Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2054: Empress Talent

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Chapter 2054 Emperor Daughter Talent

"Xi Yan Shenhua?"

"Madam, Xiyan God spent less than a day from opening!"

"If Xiyan Shenhua is taken down by our fox fox this time, our emperor daughter will definitely be able to promote Xiu to the peak of the emperor!"

A figure stood out, looking at the Emperor Fox tribe with respectful expression.

"Those three-headed tiger and stegosaurus fight at this time!"

"This is also a good thing for us. Who else in Xifeng, besides our fox fox tribe, can win Xiyan Shenhua?"

Listening to this, in the eyes of the Emperor Fox tribe, there was a flash of light, and the corner of her mouth couldn't help raising a radian.

"The Emperor Girl is right, only we foxes are worthy to win this night's beauty!"

"The people of the three-headed Tiger and Stegosaurus are really unclear, even if they go to war at this time, Yanyan Shenhua will only be my charm fox!"

"Except for the three-headed Tiger and Stegosaurus, there is no race that dares to rob us and the fox-cats. Now the three-headed Tiger and Stegosaurus are at war, and they have no time to take care of Xiyan God. Flower, the Xiyan God Flower that opened once every 100,000 years, this time it belongs to us.

"As long as our Emperor wins Xiyan Shenhua, this Xiyan Shenhua will not only make our emperor's cultivation to the peak of Heavenly Emperor, this Xiyan Shenhua can even awaken the fox root of our emperor ! "

"Yes, once our Emperor Fox's roots are awakened to Nine Levels, or even Super Fox Gens, the charm of our emperor's charm will be terrible!"


With the words of the queen fox tribe, the elders of the fox tribe instantly reconciled.

They have only complimented the queen of the charmed fox.

The Emperor Fox is the only daughter of the Empress Fox. The future of the Emperor Fox is also in the hands of the Emperor Fox.

They praised the charmed fox tribe so naturally, they naturally wanted to compliment the charmed fox tribe.

This fox family cultivates charm and illusion. To some extent, this charm can also be called illusion.

This fox family has fox roots, with fox roots ranging from first to ninth, among which the first is the worst, followed by the second, and the ninth is the strongest.

But in addition to this fox root is divided into nine grades, there are more than nine grade existence, that is the super fox root.

This super fox root is much stronger than nine other fox roots.

However, the awakening of Hu Gen is not so easy. Among the fox family, the fox root of the fox queen is nothing but eighth class.

To say that among the foxes, the strongest of the fox roots belongs to the princes of the foxes. Her cultivation is only the mid-term state of the emperor, but her fox root has reached the ninth grade.

This time, the entire fox family wants to win the Xiyan God Flower for the fox prince Emperor, and the cultivation is the next most important thing. The most important thing is to win the Xiyan God flower, so that the fox prince and daughter will be fox roots. Awaken to the level of Super Fox.

"Where is the Empress?"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something. The Emperor Fox tribe flashed a light, cold voice in her eyes.

"Master Hui Emperor, the Emperor is now practicing in the Temple!"

With the words of the queen fox tribe, a shadow came forward, respectfully.

"Go and see!"

An indifferent voice sounded, the figure of the female fox empress flickered and disappeared in place.

Seeing the queen queen queen disappeared into the hall, the six shadows in the hall were relieved instantly.

In that way, it seems that the female queen of the Meihu tribe left, and they were relaxed physically and mentally.

Slightly hesitated, and after returning to God, the six shadows of the shadows became loud.

"The strength of the female emperor has increased a lot!"

"The queen root of the female emperor, but the eighth level, now our fox roots have been awakened to the ninth level!"

"Nine-class fox roots are the first time in our fox family, and our princes are definitely our strongest foxes in history!"

"Actually, the three-headed Tiger and the Stegosaurus fought. It would have been better for us to have a marriage with our emperor and the three-headed Tiger. Give us the proper excuse for her! "

"The three masters of the Tigers and the stegosaurus are not in control, they are all toads who want to eat swan meat!"


Every figure, when talking about the princes and daughters of the fox tribe, there was a touch of respect in their eyes.

This respect is a little bit stronger, even more powerful, than they are to the fox queen.

These six figures, the breath on their bodies, have reached the mid-term state of the Emperor, but their fox roots are nothing more than sixth-class.

They respected the Emperor Fox tribe of nine fox roots naturally.

But in this fox family, there is a lot of discussion.

Mo Wentian and Xiaoyan Magical Sky have also reached the deepest part of this peak.

"Boss, what's up there?"

"So how does it look like a pink empire?"

Suddenly, Xiao Yan looked at the palaces that were enveloped in pink in front of him, and a curiosity rose in his eyes.

"Boss, be careful!"

"It's full of illusions!"

While waiting for Mo Wentian to answer, the magical figure flashed, but it appeared in front of Mo Wentian, looking at the pink enveloped palace in front of him, and his expression was extremely serious.

"It's full of illusions?"

"It seems that we have come to the site of the Meihu tribe!"

Listening to the words of Wutian, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold, cold voice.

"Boss, you're right!"

"This place is where the foxes live. There are illusions performed by the foxes everywhere!"

The look of the sky was dignified.

"Magic from the foxes?"

"This illusion is no more!"

Mo Wentian looked indifferently in front of the pink shrouded palace.

In front of these illusions, the magical sky can be seen, Mo Wentian can also be seen.

Here are just some of the simplest illusions. It is impossible to be blinded by Mo Wentian.

But I couldn't tell why, but at the moment I didn't ask the sky, but it was a sense of premonition.

The magic of this fox family is more than that.

You know, this fox family is the No. 1 in the peak, this strength is naturally stronger than the three-headed tiger family and stegosaurus family.

"Boss, be careful!"

"This Succubus is not only an illusion, but also a Succubus!"

"This charm is the strongest attack of the Charm Fox!"

Xuantian looked at Mo Wentian, looking extremely serious.


"Xiaoyou, be careful, don't be fooled by the charm of this charm fox!"

Upon hearing the charm, Mo Wentian's eyes looked towards Xiao Yan, looking at Xiao Yan, and Mo Wen Tian's mouth couldn't help raising a wicked smile.

"Boss, why did you specifically tell me?"

"Why don't you tell Magic Sky?"

"How could I be fooled by the charm of this succubus!"

Hearing that Xiao Xiao could not help muttering.

Xiao Yan's eyes were looking towards the sky.

"Xiaoyu, you seem to forget, I am the ancestor of illusion!"

"Their illusions can't confuse me!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Xuantian said quickly.

"All right!"

"Magic sky, this is less than a day away from Xiyan Shenhua. We do n’t know where Xiyan Shenhua is!"

"Now we have come to this fox family, naturally we are going to inquire about the news of this night's Yan Shenhua!"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Mo Wentian's look, instantly serious.

The news of Yan Yanshenhua is an urgent matter, they must find out as soon as possible.

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