Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2176: Team success

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Chapter 2176 Team Success

"Boy, what do you mean?"

"You and the fat guy are fine?"

"You mean, you are only grouped with fat people?"

"You don't want to be with this girl?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's remarks, Yu'er froze a little, and recovered, Yuer looked at Mo Wentian, and his eyes rose with an unstoppable awe.

"Girl Yu'er, do you want to listen to the truth, or do you want to listen to lies?"

Mo Wentian looked at Yu'er, and the raised arc at the corner of his mouth grew thicker.

"Of course I want to hear the truth!"

Yuer blurted out subconsciously.

"Do you want to hear the truth?"

"In this case, the Emperor will tell you the truth!"

"Bendi thinks you girl Yu'er, arrogance is too arrogant. If you are peaceful, Bendi is willing to be with you!"

"But there is no way. Who made the rules formulated by Yuan Ran the group of four?"

"If I don't want to be with you, there are only four of us, which is useless!"

Mo Wentian pondered for a while, looked at Yu'er, and said seriously.

"What? I heard it right? This kid didn't want to be with Yuer girl?"

"I really don't know what this kid is thinking? This kid's cultivation behavior is only the early stage of Tianzun. He and Yuer girl are in a group. This is definitely the best choice!"

"This kid is really arrogant. He dared to talk to the girl Yuer so much. Didn't he see this girl Yuer, even Yuan Ran, would give her some face?"

"This kid is a newborn calf. He is not afraid of tigers. He will die and no one will control him!"

"Yeah, it's just an early ant of Tianzun, and if you die, you die. What does this have to do with us!"


When Mo Wentian said this, countless warriors instantly exploded.

They looked at Mo Wentian, and their eyes rose abruptly.

At the same time, some of their warriors had sympathy for Mo Wentian.

But at the next moment, when I thought of Mo Wentian's original strength, a look of admiration rose in my eyes.

"Only the four of us?"

"This is useless?"

"Boy, you ..."

Listening to this argument, Yu'er was almost mad.

She Yu'er has never been so wronged, not to mention, Mo Wentian said it in front of countless warriors.

At this moment, the anger in Yuer's heart erupted instantly.

If it were n’t for Yuan Ran ’s presence at this moment, or if it had n’t been the rules previously formulated by Yuan Ran, she would have asked Mo Wentian.

Despite the news that Mo Wentian could not be killed, it was not impossible for her to hurt Mo Wentian.

"Cough ..."

"Don't argue about anything anymore, it's not too early. The rest of the people have already chosen their teammates. This leaves you four, and you four are teammates!"

At this moment, Yuan Ran's cold voice sounded.

"Girl Yuer, I think we can only become teammates!"

Hearing Yuan Ran's words, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a touch of light, and his expression was indifferent.

"Boy, it's your pleasure to be a teammate with me!"

"Your Tianzun's early cultivation practices, I really can't see where you are, and you should be worthy of being sent by an adult to protect you!"

Yuer looked at Mo Wentian, and there was a glare of displeasure in his eyes, but these words were not spoken, just a secret word in his heart.

"Boss, your team is so strong!"

"I don't think they can win you!"

Seeing the disciples of Shengtianjie also approaching Mo Wentian, Xiaojiao's eyes flashed a fine light, Shen Sheng said.

"This test is about cohesion, which people will be left in the end, this may be!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, there was a flash of coldness.

"Boss, you must be able to pass the test of cohesion this time!"

Xiao Jiao looked at Mo Wentian and cheered Mo Wentian.


Mo Wentian lightly nodded.

Although I can't talk too much about this disciple of Yu'er and Shengtianjie, since I have become a teammate.

This time Yuan Ran's assessment was about cohesion, and he would naturally not mess this up.

After all, he wants to be in the top ten of the honor list. Only when he enters the top ten of the honor list can he meet the old man of Shenzhu.

There are too many doubts in his mind, and he must resolve them.

Thinking like this, a complex eye flashed in Mo Wentian's eyes.

"Your team has all been assembled!"

"It's not too early, you can enter the trail mountain range!"

"be careful!"

Yuan Ran's cold voice resounded.

"Buzz ..."

Emperor Yuan Ran's words came out, and countless martial arts swiftly moved towards the path of the mountains.

As for Mo Wentian and his group of four, he was not in a hurry at all.

"Girl Yu'er, you are also a wise man. Since you have chosen to join us and want to be in the top ten of the honor list, how about we talk about an agreement?"

Suddenly, it seemed that he remembered something, Mo Wentian looked at Yu'er with a serious expression on his face.


"What agreement do you want to talk to this girl?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Yuer's eyes raised a touch of light.

At this moment, Yu'er was curious about Mo Wentian's agreement.

"My agreement is very simple, you and me are a group of assessments, we are teammates!"

"Then we should complete the task this time, and we should not take off anyone's hind legs?"

Mo Wentian looked at Yuer girl, very serious.

"it is good!"

"I promise you!"

"At least this time I was in a team with you. I don't want to indulge in any danger you encounter!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, a flash of light flashed in Yuer's eyes.

Yuer wouldn't understand what Mo Wentian said.

When Yuan Ran made the rules, he had made it very clear.

Yu'er is very clear that this emperor Yuan Ran is investigating cohesion. If they are not united and want to stay, it is not an easy task.

Thinking this way, Yuer quickly agreed.

"Girl Yuer agreed, what about you?"

Seeing that Yuer girl had agreed to it, Mo Wentian looked at his eyes to the disciples of Shengtianjie, and said coldly.

"Girl Yu'er has already agreed, and I have no objections!"

Hearing the words, the disciples of the Holy Heaven Realm froze for a moment, and came back to God, said quickly.

"You have no objections?"

"So we will say it!"

Seeing that the disciples of the Holy Heaven Realm also agreed to come down, Mo Wentian felt relieved.

"Why don't you ask me if I agree or not?"

When watching Mo Wentian asked Yuer girl and the disciples of Shengtianjie, he didn't ask his fat man. The fat man looked at Mo Wentian and said a little unpleasantly.

"Fat, don't you agree?"

Mo Wentian looked at the fat man, not answering the question.

"Promise, I definitely agree!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the fat man did not hesitate at all, he said quickly.

"This fat man is simply superfluous!"

Looking at the fat-hearted look of the fat man, Mo Wentian's mouth twitched slightly and raised a touch of arc.

Mo Wentian raised a good impression on this fat man.

In fact, this fat man is still very cute, except for his savory meat, the rest are still very good.

If this person treats him genuinely, it is not impossible for Mo Wentian to accept this person.

After all, now that when he is deprived of the strength of Tianshen Realm, this fat man's strength is not very strong, but it is still pretty good.

"Boy, everyone has entered the mountains, shall we enter the mountains?"

And at this moment, Yuer girl's voice came.


"Let's enter together!"

Listening to what Yuer said, the three were almost unanimous.

Immediately, the four went directly deep into the deep mountain range.

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