, this caused Yuan Hu's anger to grow.

"Wang, this sword shocking sky is really terrible!"

"He killed the chief executive of our three tigers, but he dare to laugh at you so much!"

"I have to take a lesson to learn the Stegosaurus, otherwise he thought we were three tigers!"

Listening to Jian Zhentian's ridiculous words, Yuan Hu hadn't spoken yet, but the elder took the initiative to ask for help.

His words were full of anger.

For the stegosaurus people, the elder's heart was full of anger.

He was worried that he couldn't find a chance to shoot, but this sword Zhentian said so. It was reasonable that he wanted to shoot.

"Buzz ..."

After that, the elder didn't hesitate, the figure flashed and disappeared.

When he reappeared, the figure of the elder appeared behind Jianfeng.

"Huer was killed by you, then you will repay it!"

The cold voice sounded, and the elder's punch fell directly toward the sword.

The cultivation of the elders has reached the late stage of the Emperor. Although his strength is not as terrible as Yuan Hu, it is not impossible for him to hit the sword with a full blow.

"not good!"

Looking at this scene, Jian Zhentian's heart raised a bad feeling.

The subconscious Jian Zhentian's figure flashed, and he was about to stand in front of Jian Feng.

But the elder was faster, before Jian Zhentian blocked in front of Jian Feng, his punch fell towards Jian Feng.


A figure flew upside down.


A mouthful of blood spurted out directly from Jian Feng's mouth.

The breath on Jianfeng's body fell rapidly, his face was pale and even pale.

Obviously, although the elder's fist did not kill Jian Feng, Jian Feng suffered a minor injury.

If it hadn't been for Jianfeng's physique, his elder's punch would be enough to kill Jianfeng.

"Fenger ..."

Looking at this scene, Jian Zhentian's figure flashed and appeared in front of Jian Feng instantly.

He held the sword in his arms, his eyes full of worry.

"Buzz ..."

The next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, Jian Zhentian's heart moved, a jade bottle appeared in Jian Zhentian's hands.

"Fenger, quickly take these elixir!"

"This ant dares to do so. I will not kill him today, I am not the king of the stegosaurus, not the father of your sword!"

Jian Zhentian put the jade bottle in Jianfeng's hands.

Immediately, Jian Zhentian's eyes looked directly at the elder.

If it is said that his eyes can kill people, the elders at this moment do not know how many times they have been killed by Jian Zhentian's eyes.

At the same time, Jian Zhentian's breath quickly skyrocketed.

"Squeak ..."

The clenched fist creaked even more.

"Boss, is this sword Zhentian completely enraged?"

"I think the elder will be beheaded next!"

Looking at Jian Zhentian's appearance, Xiao Yan's eyes flashed a faint light, a deep voice.

"The elder was beheaded?"

"The king of the three tigers is not a display!"

An indifferent voice sounded, but Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold flash.

"Boss, do you mean, the king of the three tigers will shoot?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiao Yan's eyes skyrocketed, the subconscious way.


"This Yuan Hu is not vegetarian. The chief executive was beheaded. Although he will not shoot at this sword shocking sky!"

"But the elder's cultivation behavior, but has reached the state of the late emperor, if the elder is beheaded, this is a loss for the entire three-headed tiger family!"

"Yuan Hu is impossible to watch Jian Zhentian slay the elder!"

Mo Wentian's eyes flashed.

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