Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2094: Surprise!

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Chapter 2094 Surprise!


At the moment Mo Motian punched out, a figure flew out.

This figure is not someone else, it is the queen of the fox.

This enchantment was performed by the enchantress of the fox enchantress. Mo Wentian broke the enchantment, and naturally the victim of the enchantress was the enchantress of the enchantress.

At this moment, the Emperor Fox tribe looked at Mo Wentian, her eyes filled with astonishment.


"Your mood ..."

The eyes of the queen fox queen could not help but widen a lot.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that a warrior who couldn't complete the emperor's success would be able to block her charm.

You know, even the kings of the three-headed tiger and stegosaurus, who had reached the peak of the emperor of Heaven, couldn't stop her magic.

This is exactly why her charm fox tribe has always occupied the first place in Jifeng.

If the three-headed Tiger and Stegosaurus can break her charms and illusions, relying on the strength of her charm foxes, it is impossible to rank first.

"This ... how is this possible? The charm of our female emperor can't be broken even by the strong one who has achieved the perfection of the emperor!"

"Yeah, why this boy, the emperor's perfect condition, even broke the charm of our female emperor!"

"This kid's state of mind is really strong. If it wasn't for his state of mind, it would be impossible to crack the illusion of our female emperor!"

"Who the **** is this guy? His cultivation is really only the emperor's perfection?"

"He didn't hide the practice. The breath on his body is really only so strong, but his state of mind is really the strongest I have ever seen!"


Watching Mo Wentian crack the charm of the charm fox female emperor, countless disciples of the charm fox tribe instantly clamored.

At this moment, their eyes looked at Mo Wentian, and a little doubt rose in their eyes.

In their hearts, Mo Wentian's not-so-simple thoughts became stronger and stronger.

What's more, at the moment, they even felt a hunch in their hearts.

Their female emperor, Liu Cheng's strength, can't really defeat Mo Wutian in front of her.


And at this moment, Youer, looking at the queen queen female emperor, flashed a magnificent, deep voice in her eyes.

Youer's heart, at this moment, is a touch of Mingwu.

Originally, Youer had seen Mo Wentian's strength when he captured Na Xi Yan Shenhua.

Mo Wentian was able to win the night of Yan Yan Shenhua. Youer knew that Mo Wutian was not weak, but he did not expect that Mo Wentian could even crack her mother's charm.

"Yuer, your mother is fine!"

"The boss won't hurt your mother!"

Xiao Yan's figure flickered, and she came to Youer, said in a deep voice.

"Little brother, you say the boss and mother, who will be the winner?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. Youer looked at Xiaoyu, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and said the voice down.

"The boss has never lost!"

Xiaoxiong didn't answer Yuer's question directly, but simply said indifferently to the fact that Tian never lost.

"Have you never lost?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, You Er's eyes could not help but widen.

Youer's heart rose with a touch of admiration.

I have never lost it. I am afraid that even if she has always been Tianjiao, she would not dare to say such a thing.

But Xiaoyi said that Mo Wentian had never lost, and Mo Wentian's cultivation was only the emperor's consummation. In the heart of Youer, the respect for Mo Wentian became stronger.

"You, if the boss and I have won, would you like to follow me and leave the fox family?"

Suddenly, it seemed to be remembering something. Xiaoyan looked at Youer, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"Little brother, I am naturally willing, but I am the future female emperor of the Meihu tribe!"

"I want to manage this fox family. I still need to ask my mother's permission!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, You Er's eyebrows tightened.

You Er's expression faded instantly.

"You, I support your decision!"

Xiaoxiong looked at Youer and lowered her voice.

"Little brother, if I choose to stay in this fox family, will you follow me in the fox family?"

Youer looked at Xiaoyan, trying to ask but didn't say anything.

In fact, you don't ask, you all know Xiao's answer.

Xiao Yan will not stay with her in this fox family.

Thinking this way, You's head was lowered.

"Madam, win two battles!"

"I have won the battle!"

And at this moment, in the void, Mo Wentian looked at the queen of the Meihu tribe with a look of arrogance.

In the war just now, Mo Wentian was not harmed in the slightest, but the heroine of the Meihu tribe flew upside down.

Obviously, in the battle just now, the Emperor Fox tribe lost.

The female queen of the fox tribe only exhibited 60% of her power, which is definitely a good thing for Mo Wentian.

At least, Mo Wentian can be sure that if the charmed fox female emperor exerts her full strength, this charm can be blocked, but if the strength is hard to fight, he cannot be blocked at all.

"Yes, you won this battle!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, the Meihu tribe turned back and looked at Mo Wentian, his eyes narrowed, and a complex light flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, the Emperor Fox tribe did not dare to ask questions.

Originally, the female fox emperor thought that the cultivation of Mo Wentian was nothing but the perfect condition of the emperor. Even if Mo Wentian's talent is strong, the strength exhibited will be the highest state of perfection.

Unexpectedly, Mo Wentian just broke her enchantment just now, even though her strength is not weaker than Tiandi in the middle.

"There are two more battles. How does the adult queen female queen plan to fight these two wars?"

Suddenly, it seems to be remembering something, Mo Wentian looked at the queen queen of the fox tribe and said coldly.

"How to fight these two wars?"

"How do you want to fight?"

There was a flash of light in the eyes of the queen queen's female emperor, and she did not answer the question.

She wanted to see it, but Mo Wentian wanted to fight.

"Bendi has never been a man who likes to take advantage of others!"

"Why don't you use your magic skills that the Charmed Foxes are best at?"

Mo Wentian groaned for a while, looking at the queen queen of the fox tribe with a cold face.


"Mo Wentian, do you think about it, and want me to perform illusions?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, the corner of the mouth of the female queen of the fox tribe raised a radian.

It was a confident smile. The charmed fox female emperor had a confident self in her heart.

Mo Wentian was able to overcome her charm by virtue of her mood just now, but Mo Wentian could not defeat her illusion anyway.

After all, to get out of her illusions and not be fooled by illusions, it is not just a good mood.

"Come here!"

"The Emperor has come to your Char Fox family but there are still important things to do!"

Mo Wentian looked at the Meihu tribe's empress, and said it was very brisk.

"Mo Wentian, you are very refreshing, and this emperor still likes such a refreshing person like you!"

"If you are the one who has a motivating force with you, my emperor will agree once!"

Seeing Mo Wutian so refreshing, the hearts of the female queen of the Meihu tribe could not help but raise a touch of recognition.

The words of the female queen of the fox tribe were directly spoken.

"Madam Fox Empress, you made a joke!"

"Bendi and Xiaoxi are good brothers. You talk like this, but they have provoked the feelings between my brothers!"

"What's more, this force of mind is not something that anyone can produce!"

"And you can rest assured that Xiaoxuan will only surprise you!"

Listening to the words of the Emperor Fox tribe, Mo Wentian said quickly.

That looks like I'm afraid Xiao Xiao misunderstood it.

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