Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2200: A plate of loose sand

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Chapter 2200

"Yedan is mine, why should I hand it over?"

Looking at the man in front of him, Mo Wentian's mouth twitched slightly, raising a touch of arc.

That looks like, if you don't know, you think they are friends you haven't seen in years.

Mo Wentian was only about to walk towards the man and give him a hug.

Mo Wentian is still somewhat familiar with the people who came to ask him to hand over Yaodan.

The eight people who came here were none other than the same people who participated in the assessment of the list.

Their cultivation practices have reached the mid-term realm of Tianzun.


"Hahahaha ..."

"Boy, depending on your cultivation behavior, only the early days of Tianzun!"

"You can't beat us, if you don't hand over the demon Dan, then wait for our beheaded!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the man who stood up laughed wildly.

Looking at Mo Wentian, he looked like a joke, and he couldn't stop.

"It's estimated that such a question can only be asked by such a mentally handicapped kid!"

"Yes, this is just a joke. He also asked us why he should hand over the demon Dan?"

"He didn't surrender Yaodan, wouldn't he want us to grab it?"

"We let him hand over Yaodan, which has given him a chance!"

"Yeah, if this kid doesn't want to hand over the demon Dan, it's no wonder we are!"


Watching the man standing up laughed, the man who came with the man laughed wildly.

In their view, Mo Wentian's words are extremely ridiculous, and Mo Wentian's cultivation behavior is even more ridiculous.

They are confident that they will kill Mo Wentian easily.

Although many of them have seen Mo Wentian's strength, they do not believe that with their eight strengths, Mo Wentian can still beheaded.

"is it?"

"But Ben Emperor sees, it is not the Emperor who died today, but you!"

Listening to this argument, Mo Wentian's expression froze.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's breath rose rapidly.

Looking at the eight people in front of him, in Mo Wentian's eyes, the killing intention was boundless.

A terrible and unprecedented power spread from Mo Wentian.

"Hahahaha ..."

"Boy, are you afraid your brain is broken?"

"It's us who died. You don't look at what you are doing, what are we doing? Are the eight of us still dying in your hands?"

"You are too worthy of yourself!"

If Mo Wentian didn't say this, it was okay. When Mo Wentian said it, the eight people laughed more and more.

Looking at Mo Wentian, like watching a joke, could not stop.

"Whether the Emperor can afford to look at himself, or are you overestimating you, you can see it immediately!"

The icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were full of killing intent.

"Buzz ..."

At the next moment, Mo Wentian's figure flashed and disappeared.

But at the moment when Mo Wentian disappeared, he concealed the void, and a figure was frowning.

This figure is none other than Emperor Yuan Ran.

The appearance of these eight people was not Yuan Ran ’s arrangement. Yuan Ran had been observing Mo Wentian secretly.

He wanted to see, Mo Wentian's strength, to what extent.

Emperor Yuan Ran knew that if Mo Wentian acted separately, someone would come to find fault, but unexpectedly, two teams would come together to find fault, which was somewhat beyond Yuan Ran ’s expectations.

Looking at the eight people in front of him, Yuan Ran wanted to stop, but thinking of his identity, Yuan Ran still hid.

"These people are suffering again!"

"I am blaming myself, it is indeed no wonder that kid!"

With a gentle long breath, Emperor Yuan Ran's eyes flashed a helpless glance.

It is not too difficult for these eight people to kill some monsters by their own efforts and want to stay in this assessment.

But these people even wanted to find a shortcut, just to find a shortcut, this shortcut found Mo Wentian's body, this is to find death.

Even for him, he cannot save these people at the moment. He can only say that these people are out of luck.

Emperor Yuan Ran could only look at them and sympathize with them in his heart.

At the moment, besides Yuan Ran, there are also old people and old women.

The old man and the old lady have always followed Mo Wentian and have been secretly protecting Mo Wentian's safety.

If Mo Wentian had any irresistible danger, even if they tried hard, they would help Mo Wentian.

"This kid is really thorny!"

"It's just that these people's practice is too low!"

"It would be nice if there were some warriors who cultivated higher."

But at this moment, a man in a black robe completely hidden in the hidden void on the other side looked at Mo Wentian, his eyes full of cold eyes.

This person is no one else, this person is full of magical energy, this person is the person of the heavenly demon world.

He wants to observe Mo Wentian's every move, and then to transfer Mo Wentian's news back to Heaven Demon Realm.

I have to say that it was a very wise choice to send this person to observe Mo Wentian's move.

This person's concealment technique, even the old man and the old woman, and the great Yuan Ran, did not even notice it.

"This kid, preferably in the mountains of the trail, was beheaded!"

At the next moment, it seemed to remember something. The person's eyes shrank suddenly, and a sense of killing appeared in his eyes.

At this moment, the person laid his hands on both sides, his fists clenched tightly, and his bones creaked.

While hiding in the void, they were watching Mo Wentian.

Mo Wentian's figure appeared in front of the eight figures when it appeared again.

"Do you want to come one by one, or go together?"

Mo Wentian looked at the eight people in front of him and said coldly and proudly.

At this moment, Mo Wentian's breath is very vast.

"Come one by one, or go together?"

"This kid is arrogant enough to say such arrogant words!"

"Yeah, this kid is really arrogant, it just doesn't put us in the eye!"

"To solve a little ants like him, why don't we take action together, I am enough!"

"That won't work, we are two teams, but we can't do it. You sit down and collect the fisherman. If you want to do it, we will do it together!"


Listening to Mo Wentian's words, some warriors wanted to step forward and kill Mo Wentian.

But at the next moment, thinking of them as two different groups, they could not kill Mo Wentian and distribute the loot to others.

At this moment, they began to contradict.

This is exactly why Emperor Yuan Ran had to assess cohesion.

At the moment, these eight people have no cohesion at all.

It's not just between their groups, even if they are individuals, they want to kill Mo Wentian and take away all the fourteen snake snake demon pill.

If there is no accident, winning these fourteen Snake Demon Pills is enough to stay in this assessment.

Thinking like this, the figure, the breath of the body, quickly rose up.

At this moment, their enemy is not Mo Wentian, but there are seven people besides Mo Wentian.

They all watched the people around with great vigilance. Whether they were teammates or Mo Wentian, they thought that anyone could shoot them at any time.

"A piece of sand, but also want to kill the emperor?"

"If you want to kill the Emperor, with your cultivation strength, at least you must first understand what it means for everyone to collect firewood with high flames!"

Looking at the vigilant eight in front of him, Mo Wentian couldn't help but shook his head.

For these warriors, Mo Wentian really disdain.

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