Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2092: Three wins and two wins

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Chapter 2092 Three Battles and Two Victory

What Mo Wentian said was exactly what the Meihu tribe emperor thought.

If it weren't for the matter a million years ago, would her charm fox tribe dwell in the cricket peaks in this area.

As the queen of the Meihu tribe, the revival of the Meihu tribe is naturally within her scope.

What she wanted to do was to lead the foxes out of this peak, and in the heavenly realm, return to the original position of the foxes.

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the fist of the charmed fox tribe couldn't help but clenched her hands, her nails got stuck in the meat, and she didn't feel any pain.

"What is your name?"

The next moment, the queen queen of the fox tribe sorted out her emotions, looked at Mo Wentian, and lowered her voice.

"Bendi asks God!"

An indifferent voice sounded, without asking the look of the sky, without any slight fluctuation.

"Do you ask me?"

"My last name is Mo, where are you from?"

When I heard Mo asked the surname Mo, the look of the female fox emperor changed slightly, and she quickly asked.

"The Emperor is from a small world, an ancient relic!"

Mo Wentian looked indifferently to the Empress of the Fox Family.

"Ancient relic, it seems that this boy has nothing to do with that person!"

After hearing the words, the enchanting fox female emperor's eyes narrowed for a moment, and there was a flash of coldness in her eyes.

It was just that, the female queen of the fox tribe didn't say it, but said secretly in her heart.

"Buzz ..."

At this moment, a wave of void wave came.

Immediately, a figure appeared before the crowd.

This figure, not others, is Youer.

Youer looked at the Emperor Fox tribe, with a reverence in her eyes.

"Mother, I have all notified!"

"All disciples are coming!"

Youer's eyes flashed.


The female queen of the fox tribe just quietly nodded.

"What's going on? How did the Empress Dowager all our Char Fox disciples come to Yantai?"

"Yeah, what's going on, the Empress doesn't say anything, let's all rush to Yantai!"

"I heard that it seemed that the emperor came with a person who had a motivating force with her. This person will fight our emperor!"

"A person who has a mental drive with our emperor, what kind of state has this person reached?"

"When the Empress Dowager brought the man into the door just now, I had already explored. The three men the Empress Dowager carried were not high in cultivation. The strongest was only the middle of Heaven!


All of a sudden, the entire fox family talked.

Countless disciples of the fox tribe are rushing towards Huantai.

With their eyes turned to Yantai, they seemed to be looking for something.

However, they thought that when they saw You'er coming in with Mo Wentian, people said that the strongest cultivation was just the mid-day Emperor Fox. The countless charm Fox disciples changed their looks.

For a moment, under the ring, numerous disciples of the Charismatic Fox clan have gathered.

"Ahem ..."

"The Emperor summoned you to come to You's marriage!"

"Yu'er has found the person who has a mental drive with her, it's Xiaoyu!"

Watching the countless disciples of the fox tribe, the queen female emperor coughed and said directly.

At this moment, the eyes of the female queen of the fox tribe looked towards Xiao Yan.

As the female fox of the fox family looked at Xiaoyan, countless disciples of the fox family also looked at Xiaoyan.

They looked at Xiaozhang, with a look of confusion in concealment.

After all, Xiao Xi's cultivation is only in the middle of the Heavenly Emperor.

Such a practice is not really strong among the foxes.

At least, the cultivation practices of the elders of the fox tribe have exceeded the mid-term state of the emperor and reached the late period of the emperor.

"Madam, you are the one who says you have a heart-wrenching relationship with your empress?"

"No, his horns have not fully grown yet, he is not a dragon ..."

As soon as the words of the queen fox queen came out, countless disciples of the fox fox were instantly stunned.

It's just their eyes, all looking at Xiaoyan at this moment.

After a moment of groaning, a figure came out of the crowd.

This figure is not someone else, it is the second elder of this fox.

The breath of this person has reached the state of the late emperor.

I have to say that this fox family is really what it is called. Everyone looks amazing.

Although the two elders seem to have reached the age, they still have the charm.

"That's right, this is the person who has a mental pull with Youer!"

"Whatever he is, Yuer has identified him!"

"She brought back to get our recognition and want to be the son-in-law of the Emperor, naturally it has to go through some tests!"

"The Emperor decided that the Emperor would fight with him personally. If he defeated the Emperor, the Emperor would let Youer stay with him!"

Before the elders finished speaking, the female fox emperor interrupted the elders' words.

In the heart of the queen fox tribe, she has recognized Xiaoyu.

But in front of these Charlie Fox disciples, she couldn't say it.

But when the Queen Fox queen said this, she actually showed her attitude.

"What? This monster is really the one who has an emotional drive with our emperor?"

"His cultivation is only in the middle of the Heavenly Emperor. Such cultivation is simply not worthy of our Emperor!"

"Yes, our empress is our future emperor, and at least she must be as good as her!"

"Looks like our Lordess is almost approved!"

"Don't consider so much at first, watch him fight with our female emperor, and talk about his strength!"


With the words of the Emperor Fox Tribe, the countless disciples of the Charm Fox exploded instantly.

Their eyes are now looking at Xiao Yan.

I can't say why, the breath of Xiao Yan is only in the mid-term state of Emperor Tiandi, but they always feel in their hearts that Xiao Yan's strength is not only in the mid-term state of Tiandi.

At least, from the perspective of the disciples of the Meihu tribe in the middle of the days of emperor, their strength is inferior to that of Xiaoyan.

It's just that they looked at Xiaoyao, and from Xiaoyao's body, they felt this kind of feeling.

"Madam, this person's cultivation, but in the middle of the emperor, is he really a person who has a mental drive with her?"

Listening to the words of the Emperor Fox tribe, the second elder still felt a little doubtful and subconscious.


"This is the person who has a fascination with Youer!"

"This is the youngest brother's boss. For the sake of fairness, this emperor fights with their boss first, and then with Xiaoyan!"

"The rules of the war are three wins and two wins!"

The charmed fox empress looked at the second elder, and there was a flash of light in her eyes.

"Master Empress ..."

Listening to the words of the Emperor Fox tribe, the second elder opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"I don't think you have any objections!"

"That being the case, that's no waste of time, start a war!"

The next moment, the Emperor Fox tribe seemed to think of something, looking at the countless disciples of the Charismatic fox, saying coldly.

"Boss, be careful!"

Xuantian's figure flickered, looking at Mo Wentian, a look of worry rising in her eyes, said in a deep voice.

"rest assured!"

"This fox queen empress will not seriously hurt me!"

Mo Wentian looked at the magic sky, his mouth slightly grinned, and a smile said.

"Mo Wentian, you and I start the war!"

At this moment, the voice of the female fox empress came again.

I saw the heroine of the fox family at this moment.

At the same time, the scent of the queen queen's female emperor exploded rapidly.

This person's cultivation has reached the peak of the Emperor of Heaven, and Mo Wentian can be sure that the strength of this person must be more than the peak of the Emperor of Heaven.

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