Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2184: Top of the list?

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Chapter 2184 top of the list?

"We are still able to do our best. After all, your cultivation is only in the early days of Heavenly Venerable!"

Suddenly, it seemed that he remembered something. The eyes of the prince fell on Mo Wentian, and when he looked at Mo Wentian, the prince looked indifferent.

Although the prince is saying that Mo Wentian's cultivation is only the early state of Tianzun, from his look, he can't see the slightest contempt.

This remark came from the mouth of the prince, and it made no one feel angry.

In the mind of the prince, this is not what he actually meant. He just felt that he should do his best.

Their practice is good in participating in the battle for the honor list, but their practice is uneven.

This made the Lord's heart a little worried.

Regarding Yuan Ran ’s thoughts, the saint knew very well that what Yuan Ran wanted to examine was cohesion, and this cohesion could not abandon his teammates when it was dangerous.

This point, the Sage is still very recognized, although he is not very willing to Mo Wentian and a group of fat people, but since becoming a teammate, they should face it together.

"I think what the prince said is justified. I think we should kill some monsters with lower cultivation skills first!"

As soon as the lord said this, Yuer stepped forward, looking at Mo Wentian, and said seriously.

"It shouldn't be too late, I think we'll kill these monsters with lower cultivation levels first!"

"In this way, even if you can't win others in cultivation, you can also win others in strength!"

The fat man twisted Han Han's body, and also came to Mo Wentian, looking at Mo Wentian, with a serious expression on his face.

"Since you all said so, let's kill some lower-level monsters first!"

Listening to this word, Mo Wentian pondered for a while, looking at Yuer and others, coldly.

"Mo Wentian, are you going to deal with these people?"

Suddenly, it seemed to think of something. In Yuer's eyes, a flash of fine light and a deep voice said.

"A disciple of six-winged bats?"

"These disciples let them go back to the six-winged bat family!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a glimmer of light passed by.

"As for you, you will follow the Emperor in the future. In this path mountain range, you must at least have to answer questions!"

At the next moment, it seemed to remember something, Mo Wentian looked at the six-winged bat boss, a cold flash of cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, six-winged bats must do what they want!"

The six-winged bat boss looked at Mo Wentian and gave a slight salute with a respectful expression.

"Okay, you disciples of six-winged bats, first go back to the six-winged bat family. If someone asks about your boss's whereabouts, you can find a reason to block it!"

"Also remember the words of the emperor, for the news of the emperor, and the news of conquering you, you must not reveal half a word. If not, you know, your life is in the hands of the emperor!"

"If you don't obey the Emperor, the Emperor will not be weak!"

A icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a cold cold mango.

At the same time, Mo Wentian's body, a cold chill, burst out.

"Yes, we will not disclose the owner's message!"

"Master, you can rest assured that we will keep ourselves safe, only the master's command is to follow!"

"Master, we will not leak your message, we still want to live!"

"As long as we can survive, what you say is what your master is!"

"When we go back to the six-winged bat family, we must do everything as usual and will not show abnormality!"


When Mo Wentian said this, those six-winged bats flashed a flash of light in their eyes, and instantly exploded the pan.

They looked at Mo Wentian with a sincere look.

That way, people do not doubt their loyalty.

After that, the disciples of the six-winged bat quickly left.

In place, only the six-winged bat boss and Mo Wentian were left.

And at the moment when the disciples of six-winged bats left, a figure was looking at a mirror at the entrance of the footpath mountain range. In the mirror, it was the figure of Mo Wentian and others.

This figure is not seen by others, but is Yuan Ran.

"This kid, what a good idea!"

"He conquered these six-winged bats, but these six-winged bats are among the most well-known monsters in the trail mountain range. With these six-winged bats, this kid is in the trail mountain range. Monster, it's much easier! "

With a whisper in his mouth, Yuan Ran's eyes raised a compliment.

At this moment, Emperor Yuan Ran really liked Mo Wentian more and more.

If it were not Mo Wentian he could not be accepted as a disciple, this time he must accept Mo Wentian as a personal disciple.

Mo Wentian, Mo Wentian, could not tell why, the name Yuan Ran always felt a little familiar.

But for a while, I couldn't remember where the name came from.

"Boy, it didn't disappoint me!"

"It's just that in this pathless mountain range, neither the Ice Fox family nor the Halberd family are easy to deal with. You boy should be careful!"

And just when Yuan Ran was full of awe-inspiring sighs, a hidden phantom in the void not far away, eyes full of worry.

This hidden figure is none other than the old man of ancient books.

The old man of ancient books has been closely following Mo Wentian's movements. He wants to see Mo Wentian's situation in the quiet mountain range.

Among the trail mountain range, it is not very safe. At least with Mo Wentian's cultivation, you should be careful in the trail mountain range.

And at the moment, on the slopes not far from the quiet mountain range, a figure opened its eyes and stood up.

This figure is nothing other than Tianhu Xiaojiao and Phantom Tianyou.

Their breath is indeed stronger than before.

"I don't know what happened to the boss in the footpath mountains?"

Xiaojiao's eyes looked at the trail mountain range, and there was a worry in his eyes.

"Yeah, I don't know what happened to Brother Tian?"

"Predecessors of ancient books have said that in this trail mountain range, the danger is extremely high!"

Tianhu's pretty face was also full of worry.

If it were not for Mo Wentian to say that she could not be allowed to follow into the trail mountain range, she would have followed Mo Wentian, so if Mo Wentian was in danger, she could help.

"Relax, the old conference is fine!"

"This time, the boss will definitely be among the best!"

Phantom Sky's figure flashed and fell in front of Tianhu, looking at Tianhu, a flash of light and a deep voice flashed in his eyes.

"Yes, the boss will be fine!"

"The group with the boss is the girl Yuer and the sage of the heavenly world. Their strength is the strongest in this battle for honor!"

"The boss and their team, if something goes wrong with the boss, wouldn't the battle for the honors be wiped out by the whole army!"

You'er reached out and patted Tianhu's shoulder, and said seriously.


"Ask Brother Tian will be fine!"

Listening to You Er's words, Tianhu's heart relaxed a lot.

"Okay, I think we still go back to the Trail Mountains, so that at least the first time we can know the news that the boss is in the Trail Mountains!"

Suddenly, it seemed to think of something. In Xiaojiao's eyes, there was a flash of light and a deep voice.


At the next moment, Xiao Jiao did not hesitate, the figure flashed and disappeared on the hillside.

Seeing Xiao Jiao's figure disappear, Tianhu and others quickly followed.

For a moment, the figures of Xiaojiao and others appeared in front of the trail mountain when they appeared again.

The figure of Xiaojiao and others just appeared, and a scene appeared in front of Xiaojiao and others.

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