Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2148: The position of the old man in ancient books

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Chapter 2148: The Status of the Old Man in Ancient Books

"This kid is really in trouble!"

"It seems that the next round of assessment will have to wait for a while!"

At the moment, Yuan Ran, seeing all this in his eyes, shook his head slightly, and said secretly in his heart.

At this moment, Yuan Ran also had a decision in his mind.

"In the assessment, if the kid is missing, it will be boring!"

There was a whisper in his mouth, and in the eyes of Yuan Ran, a glint of light passed by.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, I saw Yuan Ran's figure flashed and disappeared.

And just at this moment, the deep of Jiufeng Peak.

"Predecessors of ancient books, the spirit of the boss, is still growing!"

Huantian looked at the old man in the ancient book, and there was a worry in his eyes.

"Isn't it a good thing to increase the soul?"

"What are you worried about?"

The old man in the ancient book looked at the magic sky, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"Predecessors of ancient books, you don't mean ordinary people. In the river water of the Forgotten River, the promotion can only be a few tens of feet, but the boss's soul has been raised by two hundred feet. This ..."

Suddenly, it seemed that he remembered something, and Tiantian's brows curled up, his face worried.

You must know that the average person can raise up to dozens of feet at most, but Mo Wentian ’s soul, even under the hardening of the rivers and rivers of this forgetful river, has actually risen by two hundred feet.

Not only that, Mo Wentian's soul has not stopped growing, and continues to improve.

This makes Huantian not worry about it?

"No need to worry!"

"A lot of improvement is a good thing!"

"This kid's physique has improved, and his soul has grown a bit, and his physique can still bear it!"

The look of the old man in ancient books is very serious.

As the saying goes, the old man of ancient books is also worried.

After all, even the man millions of years ago, who refined the soul in the waters of Changchuan River in Forgotten River, could not be lifted by a hundred feet. But now Mo Wentian, the spirit of the soul was raised by two hundred feet.

Not only that, but Mo Wentian ’s spirit is still continuing to rise, which makes the old man in the ancient book feel no surprise.

Originally, the minds of the old men in ancient books were also worried that Mo Wentian's spirit could not be lifted.

But I thought Mo Wentian had just improved his physique just now. There is no problem with the holiness of the Kowloon Holy Body to withstand the spirit of 1,500 feet.

Thinking this way, the brows of the old man in the ancient books stretched slightly.

"The body can still bear it?"

Listening to the words of the old man in the ancient books, the look of fantasy sky slightly softened.

After all, Fantasy Sky still believes in the old man of ancient books.

After following Mo Wentian for so long, the old man of ancient books is still very good for Mo Wentian.

At least when Mo Wentian needs help, the old man of the ancient books will come forward, which makes Huantian feel a lot of gratitude to the old man of the ancient books.

"Buzz ..."

Mo Wentian's soul is still continuing to improve.

"One thousand four hundred and ten feet, one thousand four hundred and twenty feet ..."

The eyes of the old man in ancient books are full of awe.

A quarter of an hour passed by again.

"Five hundred and fifty feet!"

"This kid's soul finally stopped growing!"

The sound of rejoicing sounded from the old man of ancient books, and a very bright light rose in the eyes of the old man of ancient books.

"Five hundred and fifty feet?"

"The boss's soul has risen to 1,500 feet?"

Listening to the words of the old man in the ancient books, Huantian was stunned for a moment, and he came back to God, and his face was full of joy.

"Hoohoo ..."

In the river of the Forgotten River, a figure opened his eyes.

There was a sigh of breath in his mouth, and Mo Wentian's figure flickered and disappeared into the water of Changhe River in Wangchuan.

When Mo Wentian's figure appeared again, it already appeared in the void.

Mo Wentian at the moment, the breath of his body is very vast.

The phantom of the 1,500 feet of the soul appeared behind Mo Wentian.

"Five hundred and fifty feet, so powerful and powerful!"

