Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2187: One sword cuts three people

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Chapter 2187

It seems that you all want to die! "

"A total of 19 people are left. I'll solve eight people. Eleven people remain. The sage solves four people. The fat man and Mo Wentian, you solve three people!

Listening to this argument, Yuer's eyes were killing.

At this moment, the breath of Yuer's body skyrocketed rapidly.

The terrible and terrible pressure spread from Yu'er.

But the breath of Yuer's body made people never think about her cultivation.

"You beheaded eight people?"

"Can you kill eight people?"

Upon hearing that Yu'er was going to kill eight people, and he beheaded four people, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a doubt.

"I beheaded eight people, absolutely no problem!"

"You only need to manage your own three people is enough!"

The icy voice sounded, Yuer's look was extremely cold.

Yu'er looks really good. At this moment, the serious and icy Yuer looks like a icy beauty from a distance.

"Yu'er girl, don't you let me help you by then!"

Mo Wentian looked at Yu'er, his mouth twitched slightly, and he raised a radian way.

Yuer girl's strength is good, but want to kill eight people, but it is not an easy task.

It's not that Mo Wentian doesn't believe in Yu'er girl's strength, it's just that Yu'er girl has always been high-eyed and low-handed, and these people who came to participate in the battle for the honor list are not some good things.

There is no problem to solve one or two people, but it is not easy to solve eight people.

"Want you help?"

"Take care of yourself, don't drag our hind legs, everything will be fine!"

Yuer girl snorted, rolled her eyes.

"Girl Yu'er, you look down on me too!"

Mo Wentian looked at Yu'er that seemed a little angry. Mo Wentian's mouth slightly twitched, raising a touch of arc.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

"When these people are resolved, we still have a lot to do!"

"The purpose of this assessment, but to kill the monsters in the realm of Heavenly Emperor, don't let us solve these people and delay our business!"

Suddenly, it seemed to think of something, Yuer's expression was instantly serious.

"It's not too late, let's do it!"

Listening to the girl Yu'er, Mo Wentian was also very refreshing, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

And when it appeared again, Mo Wentian's figure had already appeared in the void.

"These three are mine!"

"You will share the rest!"

Mo Wentian looked at the three people in front of him, a cold flash of cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Your kid, you really pick!"

Looking at the three people in front of Mo Wentian, the cultivation behavior of these three people is the lowest among the remaining nineteen people.

Obviously, Mo Wentian thought this was a long time ago. Those with a lower cultivation level will naturally have a weaker strength.

Yu'er and the prince, as well as the fat man, a contempt flashed in his eyes.

But at the next moment, thinking of them as a group, Mo Wentian's cultivation behavior was among the worst among them, and they were relieved.

After all, the practice of the three of them is much stronger than Mo Wentian.

And just before the war in the deep mountain range, at the entrance of the mountain range at the moment, a figure was watching the movement of Mo Wentian and others.

"This kid, can you solve the three Heavenly Sovereign Consummations?"

Emperor Yuan Ran looked at the mirror in front of him, and there was a worry in his eyes.

Mo Wentian solves three by himself, which is not an easy task.

But they can't tell why, they still believe that Mo Wentian can solve these three people.

After all, Mo Wentian was the one he liked. If he couldn't even solve these three things, he would be disappointed.

As for Xiao Jiao and others, their eyes now fell on Mo Wentian and others. They looked at Mo Wentian and raised a bit of worry in their eyes.

"Boss wants to solve these three Tianzun consummates, can it be solved?"

"The boss must be no problem. The boss's strength is definitely stronger than that of the fat man. This fat man can solve three people. Our boss can definitely do it!"

"Ask Brother Tian's strength, can't you underestimate, these three people are not difficult to solve!"

"These people really are, why did they form a team to behead and ask Brother Tian and their group!"

"I really don't know what they think, just because of their strength, they also want to kill the boss?"


Xiao Jiao and others looked at the scene in the mirror, a complex flash of light flashed in their eyes, and the pot exploded in an instant.

That being said, in fact, they are still worried about Mo Wentian.

Their eyes always fall on the mirror.

They wanted to see if Mo Wentian could survive this assessment.

And just as the outside world watched nervously, deep in the deep mountain range.

In the hands of Mo Wentian, an Excalibur appeared. This Excalibur was not the other Excalibur. This was the Devouring Divine Sword.

"Buzz ..."

The Devouring God Sword seemed to have felt Mo Wentian's fighting intention and shivered.

"Don't worry!"

"It's just a matter of minutes to kill these three!"

Mo Wentian looked at the Heavenly Sword, biting his mouth slightly, and raised an evil smile.

"Boy, you are so arrogant!"

"You warriors in the early days of Tianzun dare to say that they want to kill me for a few minutes, I think you have not put me in the eye!"

"Yeah, let's go straight to solve this kid!"

"I have never been so humiliated in front of people who are not as good as me. Today I will not kill you, I have no face to go back to the family!

"This kid is just looking for death!"


Seeing that Mo Wentian was full of war intentions, there was an evil smile in the corner of his mouth.

Mo Wentian didn't laugh, but Mo Wentian laughed. In their opinion, this is mocking, this is naked mocking. How can they bear it in their hearts?

The breath of the three quickly rose.

Looking at Mo Wentian's eyes, the murderous intentions were not concealed.

"Boom ..."

At the next moment, the three of them did not hesitate at all, their figures flashed and disappeared.

When they appeared again, their figures had appeared in three directions of Mo Wentian.


With one punch, he shot towards Mo Wentian.

The tumbling punch seems to want to kill Mo Wentian with a punch.

"You are so anxious to find death, this Emperor will fulfill you!"

Watching the three of them slamming towards themselves, Mo Wentian's eyes shrank suddenly and said coldly.

Immediately, I saw Mo Wentian's figure flashed and disappeared into the void. When it appeared again, Mo Wentian's figure had transformed into a nine-way figure.

In the arrogant void, the breath of nine Mo Wentians is exactly the same. The killing intention in his eyes is even more terrifying.

A king-like coercion spread from Mo Wentian.

"How can this boy have such a strong breath?"

"His cultivation practice is really only the beginning of Tianzun?"

But at the moment Mo Wentian's breath spread out, one of the three frowned.

At the same time, he felt a bad hunch in his heart.


And at this moment, a dead word fell.

The Sky Devouring Sword in Mo Wentian's hands fell directly towards the three figures.

But at the moment Mo Wentian bite the **** sword, the figure fell directly to the ground.

A strong **** smell spread even more.


A scream followed.

There were screams all over the entire Youjing Mountain Range. Even Yuan Yuan and others at the entrance of the Youjing Mountain Range heard this scream.

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