Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2090: Charmed Fox Empress

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Chapter 2090: Female Fox Emperor

In Mo Wentian's heart, naturally it was hoped that Xiaoxiong would be recognized by the female fox empress.

At this moment, Mo Wentian was like Xiaoyi's elder brother, and he was worrying about big things for Xiaoyi.

"Who are you from?"

Looking at Mo Wentian, in the eyes of the charmed fox tribe's emperor, a doubt rose, and she couldn't help asking.

"Mother, he is the eldest brother of Xiaoxiong, and he is also my boss!"

Before waiting for Mo Wentian to answer, Youer quickly said.

Youer said a few words of admiration in her eyes.

"He is your boss?"

"Is Boss the boss?"

"His cultivation, but the emperor's perfection, Xiaoyu, do you recognize him as the boss?"

Listening to Youer's words, the fox queen queen was stunned for a moment.

"Repair is not the only measure of strength!"

The indifferent voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's expression was even without any slight fluctuation.

In such a bland state of mind, the enchanting fox tribe empress looked, and she could not help but raise a complex eye.

I ca n’t say why. In front of me, I do n’t want to ask God. Xiuwei has a strong hunch in the hearts of the female fox emperor.

In front of Mo Wentian, it must not be simple.

At least, she can see from the look of Youer that Mo Wentian is unusual.

You must know that You'er's identity is the emperor of the Meihu tribe, and the future emperor of the Meihu tribe.

Youer's talent is also the strongest existence in the fox family. She always has a kind of arrogance towards people, but when Youer talked about asking Mo Tian, ​​you saw a touch of admiration in Youer's eyes.

In the hearts of the female foxes of the fox tribe, it was determined that Mo Wentian in front of her must not be as bland as he looks.

"Repair is not the only measure of strength?"

"This sentence is very good!"

"My family seems to have identified you, but you want to get my approval, I naturally want to see your strength!"

The charmed fox empress looked at Mo Wentian and Xiaoyu, and looked extremely cold.

At this moment, the scent of the female queen of the fox tribe also skyrocketed rapidly.


Listening to the words of the Emperor Fox tribe, You Er's eyebrows could not help but clenched.

He opened his mouth and tried to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

"Madam Fox Empress, are you trying to fight us?"

Mo Wentian stepped forward, looking at the Meihu tribe's emperor, and there was a faint light and cold voice in her eyes.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's whole body, an incomparably cold chill, spread out.


"Don't you dare to fight?"

The female queen of the fox tribe looked at Mo Wentian, her mouth slightly grinned, and a wicked smile was raised.

Mo Wentian stood up at this time and said so. From the perspective of the queen queen of the fox tribe, she thought that Mo Wentian was scared, and she was afraid to fight.

At this moment, deep in the eyes of the female fox empress, she could not help raising a scorn.

If Mo Wentian and Xiaoyi didn't agree with her appointment, she wouldn't agree with Youer and Xiaoyi.

After all, her child is not an ordinary existence, you are the future of the entire fox family.

"Dare to fight?"

"Joke, Emperor Fox, how do you want the Emperor to fight?"

Looking at the appearance of the queen fox tribe, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed, but Mo Wen's look was extremely cold.

"Just fight me!"

"You and I have three moves. How about three wins and two wins?"

After groaning for a while, the queen queen queen looked at Mo Wentian, and a flash of cold mang flashed in her eyes.

"Your promise has been agreed!"

The powerful voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were full of firmness.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's breath quickly skyrocketed.


"Boy, I don't want you to promise alone!"

"And Xiaoyu, how dare you agree to fight me?"

Seeing that Mo Wentian promised to go down, a glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the female fox emperor.

But the next moment, it seemed to be remembering something, the eyes of the queen fox queen looked towards Xiaoyan.

Looking at Xiao Yan, the queen queen's emperor's eyes looked with a bit of scrutiny.

She looked at Xiao Yan's look, and they all looked a little different, which was also because Xiao Yan's identity was unusual.

The look at Xiao Xun's eyes was just like the look of her mother-in-law examining her son-in-law.

"What dare you!"

As soon as the words of the queen fox queen came out, Xiao Xiao's figure flickered, and she stood proudly in the void with a look of arrogance.

At this moment, Long Wei's body was extremely vast.

"The emperor's cultivation in the middle period also dared to agree to fight with me. This state of mind is still good!"

Seeing Xiao Yan promised to do so, a glimmer of light flashed in the eyes of the female fox emperor, a secret way in her heart.

As for Xiao Yan, at the moment, the hearts of the female foxes of the fox tribe recognized.


"That being the case, then you will follow this emperor, and we will fight in the face of all the followers of my fox family!"

"As long as you defeat me, you will follow Xiaoyu in the future, and Xiaoyu will be my son-in-law of the Charmed Fox Emperor, and my Charmed Fox!

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something. In the eyes of the female fox emperor, there was a cold, cold voice.

Since this little sister-in-law will be with Youer in the future, it must also be approved by the disciples of the Meihu tribe.

Thinking in this way, the fox queen empress has an idea in her heart.

As long as Xiaomei and Mo Wentian win her battle in front of all the fox disciple disciples, Xiaoxi naturally has the strength to be with Youer.


"In the presence of all Meihu disciples, his brother Xiu Xiu's cultivation, his talent in the mid-term, his strength ..."

Listening to the words of the queen fox queen, Youer was instantly worried, and quickly sent a message to the queen fox queen, wanting to make the fox queen queen change her mind.

"Youer, rest assured!"

"As long as his strength can pass my level, even if he can't beat me, I will let him win in front of his disciples!"

Before the words of You'er were finished, the voice of the female queen of the fox tribe resounded.

For the worry of Youer, the fox queen empress naturally knows.

Aiwu and Wu, the charmed fox emperor sees Youer more important than herself.

Youer likes Xiaoyao, naturally the charmed fox tribe emperor will not be excessive.

"Thank you mother!"

Listening to the words of the Emperor Fox tribe, Yuer finally let go.

"Meihu Tribe, do you want me and Xiaoyu to fight with you?"

Suddenly, what seemed to be thinking, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a cold mang.

"Ben the emperor fights both of you, are you worried that you can't beat me, or that I can't fight you?"

The queen queen empress looked at Mo Wentian, and said nothing.

"Fight with you!"

"In my opinion, this emperor will fight you first, and then Xiaoyu will fight you!"

"It is unfair for the two to fight against you, and you don't see Xiaoyan's strength coming!"

Mo Wentian looked at the female queen of the Meihu tribe with a slight grin on her mouth and raised a wicked smile.

"You have a good idea!"

"But if I accidentally hurt you, don't blame Bendi!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the charmed fox female emperor fainted a moment, and then she returned to God, her face looked cold.

"Blame you?"

"It's normal to get hurt in a war. Wouldn't this blame you?"

The look of Mo Wentian was indifferent.

"Boy, you have great courage!"

"The emperor appreciates your courage. If you defeat me, if you are willing to stay with us, you can stay!"

Looking at Mo Wutian's indifferent appearance, the Emperor Fox tribe could not help but raise a touch of appreciation.

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