Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2084: Concerns of Queen Fox

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Chapter 2084 The Worries of the Charm Fox Empress

"Boss, do you give these three-headed Tiger and Stegosaurus disciples to them again? Isn't it inappropriate?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian, and there was a flash of refined light in her eyes, and she said in a deep voice.

"Not right?"

"This Yuan Hu and Jian Zhentian, they dare not do well what the Emperor arranged!"

"The predecessors of the ancient books said that something happened in Yitianjie, we must go back to Yitianjie!"

The cold voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's brow frowned tightly.

"Boss, what happened to heaven?"

"What happened?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Xuantian and Xiaoyi were worried instantly, almost in unison.

"What happened was not known to the Emperor, but the predecessors of the ancient books specifically reminded me that something happened in the heaven!"

"It must not be easy!"

Do not ask the look of heaven, dignified.

"Boss, let's hurry and rely on heaven!"

Wen Yan, Xiao Yan and Xuan Tian, ​​quickly said.


Mo asked Tianqing, and nodded.


With a cold drink, Mo Wentian headed directly towards the entrance of Li Feng.

"Boss, I will follow you to Yitianjie!"

"I haven't been to this place, and I want to see the outside world!"

Looking at Mo Wentian towards the entrance of Yunfeng, You Er's figure flashed, and he followed quickly.

"Yu'er, you won the Xiyan God Flower. You are the princess of the Meihu tribe. Your mother should be waiting for you!

"You should go back to the fox family first!"

Watching Youer also followed, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, cold voice.

"Boss, all right!"

"I want to be with my elder brother, wherever my elder brother goes, I will go!"

Youer has made up her mind to follow Xiaoyu.

Since Xiaoyi is going to follow Mo Wentian, You Er naturally follows Mo Wentian.

"It seems that Emperor is thinking wrong!"

"The one you are following is not the emperor!"

Listening to Youer's words, Mo Wentian's mouth slightly grinned, and he couldn't help raising a radian.

Mo Wentian's eyes also looked towards Xiao Yan.

"Boss ..."

When Mo Wentian looked at it this way, Xiaoxiong opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

It was only Xiaoyan's expression, but it changed a bit, and it looked a little embarrassed.

"Boss, your sister-in-law is embarrassed!"

Looking at Xiaoyao like this, Xuntian couldn't help but quipped.

"Magic sky, you laugh at me too!"

Hearing the words, Xiao Yan's heart rose a moment of anger.

The next moment, Xiao's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, Xiao's figure appeared in front of Magic Sky.

The little dragon's body was tangled directly towards the hairy body of Huantian, and it was directly entangled.

"Boss, you're in charge!"

"I'm telling the truth!"

Xuantian looked at Mo Wentian, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and said quickly.

"Well, what's going on in this heavenly realm, we still don't know!"

"All we have to do now is go back to Heaven!"

The icy voice sounded, and the expression of Mo Tian was extremely serious.

With Mo Wentian's remarks, Xiao Yan released the dragon's body instantly, and the look of a dragon and a demon became even more serious.

And just when Mo Wentian and others rushed towards Yitianjie.

At the deepest part of Jiufeng, the highest palace shrouded in pink.

A beautiful shadow, sitting on the Lord's seat, this person seemed to have a wonderful breath on his body.

This person is not someone else, it is the Empress of the Meihu tribe, and the mother of Youer.

"You have been here for so long, why haven't you come back?"

The queen queen empress stood up and looked at the direction of the volcano, her eyes rising with anxiety.

The next moment, the female fox of the fox family walked back and forth in the hall.

In principle, you at this moment should have returned to the Meihu tribe.

After all, in terms of time, Xiyan Shenhua is already in full bloom. With the strength of Youer, it is not difficult for Xiyan Shenhua to take it down.

What's more, the queen queen of the fox family is still confident about You'er, and she believes that You'll soon be able to take down this beautiful girl.

But at this moment, the Meihu tribe has not returned yet, which makes the female fox emperor worried.

"No, I'm going to see!"

"Can't let Youer do something!"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and the eyes of the enchanted Fox queen's eyes shrank.

With that said, the queen queen female emperor is going to walk outside the main hall.

"Madam, something happened!"

"Something happened!"

At this moment, a figure came from the hall.

This figure is the elder of the fox.

If this person is here, he must be recognized. This person is the elder of the Meihu tribe, and it is also the elder who has an unusual relationship with Jian Zhentian.

The elder's look at this moment was dignified.

"Elder, what happened?"

Looking at the elder, the queen queen of the fox tribe, there was a faint light, cold voice in her eyes.

"Madam, according to the disciples' report, the madam has left Jifeng!"

The elder stepped forward again and looked at the empress, with a very serious look.

She just received the news that You'er had left this Jiufeng, and as soon as she got the news, she came quickly to tell the queen fox.

She was very clear about the position of Youer in the heart of the queen fox.

If something happens to You'er, the Empress of the Meihu tribe will at all costs.


"Youer left Xifeng?"

Listening to the words of the elder, the Emperor Fox tribe could not help but rise up in awe.

"Master Emperor!"

"The Empress Dowager has just left from Jifeng!"

In the eyes of the elder, there was a faint light, a deep voice.

"how can that be?"

"How could you leave from Jiufeng, though You've always wanted to leave Jiufeng to see the outside world, but she also knows the importance!"

"She won't leave Lei Feng without permission!"

In the eyes of the Emperor Fox tribe, there was a complex look of light, and her body could not help but take a few steps back.

Her eyes were full of incredible.

You know, although You've always wanted to see the outside world, You've never left Jifeng.

I ca n’t say why, the fox queen emperor had a hunch in her heart. If no one left with Youer, you would not leave.

"Elder, Youer left alone?"

The next moment, it seemed to be remembered, the Emperor Fox tribe looked at the elder and said coldly.

"Madam, she did not leave alone!"

"With her left was a human being and two monsters!"

The elder looked at the charmed fox tribe emperor and said respectfully.


"There is one human and two monsters?"

"It seems that these people arrested Youer!"

"What state has their cultivation achieved? What is their strength?"

Listening to the words of the elder, the Emperor Fox tribe immediately became nervous and asked quickly.

In the hearts of the queen queen empress, she was even more worried at this moment.

You must know that Youer's talents are rare in the entire fox family for millions of years. You can say that you are the future of the fox family.

As long as Youer awakens the super fox root, the status of the entire fox family can be improved a lot in the entire world of heaven.

Then there is no need for the snails to live in this small mountain peak. Their charm foxes stay in this mountain peak, not because they volunteered, but because they have insufficient strength.

If their strength is strong enough, they don't want to just stay here in this peak.

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