Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2077: Physical horror

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Chapter 2077: Terrible Constitution

What Xuantian didn't know was that the elder elder of the fox fox tribe had an unusual relationship with Jian Zhentian in front of him.

Watching the magical heavens transform into the elder elder fox, Jian Zhentian's body could not help but take a few steps back.

Jian Zhentian's eyes looked straight at Huan Tian, ​​seemingly trying to see what was normal from Huan Tian.

Looking at Jian Zhentian like this, Huan Tian just felt a little uncomfortable and felt something wrong, but for a while, he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

"This ... this monster beast turned into the elder of the fox."

"The elder elder fox of the fox family has an unusual relationship with our king. This monster is transformed into the elder elder fox of the fox family. Our king has encountered a stubble!"

"I don't know that Wang She couldn't bear to shoot towards the elder elder succubus!"

"The transformation of this monster is so strong. The elders of the Charismatic Fox family are already at the peak of the emperor. They are a little stronger than our king!"

"The monster is transformed into whoever he looks, and he has his martial arts skills. Now that he has changed to look like the elder elder of the fox, does he not have the strength of the elder elder of the fox, our king is not a charm Opponent of the elder Fox family! "


Watching the imaginary sky transformed into the elder elder of the fox in the void, the numerous disciples of the stegosaurus exploded instantly.

In their hearts, there was even a touch of worry.

Imagination's strength, they have seen it just now.

They couldn't tell why, at this moment, they had a bad feeling in their hearts.

Jian Zhentian will not be an opponent of Phantom. Even if Jian Zhentian does not fight Yuan Hu, Jian Zhentian is not Phantom ’s opponent.

"This magical sky turned into the appearance of the elder elder fox!"

At this moment, Mo Wentian, looking at the magical heavens transformed into the elders of the charm fox tribe, his mouth slightly grinned, raising a touch of arc.

"Boy, you still have the heart to take care of others!"

"Relax, wait for the King to kill you, and that monster will die!"

Just then, Yuan Huli's voice came.

"is it?"

"Did you know that to Bendi, there are tens of thousands of people who want Ben to die!"

"Do you know what they ended up with?"

Listening to Yuan Hu's words, Mo Wentian looked cold.

The next moment, it seemed that I was thinking of something. In the eyes of Mo Wentian, there was a very bright light.

"What is the final outcome?"

Yuan Hu looked at Mo Wentian, almost subconsciously.


A dead word was spit out of Mo Wentian's mouth.

The breath of Mo Wentian is extremely vast.

At the same time, Mo Wentian, the king-like coercion spread out in an instant, spreading towards Yuan Hu.

Yuan Hu originally wanted to make a punch towards Mo Wentian, but at this moment it seemed like he was stiffened by something in the void, and he couldn't fall.

At this moment, Yuan Hu only felt that a coolness came from the back, and the sweat beads on Yuan Hu's forehead fell down like raindrops.

"What's going on? Why didn't our king fight this kid?"

"None of our king's punches have fallen yet. Why is the sweat on our king's forehead so large?"

"Is this the kid who can't do anything to show strength to our king? I heard that this is the case only when under pressure!"

"Coercion? The boy's cultivation, but the emperor's perfection, what coercion he has, even if he exerts coercion, can he still hurt our king?"

"This boy's cultivation is only the emperor's perfection. Such cultivation, in front of our king, is just a cricket ant!"


And at this moment, the countless disciples of the three-headed Tiger tribe instantly discussed.

Do not they think that Mo Wentian's strength is even stronger than their king.

Even if Mo Wentian had originally cut off Yuan Hu's arm, it seemed to them that this was just a sneak attack by Mo Wutian.

Otherwise, Mo Wentian could not be able to cut off one of Yuan Hu's arms. What's more, Mo Wentian had been beheaded by Yuan Hu.

"Boy, you want to kill me!"

"It's just a dream!"

Listening to the comments, Yuan Hu turned back and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

At this moment, Yuan Hu's confidence also skyrocketed.

Especially when I think that he is the strongest peak of the Emperor of Heaven, and Mo Wentian is just the emperor's consummation, Yuan Hu's eyes rose up.

In Yuan Hu's heart, he was secretly firm at this moment.

Mo Wentian, he must be beheaded. If Mo Wentian is not beheaded, how will he later become the king of the three tigers.

What's more, he said long ago that if Mo Wentian was not beheaded, he would not be the king of the three tigers.

Thinking about this, Yuan Hu's confidence has grown rapidly.

"is it?"

"Out of your own power!"

The cold voice sounded, Mo Wentian's figure flickered, and a sword was cut towards Yuan Hu again.

"Booming ..."

And just as Mo Wentian cut away towards Yuan Hu, Yuan Hu's punch also fell towards Mo Wentian.


The next moment, in the void, the Excalibur and the fist collided together.

I have to say that the physique of these three tigers is really good.

Yuan Hu's fist collided directly with Mo Wentian's Devouring Sword, and Yuan Hu's fist instantly appeared a protection.

Yuan Hu's eyes also rose with a touch of astonishment.


"This kid's magic sword is not an ordinary magic sword at all. If I continue to collide with him, I am afraid that my arm will be cut off by him!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Yuan Hu's eyes were full of surprise.

The next moment, Yuan Hu stepped back without any hesitation.

"Wow ..."

And just when Yuan Hu wanted to separate his fist from Mo Wentian ’s Devouring Sword, Mo Wutian ’s sword directly cut his fist into a striking opening.

In that mouth, blood flowed out instantly, and the thick and **** smell spread instantly.

"Huh ..."

At this moment, Mo Wentian's figure flickered, and he retreated a few dozen feet.

Mo Wentian snorts, blood spit out from Mo Wentian's mouth.

In the collision with Yuan Hu just now, Mo Wentian was hurt by Yuan Hu's physique.

Mo Wentian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his eyes rose with awe.

"Boss ..."

"Boss ..."


Looking at Mo Wentian, two figures appeared instantly in front of Mo Wentian.

These two figures are not others, but Xiaoyan and Youer.

"I'm fine!"

"Youer, the physique of these three tigers ..."

Mo Wentian stood up and looked at You'er, a complex light flashed in his eyes, and asked coldly.

"Boss, the physique of these three tigers is their strongest attack!"

"They can bring all the power to their body!"

"Boss, you were hurt by Yuan Hu's physique just now, that's why!"

"Yuan Hu saw that his speed couldn't match you, so he put all his strength into his body!"

Before Mo Motian finished speaking, Youer already understood what Mo Wentian wanted to know.

Youer looked at Mo Wentian, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"So it is!"

Listening to You'er's words, Mo Wentian's eyes rose up.

"Boss, let Yuan Hu let me solve it?"

At this moment, Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian and asked him to take the initiative.

"Small sister-in-law, sometimes wars can be fought!"

"Yuan Hu's physique turned out to be so strong. This person asked me to come and I want to subdue him!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a touch of cold mang.

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