Phantom looked at Mo Wentian in the void, eyes full of admiration.

In Huantian's heart, Mo Wentian's image was very tall. At this moment, Mo Wentian's soul was raised to a terrible 1,500 feet.

This made the fantasy admiration for Mo Wentian even more in the mind.

"Spiritual coercion, really strong!"

In the eyes of the old man of the ancient books, there was also a sudden abruptness.

"Predecessors of ancient books, my soul, really improved!"

"The spirit of one thousand two hundred feet is raised to one thousand five hundred feet!"

Mo Wentian felt the change of the spirit of the soul, and a radiant light rose in his eyes.

"Boy, your soul is very successful!"

The figure of the old man in the ancient book flashed in front of Mo Wentian. He reached out and patted Mo Wentian's shoulder, his face full of approval.

"My soul has been refined successfully?"

"Predecessors of ancient books, my soul reached 1,500 feet, what level of 1,500 feet is comparable?"

Suddenly, it seemed that he remembered something. Mo Wentian looked at the old man in the ancient book, his eyes raised with doubt, and asked quickly.

"What level of fifteen thousand feet of spirits is comparable?"

"Boy, the realm of the heavenly emperor, the soul will not exceed 1,500 feet!"

"At this moment, even the Emperor Fox family will not be your opponent!"

The look of the old man in ancient books is very serious.

"Isn't the Meihu Fox Emperor my opponent?"

"It seems that my soul is a lot of improvement!"

There was a whisper in his mouth, and in Mo Wentian's eyes, a glimmer of light passed by.

"Your kid's strength is still good!"

"Body and soul have been refined and improved, and your strength has improved a lot!"

"Unsurprisingly, there is no problem if you want to win the top ten in this battle for honor!"

The old man of ancient books looked at Mo Wentian, his eyes full of approval.

"Predecessors of ancient books, what you said is true?"

"With my current strength, it is no problem to win the top ten in the list?"

Listening to the words of the old man in the ancient books, Mo Wentian's eyes instantly raised a very bright light, and quickly asked.

"Boy, if you eat hard, you will be the best!"

"Winning the top ten on the list, this is what you deserve!"

In the eyes of the old man of ancient books, a glimmer of light passed by.

"My soul and physique can be improved, and I would also like to thank the seniors of ancient books for their help!"

At the next moment, it seemed to have thought of something, Mo Wentian looked at the old man of ancient books, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and said sincerely.

"You kid don't have to thank me, winning the top ten on the list is your best thanks!"

The look of the old man in the ancient book suddenly became serious.

"Predecessors of ancient books can rest assured that the top ten in the list will be won by me!"

Clang's powerful voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were full of firmness.

"Boy, it's not too early!"

"The battle in the ring must be almost over. Your soul and body are successfully tempered. You don't need to forget the river!"

Suddenly, thinking of the battle for the battle of respect for the list, a complex eye rose in the eyes of the old man of the ancient books.

Speaking of the Forgotten River, the old man's hand waved, and the Forgotten River, which could not be seen at the edge, disappeared.

"This ... This forgets the river ..."

Seeing the disappearance of the Forgotten River, Huantian's eyes rose suddenly.

"Respectful, this forgets the river ..."

Looking at Huan Tian's awe-inspiring look, Mo Wentian looked at the old man in ancient books and couldn't help asking.

"This forgotten river is like your kid's asking heaven!"

"I forgot the long river of rivers I conquered a million years ago!"

"You don't want to tell anyone about the matter of forgetting the river and the river. Of course, Xiaojiao Tianhu and You're still okay!"

The look of the old man in ancient books is very serious.

This long river of forgetting the river is the secret of the old man of ancient books. Even the old man of Shenzhu does not know that the old man of the ancient book has the long river of forgetting the river.

The old man of ancient books is willing to inform Mo Wentian of this matter, and he will also take out the forgotten river for Mo Wentian to refine.

This only shows that Mo Wentian's position in the minds of the ancients is very high.

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