Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2153: Active eight

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Chapter 2153: The Active Eight


"Boy, what chance would you give us?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Badao figure stood up, watching Mo Wentian, almost subconsciously asked.

"Give you a chance to submit to the emperor!"

A icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a cold cold mango.

"Hahahaha ..."

"Boy, you want us to surrender to you, just dreaming!"

"Yes, among our disciples in Optima Realm, we have never been a traitor, and we cannot submit to you!"

"We are strong in the realm of the heavenly emperor. If we surrender to you, where is our face? Where is our face of Qingtian Realm?"

"It is impossible for us to surrender to you, kill if you want to kill!"


Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the eight disciples of Optimus Realm burst into laughter.

It seemed that I heard something funny, and I couldn't stop it.

Although their bodies were a little trembling, in their words, they really did not want to be weak.

None of them were willing to surrender, but instead moved out the great righteousness of Qingtianjie one by one.

"Don't submit to the emperor?"

"It seems that you chose to die!"

Listening to this line of discussion, and then looking at that figure, his face was firm.

Mo Wentian's expression was suddenly cold.

Mo Wentian's breath rose rapidly.

A terrible chill spread from Mo Wentian.

"Boss, these people directly beheaded, why bother with them!"

At this moment, Xiao Jiao's figure flashed and fell in front of Mo Wentian.

Looking at Mo Wentian, Xiao Jiao said with a warring face.

"The strength of these people, they know a little bit, and subdued it, it is still helpful for us to enhance the strength of Devouring God Realm!"

"What's more, these people's status in Optimus Realm is not low. Conquering them will help us conquer Optimus Realm in the future!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiao Jiao, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, lowering the voice.

"Boss, will these eight surrender?"

I don't know when, the figure of Fantasy Sky also appeared beside Mo Wentian.

Looking at Mo Wentian, in the eyes of Phantom Sky, a certain amount of doubt came up, stretched out his furry claws, scratched his head, and said with a deep voice.


"They can't choose not to submit!"

"After all, nothing is more important than their lives!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a glimmer of light passed by.

"Boss ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiaojiao and Huantian looked at each other, opened their mouths, and wanted to say something, but heaviest but said nothing.

"It's a terrible chill, I feel my body is frozen by this chill!"

"The strength of this kid is too terrible!"

"We fight with this kid, we are not his opponent at all!"

"It's not impossible to surrender to this kid. In fact, we follow the young master, and the young master also treats us as his tool. Who is following is not following, not to mention, this kid is very good for himself!"

"Yes, in the eyes of the young master, we are no different from tools. What's more, if we don't do the things he commanded, we don't have good fruits!"


Feeling the terrible cold hit, the eight disciples of Qingtianjie shook their hearts slightly.

Among them, half of them are willing to submit to Mo Wentian.

But half of them are still hesitating.

Those who do not want to surrender have scruples about not surrendering.

Although Mo Wentian's strength is not bad, Mo Wentian's practice is too bad.

The cultivation practice of Tianzun was not as good as that of them.

If they surrendered to the hands of an early warrior, no matter who they were, they would joke.

What's more, this Optima Realm is still a good world in the Celestial Realm.

In their hearts, naturally they are unwilling to give up the good and follow the bad.

Thinking like this, they hesitated in their hearts.

"Boss, some of them have been shaken?"

"I didn't expect them to shake so fast!"

Listening to this discussion, Xiaojiao's eyes flashed a fine, deep voice.

"They are surrendered for sure!"

"They just seem to be loyal to their young master, they seem to be loyal to their Optimus Realm, but that's just the appearance!"

Mo Wentian looked at the disciples of Qingtianjie, and a cold, cold voice flashed in his eyes.

"Boy, don't rub it!"

"To conquer all of these people, the battle for the honors is the most important!"

And at this moment, the voice of the old man of ancient books came.

"Bendi has no patience!"

"Give you three breathing time to consider, if you do not submit, then die!"

Listening to the words of the old man in the ancient books, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, looking at these disciples of Qingtianjie, a flash of cold and cold voice flashed in his eyes.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's breath rose rapidly.

The terrible power spread from Mo Wentian's body.

In the arrogant void, Mo Wentian at the moment is like a supreme king, with coercive strength and coexistence. From a distance, it is terrible.

"A breath!"

"Two breaths!"


At the next moment, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate, and began to take a few breaths.

As Mo Wentian breathed a few times, the vast coercion of Mo Wentian was looming towards them.

"Boom ..."

Badao figure, where can bear the coercion of Mo Wentian, they just feel the legs are soft and kneel down on the ground directly.

"It seems that you chose to die!"

"God Eater!"

Seeing that the eight of them were kneeling on the ground, they had not bowed down towards him yet. Mo Wentian's mind moved, and the Devouring Sword appeared in Mo Wentian's hands.

On the sword of Devouring God, there is a terrible sword intent, which is extremely wanton.

At the beginning of the war, Mo Wentian did not come up with an artifact. These people are not Mo Wentian's opponents.

Now, Mo Wentian has an artifact in his hand, and they are even more unlikely to be Mo Wentian's opponent.

"Three ..."

At the next moment, Mo Wentian counted three breaths, but Mo Wentian had not finished speaking.

"I am willing to surrender, do not kill me, I am willing to surrender!"

"I am willing to surrender too!"

"We are willing to surrender, don't kill us!"

"We don't want to behead you at all, it's just that Young Master Qingtianjie said that if we don't come to behead you, he will behead us if we go back!"

"Don't kill us, we are willing to surrender. In the future, whether you let me be your eyes, we are willing to listen to you!"


Before waiting for Mo Wentian to finish his speech, he bowed down to Mo Wentian.

Their looks are extremely respectful.


"These disciples of Optimus Realm really surrendered!"

Looking at this scene, Xiaojiao's face rose with joy.

"You are not bad, surrender to the emperor, the emperor is still good to himself!"

"But surrendering to the emperor is not just verbally surrendering!"

Mo Wentian looked at the eight people who knelt in front of him, a cold flash of cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Not verbal surrender? How do we surrender?"

"Yeah, what is surrender?"

"Master, as long as you say let us do, we will, we all listen to the master!"

"We all listen to the master!"

"Yes, we all listen to the master!"


As Mo Wentian said this, the eight people looked at Mo Wentian with a respectful expression.

These disciples of Optimus Realm are so respectful, which is somewhat beyond Mo Wentian's expectations.

After all, there are many people he subdued, but he has never been so respectful.

At this moment, in Mo Wentian's heart, for these disciples of Optimus Realm, he felt a good impression.

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