Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2170: Good style

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Chapter 2170: Good Body Style

"This is not something we should pay attention to!"

"Let's look at that woman's strength is enough!"

Suddenly, Mo Wentian seemed to remember something, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, lowering the voice.

One hour passed quickly.

"The last group of disciples went to the ring!"

Yuan Ran's cold voice sounded.

"Buzz ..."

At the next moment, above the ring, I saw two figures appearing, and one figure was the beautiful figure.

Opposite the woman, there is a young man whose breath has reached the state of heavenly consummation.

The spread of this man's power is not weak.

Looking at the two figures standing on the ring, everyone's eyes fell on the two of them instantly.

"Boss, this person's breath is not weak!"

"Will he be the woman's opponent?"

Xiao Jiao looked at Mo Wentian, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help saying.

"No one in our competition is this woman's opponent!"

"Unless she doesn't want to win!"

A icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a cold cold mango.

"Boss, then you have encountered a hard stubble this time!"

"In the following assessment, you will definitely meet her!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Xiao Jiao's heart raised a worry, Shen Sheng said.

"She won't be against me!"

"At least it won't prevent me from being in the top ten!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a complex eye flashed.

"Boss ..."

After hearing this, Xiaojiao opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

"The identity of this woman is not simple. She has repeatedly collided with Emperor Yuan Ran. Emperor Yuan Ran has also been very kind to her. This person cannot be underestimated!

"The person who fights against her can't be underestimated. This person is a disciple of Holy Heaven Realm!"

"Yeah, I heard that this person is still a disciple of the elders of the Holy Heaven Realm!"

"The breath of this person seems to have been suppressed, and his original cultivation behavior must not be the realm of Heavenly Sovereign!"

"Heir to the elders of Saint Heaven Realm, Saint Heaven Realm is ranked in the top 20 in the world, and the two are equal!"


One figure after another, recovered from the shock, and immediately discussed.

At this moment, they were full of energy, and their eyes looked at the ring without blinking.

That look, it seems to be afraid of missing something wonderful.

But in their minds, there was even speculation at the moment.

At the moment, Yuan Ran's complexion also changed.

He actually wanted to look at his strength when the two men played against each other. As for the question of the two men's staying, it became a matter of embarrassment for Yuan Ran.

"Little lady, I think you still admit defeat first?"

"Otherwise my sword will fall, you are afraid that you will not even have to die!"

"It's better to admit defeat, I always love Xiangxiangxiyu, when I win the top ten in the list, I will love you!"

On the ring, the man looked at the beautiful shadow on the opposite side and said with arrogance.

In that way, it seems that the woman is not taken into consideration at all.

But the breath of the woman really did not have the breath of his body.

What a woman's identity is, but no one has ever been so arrogant in front of her, her heart is full of anger.

At the same time, in the eyes of the woman, a terrible murderous intention came up.

"Not even a life?"

"Love me so much?"

"My Yu'er has never met someone as arrogant as you!"

"Want to kill me, want my life?"

"Then you must have this skill!"

Yuer looked at the man on the opposite side, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The beautiful face, coupled with the smile of flowers, the intoxicating smile, people can not help but relax.

The woman in front of her is simply a beautiful and attractive woman. Not only does she feel unwilling to kill, but she also raises a touch of pity.

But in fact, in the depths of the woman's eyes, a terrifying and terrible fighting intent was raised.

"Brother Tian, ​​will this girl Yu'er be the winner?"

Tianhu looked at Mo Wentian and couldn't help it.

"The last winner must be her!"

"Don't say it is the disciple of the Holy Heaven Realm in front of me, even if it is me, she exerts all her strength, and I am not her opponent!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a flash of coldness flashed through, lowering his voice.

Tianhu didn't know that Yu'er was terrible. Although Mo Wentian didn't know the specific identity of Yuer, Mo Wentian was very clear.

What's more, Emperor Yuan Ran's attitude towards Yu'er has increasingly confirmed the identity of this person.

At least the identity of this person, even Yuan Ran the emperor should be afraid.

"Even if Brother Tian is not her opponent?"

"Who is this person?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Tianhu couldn't help raising a doubt, and asked subconsciously.

"Her identity will be known sooner or later!"

The indifferent voice sounded, a complex eye flashed in Mo Wentian's eyes.


After hearing this, Tianhu nodded as if he didn't understand.

At the moment, there is already a crossbow in the ring.

"If you want to kill this girl, don't torture Haw!"

"I give you a chance to shoot. In fact, your strength is also among the top among the people who participated in the battle for the honor list!"

"Unfortunately, you have bad luck, you met me, and met me, you can't win!"

Seeing the disciples of the Holy Heaven Realm across from him didn't make a shot, Yuer's eyes flashed a cold, cold face.

"You really let me shoot?"

Listening to Yu'er's arrogant words, the man seemed unbelievable, his eyes wide open, and he asked subconsciously.


The indifferent voice sounded, and Yuer's eyes were full of disdain.

For her strength, Yu'er is still very confident. Her cultivation behavior has long been beyond the realm of Heavenly Emperor.

She came here this time, if she didn't follow the man's order, she didn't want to come to this district to fight for the honors and accompany these disciples.

Although the person in front of him, Xiu Wei also suppressed some things, but this person's cultivation behavior was at most only the mid-day of Emperor Tiandi, and could not be his opponent at all.

The man in front of her cannot be her opponent at all.

This battle, she won!

"Little lady, this is what you let me do, you don't regret it!"

Looking at Yu'er's disdainful look, a sense of war rose in the eyes of the disciples of Shengtianjie.

"Holy Sword Skills!"

At the next moment, the man didn't hesitate at all, sneered, and Shengtian Jianju shot directly.

"Holy Sword Skills!"


And at the moment the man shot, Yuer's eyes shrank suddenly.

Immediately, Yuer's figure flickered and disappeared in place.

When it appeared again, Yuer's figure had already appeared in front of the man.

In her hand, she just held a paper-thin dagger, and the dagger stabbed directly at the man's chest.

"This ... no!"

"Don't kill this person!"

And just as the dagger first fell on the man's chest, a cry of exclamation sounded.

I saw a ghostly figure, disappeared instantly.

And at that moment when the ghostly figure disappeared, Yuer's dagger fell empty.

What followed was a dreadful sword intent that struck her.

"It seems I underestimate you!"

"Your body style is pretty good!"

Feeling that terrible sword, Yu'er's brow furrowed slightly.

But at the next moment, it seemed that she remembered something, Yuer's mouth twitched slightly, and raised a touch of arc.

"Good body style?"

"Little girl, your strength is also very good. If it wasn't for the body technique taught by Master, I was afraid I would die under your dagger!

Looking at Yuer on the opposite side, a strangeness rose in the man's eyes.

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