Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2194: Courage

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Chapter 2194 courage

They had intended to give up, but unexpectedly, they found the familiar breath again.

In one hour, the person who refined the Xiyan God Flower is definitely not a simple person.

In the Celestial Realm, they are all well-ranked worlds, but who will dislike their own world is getting stronger.

It is not just them, even the landlords in their world, who want to earn Mo Wentian and become them.

And at the moment when their figure just came, in the void, two hidden figures were discussed.

These two figures are none other than the old man and old woman sent by the Shenzhu old man.

"Old man, these people are still looking for Mo Wentian's kid!"

The old lady looked at this figure, a flash of light flashed in her eyes.

"These people are also interested in the kid's potential!"

"This kid is still too arrogant, causing these unnecessary troubles!"

In the old man's eyes, a complex flash of light flashed, and he took a long breath, lowering the voice.

"I don't know if the boy feels that these people have come!"

"If this kid knew that these people came for him, I'm afraid they wouldn't be given a chance to find him!"

Suddenly, it seemed to think of something, and in the eyes of the old woman, there was a worry in her eyes.

"That kid, do you still need to worry?"

"This is not a problem to worry about at all. Our duty is only that this kid helps me when he is in danger!"

"As for the others, this kid has to go through his own experience!"

The old man looked at the old woman with a serious look.

"This kid won't let us down!"

There was a flash of light in the eyes of the old woman.

At the moment, the old lady looked at the direction that Mo Wentian left.

For no reason, he was confident in Mo Wentian.

He believed that Mo Wentian would not let him down.

"It's weird. I just felt the familiar breath just now, so I can't feel it again for a while!"

"That breath, it feels familiar, is it our breath of refining Xiyan Shenhua in Jinfeng Peak?"

"Yeah, won't you feel wrong? It doesn't matter if you feel wrong, don't mislead us!"

"We must bring that man back to our clan, and what is missing from our clan is genius!"

"Let's look for this person again and see who this person is!"


And at this moment, that figure burst into the pot.

When they finished, the figure flashed, looking away in all directions.

They want to find the trail of Mo Wentian. They want to see where Mo Wentian went.

At such an hour, there is only one person who refines Xiyan Shenhua, that person is a legend since ancient times.

Now there is a legend like this, who does not want him to join his own family.

But when these people went to find the trace of Mo Wentian, Mo Wentian felt abnormal.

"I seem to be seen again!"

"The breath on me is still hidden!"

Although Mo Wentian didn't obviously feel that someone was coming towards him, Mo Wentian's heart raised a hunch.

This premonition, told Mo Wentian, let him hide his breath.

"Buzz ..."

At the next moment, Mo Wentian did not hesitate at all. With a wave of his hand, he quickly concealed the breath of his body.

"This kid, also knows to hide his breath first, it seems that our worry is superfluous!"

And at the moment when Mo Wentian concealed his breath, in the hidden void, the old man and the old lady looked at each other with a relaxed look on their faces.

Mo Wentian concealed the breath of his body and continued towards the depths of the Youjing Mountains.

"Six-winged bat!"

Suddenly, it seemed that he remembered something, Mo Wentian looked at the six-winged bat with a cold expression on his face.

"Yes, master!"

As Mo Wentian said this, the figure of the six-winged bat appeared in front of Mo Wentian with a respectful look.

"Six-winged bat, why did the Emperor not feel the breath of a monster in this neighborhood!"

Mo Wentian's expression was dignified.

Mo Wentian has walked a lot towards the depths of the Youjing Mountains. Why does this still not feel the breath of the monster, which makes Mo Wentian's heart a bit puzzled.

"Look back to the master, there are many monsters around here, master be careful!"

The six-winged bat looked at Mo Wentian with a respectful expression.

"A lot of monsters?"

"Why didn't Emperor even feel the slightest fluctuation of breath?"

Listening to the six-winged bat's words, Mo Wentian's eyes were puzzled.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's brow furrowed.

"Return to Master, this is the middle level of the deep mountain range. The monsters here are some monsters who are good at practicing breath!"

"The breath of their body is very obvious!"

"Master, you may not feel it, I actually can't feel it, but we must be careful!"

The six-winged bat looked at Mo Wentian with a serious expression.

At this moment, the six-winged bat instantly became alert.

"A monster that is good at training breath?"

"There are still such monsters, and the Emperor heard for the first time that the Emperor was very curious, what kind of monster is this!"

Listening to the words of the six-winged bat, Mo Wentian didn't even have the slightest fear in his heart. Instead, his eyes radiated a dazzling light.

In that way, it seemed that he wanted to know what these monsters were.

At this moment, Mo Wentian opened his mind and probed.

But at the moment Mo Wentian let go of his mind, the surrounding scenes began to change.

"Buzz ..."

Immediately, a figure appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

And when this figure appeared, Mo Wentian hadn't felt any fluctuation of breath.

This figure looks very plain.

They are the same as ordinary people, only their breath can't even be felt by Mo Wentian.

"Humanity, why are you coming to my family?"

Among the crowd, a figure stood up and looked at Mo Wentian with a cold expression on his face.

Mo Wentian couldn't feel the slightest breath in this person.

It looks like the person in front of him is just an ordinary person.

But from the look of this person, we can know that this person is definitely the authority among these people, and this person's strength must not be weak.

Thinking like this, Mo Wentian looked alert.


"It's really what it sounds like, even the Emperor, didn't even feel the change in your breath!"

After pondering for a while, Mo Wentian looked at this person, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"Humanity, why are you here for our family?"

"Our clan has always been quiet, but if you come here today to find fault, my clan is also fearless!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, this person's look was extremely cold.

But on this person, Mo Wentian didn't feel the change of breath.

"I'm not here to find fault, I came to kill you!"

A icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a cold cold mango.

"This kid is really arrogant, even saying that he was here to kill them!"

"Does he know, to what extent have these monstrous demon beasts cultivated?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the old man and old woman hiding in the void couldn't help but widen their eyes, their eyes filled with awe.

Even if they followed Mo Wentian for a while, they were a bit surprised to know a little about Mo Wentian's arrogant personality.

"This kid is really a newborn calf, not afraid of tigers!"

The old lady took a deep breath, a flash of light flashed in her eyes.

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