Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2203: Beastmaster?

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Chapter 2203 Beastmaster?

"We are willing to submit, we are really willing to submit!"

"As long as we don't kill us, let alone surrender, we are willing to do whatever we want!"


Mo Wentian said this, that figure, said quickly.

Their looks are sincere.

Now there is only one idea in their minds, and that is to survive.

There is no chance for anything to survive.


"Since you promise to surrender, then let go of your mind!"

Mo Wentian looked at the seven figures in front of him, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and his face was cold.

"Yes, we let go of our hearts!"

"I also let go of my mind!"


Listening to Mo Wentian's words, those figures quickly let their minds go.


And Mo Wentian was at the moment they released their minds, and Mo Wentian quickly moved towards the void, playing countless seals.

With the printing of these tactics, there are simple and boundless slave characters in the void. Above this slave character, a simple atmosphere spreads out.

This breath made their minds tremble at the moment.

In the void, seven slave characters appeared in a moment.

"go with!"

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian waved his hand, and in the void, the seven slave characters fell towards the eyebrows of the seven people.

"Do not……"



Just when the slave word fell into their eyebrows, screams rang out loudly.

Their bodies rolled on the ground.

That look, it seems that at the moment, they are suffering huge pain.

Mo Wentian looked at this scene, his expression was indifferent.

But in the hidden void at the moment, the figure shrouded in black robe raised a worry in his eyes.

"The lord said let the beast owner come, will the beast owner's current strength be the kid's opponent?"

The man in the black robe flashed a gleam of light in his eyes, and said secretly in his heart.

He has received the news that the beast owner has come to the Celestial Realm.

But as the beast owner entered the heaven, he did not know exactly where he went.

Thinking like this, the man in the black robe had a flash of light in his eyes.

And at the moment in the footpath mountains, Yuan Ran was watching Mo Wentian's move.

Seeing Mo Wentian conquer all of these disciples, Yuan Ran's brow furrowed.

"Why does this kid have to conquer so many people? What is the purpose of conquering these people?"

With a whisper in his mouth, Yuan Ran's heart was full of confusion.

He really couldn't understand. What did Mo Wentian, a warrior from Qitianjie, conquer so much power, do?

Is it just to enhance the strength of Qi Tianjie, but to conquer these people, although the strength of these people is okay, but want to improve Qi Tianjie on this, it is too simple to think.

Thinking like this, Yuan Ran's heart became more and more puzzled.

"No matter what the kid's purpose is, these people also come to the door, and if they do, they will do it!"

But at the next moment, it seemed to think of something. In the eyes of Emperor Yuan Ran, a complex flash of light flashed in his heart, and the secret said in his heart.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

In the depths of the Youjing Mountains, there was a figure rising from the ground.

They looked at Mo Wentian, their eyes full of respect.

"Meet the master!"

"Meet the master!"


Together, they bowed down towards Mo Wentian.

They looked at Mo Wentian, in addition to respect or respect at the moment.

"Get up!"

The indifferent voice sounded, Mo Wentian's hands lifted slightly, their bodies seemed to be dragged up by an upward force, and their bodies stood up involuntarily.

"Thank you Master!"

"Thank you Master!"


Feeling the power of Mo Wentian, the eyes of the seven people were full of awe.

At the next moment, when I came back to God, I quickly thanked Mo.

"Since the seven of you have surrendered to the emperor, that is the emperor's people!"

"In this assessment, the Emperor will try his best to let you stay!"

Suddenly, it seemed to think of something. In Mo Wentian's eyes, a complex flash of light flashed, lowering the voice.

"In this assessment, can the host help us stay?"

"Master, are you telling the truth?"

"But we have surrendered to you, who is yours, and it doesn't make much sense for us to stay!"

"Yeah, master, if we stay, if we stay at the end, our respective worlds will definitely attract attention, I'm afraid it will cause you trouble!"

"Master, we try to kill the monsters as much as possible. If we can stay with our strength, we will stay!"


Mo Wentian came up with this remark and talked quickly.

They know their strength, and in this assessment, they can stay in the top 100.

They are not confident, and rely on their strength to enter the top 100.

What's more, if they enter the top 100, they will surely attract the attention of their world.

Attracting attention in the world is not a good thing for Mo Wentian.

"You are more thoughtful than the emperor!"

"But what Ben Di wants is that you enter the top 100 of the assessment, and it is best if you all get the appreciation in the world!"

Listening to this argument, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a fine, cold voice.

"Master, this..."

"Master, what do you mean?"

"Yes, master, we don't understand what you said?"

"We can't drag the owner's hind legs!"

"We just need to help the master to kill more monsters and beasts. As for us, if we can stay, we can stay. If we can't stay, it's fine!"


After hearing the words, all of them looked at Mo Wentian seriously, and there was a sudden noise.

They now surrendered to Mo Wentian, thinking subconsciously for Mo Wentian.

They didn’t really want to stay. It was an honor to stay, but it also means that they will encounter more dangers in the next assessment.

They can enter the top two hundred in the battle for respect, and for their strength, they have been satisfied.

As for the supreme honor, it still counts, in their view, life is the most important.

"Bendi will stay in this assessment without your help!"

"You are all good to do what you should do, when the emperor needs you, he will summon you!"

A icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a cold cold mango.

"Yes, master!"

"Yes, master!"


Listening to Mo Wentian's words, they quickly agreed.


At the next moment, the figures disappeared and disappeared.

In place, only Mo Wentian was left.

Mo Wentian looked at the direction of their departure, his eyes shrank suddenly.

In that way, it seems that Mo Wentian's mind is thinking about some questions.

"Your strength is still too bad!"

"Not only your strength, the strength of the Emperor, it is still not enough!"

There was a whisper in his mouth, a flash of coldness flashed in Mo Wentian's eyes.


And just at this moment, a wave of void waves came.

Immediately, a figure appeared in front of Mo Wentian.

This figure that appeared was no one else but the old man of the ancient book.

The old man in the ancient book looked at Mo Wentian with a complicated flash in his eyes.

"Boy, want to improve your strength?"

The arrogant vanity, the old man of ancient books is interested.

"Predecessors of ancient books, don't you say that there are a lot of cultivation resources in this mountain path?"

"Where are these cultivation resources?"

Mo Wentian looked at the old man in the ancient book, his eyes raised with curiosity, he couldn't help asking.

"Boy, wait for you to kill some monsters, and wait for you to pass the assessment. I will tell you!"

The look of the old man in ancient books is indifferent.

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