Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2151: Take one battle nine

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Chapter 2151: One Battle One Nine

"These people let you solve?"

"These people still leave it to me!"

"I want to see, to what extent my physique and soul have improved, and my strength!"

A icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a cold cold mango.

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiaojiao opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

"Since you are here, come out!"

At the next moment, it seemed to remember something, Mo asked Tian coldly.

"Good boy, your vigilance is really good!"

"This is the dog's nose. We just came towards him and he felt it!"

"Boy, you offended our young master, today we will send you on the road!"

"Don't underestimate them, they are not the only one, there is a breath of a beauty in them, but even we can't feel her cultivation!

"Follow this guy, how could it be strong!"


As Mo Wentian said this, one figure after another came down from all directions.

They looked at Mo Wentian, and the killing in their eyes was extremely wanton.

But among them, some people are still afraid.

After all, in the heavenly sea, Xiaojiao and You'er shot at them.

They can't feel Yuer's cultivation behavior, but they are very clear about Xiaojiao's cultivation behavior.

What's more, they still know the strength of Xiaojiao and You'er.

Thinking like this, these Qingtianjie disciples stepped back a few steps.

"Your ants, dare to call this Emperor a dog!"

"Bendi will let you know what a real dog is today!"

Listening to this argument, Mo Wentian's anger suddenly soared.

Looking at the disciples of Qingtianjie, Mo Wentian's eyes shrank suddenly.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's breath quickly rose.

For these disciples of Optimus Realm, Mo Wentian didn't have the slightest favor.

These people came to the door for death, so don't blame him for asking him.

"What is a real dog?"

"Boy, what do you want to do?"

"Are you trying to make a difference in one battle?"

Feeling the change in the breath of Mo Wentian, among the nine people, a figure stood up and looked at Mo Wentian with a cold face.

I can't tell why. At this moment, Mo asked about the breath on Tian's body, but in the early days of Tianzun, Mo asked about the breath from Tian's body, but it made him feel afraid.

What's more, there is a voice in his heart telling him to let him leave quickly.

But at the next moment, I thought they had nine people in them, and their practice was much stronger than Mo Wentian.

Thinking like this, this person's heart raised a confidence.

"Nine battles and one battle?"

"You are wrong in saying this, the emperor is going to kill nine today!"

"You have to come to the door to die, is there any reason why the Emperor is incomplete!"

Mo Wentian looked at the nine disciples of Optimus Realm in front of him, with a slight corner of his mouth, raising a touch of arc.

"Find a door to die?"

"Boy, you are so arrogant!"

"This is what you said, if you want to fight nine, then you have to say it first, you fight with us, they can't shoot!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the disciples of Qingtianjie who stood out flashed a complex eye in their eyes.

"Boss, they are really shameless!"

"I want you to fight nine and not let us go. I really don't know where this courageous man came from!"

Wen Yan, before waiting for Mo Wentian to speak, Xiaojiao flickered and stood up, looking at the Qingtianjie children in front of him, and said with disgust.

At this moment, the anger in Xiaojiao's heart quickly rose.

"Xiao Jiao, their shamelessness has nothing to do with us!"

"These nine people are just ants in front of me!"

"You don't need a shot, I can solve it alone!"

Looking at Xiao Jiao's angry face, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a light, lowering his voice.

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiaojiao opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

"Boy, so, you agree!"

"In that case, what are you waiting for!"

Seeing Mo Wentian agree to come down, the disciple of Qingtianjie said coldly.

At this moment, the breath of Qingtianjie disciples quickly rose.

The killing intention in their eyes is even more terrifying.

A vast breath spread from them.

"Death is so anxious, the Emperor will fulfill you!"

Looking at the nine Qingtianjie disciples, Mo Wentian said coldly.

"Buzz ..."

At the next moment, Mo Wentian did not hesitate at all, and Mo Wentian's figure flashed and disappeared in place.

And at the moment Mo Wentian disappeared, the nine disciples of Optimus Realm were not at all weak.

His heart moved, and a handful of artifacts appeared in their hands.

They looked extremely cautiously around, and it seemed that as soon as Mo Wentian's figure appeared, they beheaded Mo Motian.

But Mo Wentian was extremely fast. When Mo Wentian appeared again, he already appeared in front of a disciple.


When a dead word fell, Mo Wentian punched him and threw it toward the disciple's chest.


"Do not……"


A series of screams sounded, and a figure fell to the ground softly. The vitality in him completely disappeared.

This person is no one else. This person is Mo Wentian's disciple who stood out among those nine.

But a few breaths, this disciple of Qingtianjie, has not recovered, he has already asked Mo Tiantian to kill him.

An incomparable **** smell permeated from the inanimate figure.

"This ... this kid's speed, so fast!"

"Brother Qingyu was killed by this kid, but everyone was careful!"

"Is this kid a devil? Brother Qingyu didn't even have the spare power to fight back, he was directly killed by him!"

"This kid can't keep him, he must be beheaded!"

"Everyone be careful, this kid's strength cannot be underestimated!"


It wasn't until the figure fell heavily on the ground that they recovered.

Looking at Mo Wentian, the sodium salt was awesome in their eyes.

At this moment, some of the remaining eight people only felt a coolness rising in their hearts.

In their hearts, a retreat clearly rose, and they wanted to leave.

But the thought of Young Master Qingtian Realm's order, they can only stay.

"Go together and behead this kid!"

At the next moment, a loud voice sounded.

With the sound of this sound, the eight figures in the void directly came to Mo Wentian.

"Boss, be careful!"

"Ask Brother Tian, ​​be careful!"


Looking at this scene, Tianhu and Xiaojiao and others not far away raised a worry in their eyes and quickly reminded.

"Relax, these ants are just for the Emperor's hands!"

"It's impossible for them to hurt me!"

Clang's powerful voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were full of firmness.

"Boss ..."

Although Mo Wentian was so determined, Xiao Jiao and Huan Tian were still worried.

His eyes looked straight at the void, and the breath on them rose rapidly.

It looks as if as long as Mo asked Tian what's wrong, they would immediately shoot.

Xiao Jiao and Huan Tian followed Mo Wentian for so long. In Mo Wentian's heart, Mo Wentian had already regarded them as loved ones, but in Xiao Jiao and Huan Tian's hearts, why not.

As long as Mo asked what happened, they would not hesitate to shoot, even if it was their own lives.

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