Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2207: Flexible fat man

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Chapter 2207: Flexible Fatty

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never believe that Mo Wentian's strength had reached such a terrible level.

"it's me?"

"Yes, it's me!"

After hearing this, Mo Wentian admitted directly.

The monster in front of him, he did not know what the monster is, but Mo Wentian knew that this monster, he had no fear at all.

Mo Wentian is full of confidence in beheading this monster.

Mo Wentian looked at the child in front of him, his mouth slightly twitched, and he even raised a touch of arc.

"It's you?"

"Boy, this... how is this possible?"

"Isn't your cultivation practice the early stage of Cai Tianzun?"

"How could you hurt me?"

"Not to mention, were you seriously injured by me?"

Looking at Mo Wentian's appearance, the child's expression changed, and his eyes were full of awe.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, or if the person was himself, he wouldn't believe that the human being in the early days of Tianzun was injured in silence without knowing it.

"Severely injured?"

"The Emperor is not only going to seriously injure you, but the Emperor will behead you!"

A icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a cold cold mango.

"To behead me?"

"Can you behead me?"

"With your strength, you are sure you can kill me!"

"I was just playing with a lot of trouble just now, letting you take advantage of it, or would you be my opponent?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's so arrogant words, in this person's eyes, the killing intention is boundless.

There was a terrible breath on his body, and it rose rapidly.

His prestige is even more terrifying.

But Mo Wentian looked at this person, but there was no fear at all.

With Mo Wentian's current strength, Mo Wentian wanted to behead this person, not a difficult task.

"Mo Wentian, this..."

"Your strength..."

And at this moment, there was an awe-inspiring voice.

This person is not someone else, this person is just fat.

The fat man on the side was full of awe-inspiring eyes.

He knew that Mo Wentian's strength was not ordinary. He knew Mo Wentian's strength when Mo Wentian killed three people at once.

But he did not expect that Mo Wentian's strength was so terrible.

You know, Mo Wentian originally killed three people in the battle of the ring, but the cultivation practices of those three people are nothing but the realm of Heavenly Sovereignty.

The difference between Tianzun Consummation and Tiandi Emperor's later period is not a star, and the difference between the strength of Tianzun Consummation and Tiandi's later period is even more different.

The fat man was still a little confident about the beheading of the four people, but the little child in front of him thought that he had been hurt by the child, and a look of terror rose in the fat man's eyes.

"My strength, is it okay?"

Mo Wentian stuck his fat man, his mouth slightly twitched, and raised a touch of arc.

"Mo Wentian, where is your strength, it is awesome!"

"You must kill this person for me!"

"He hurt me so badly, you must avenge me!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the fat man said quickly.

Especially when talking about revenge, when the fat man looked at the figure of the little child, his eyes were bound to kill.

At the same time, the fat man's fist was clenched at this moment.

That look, as if at the next moment, he is going to shoot towards this little child.

"Revenge for you?"

"I want you to avenge you, no problem!"

"But the emperor has another condition!"

Suddenly, Mo Wentian seemed to think of something, and Mo Wentian's expression instantly became serious.

Looking at the fat man, in Mo Wentian's eyes, there was a flash of light, which lowered the voice.


"What conditions?"

The fat man looked at Mo Wentian, almost subconsciously blurting out.

"My condition is very simple, this beast beheaded by the Emperor!"

A icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a cold cold mango.

"no problem!"

"This monster was originally beheaded by you, this monster is naturally yours!"

As soon as Mo Wentian said this, the fat man did not hesitate at all, and quickly agreed.

There is only one idea in the fat man's mind, that is, Mo Wentian beheaded the little child.

"Fat man, this is what you promised. You won't be robbing me at that time!"

Mo Wentian looked at the fat man, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, lowering his voice.

"Don't rob you?"

"You can rest assured that I will definitely not rob you!"

The fat man looked at Mo Wentian and raised a curved arc at the corner of his mouth.

In fact, for the fat man, Mo Wentian still has some feelings.

This person doesn't seem to be very caring about anything, and Mo Wentian likes the character of fat man who doesn't have much utility.

Mo Wentian knew very well that if this fat man wanted to stay in this assessment by virtue of his strength, it would not be so easy.

But for the reason that the fat man so readily agreed, Mo Wentian's heart suddenly raised a thought, that is, he decided to leave this person.

"Fat man, don't worry, I will let you stay for this assessment!"

Mo Wentian looked at the fat man, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, his face firmly said.

In Mo Wentian's heart, it has been decided at this moment that even if this fat man could not kill any monster in the path of the mountain range, Mo Wentian would also kill some monsters.

At least, he will let the fat man stay.

The evaluation process of this list battle is very boring. In fact, it is still very good to have a person full of joy like a fat man.

"Must let me stay?"

"Mo Wentian, what you said is true?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the fat man was unbelievable for a while.

Looking at Mo Wentian with wide eyes, he thought he had heard it wrong.

"What I said is true!"

"When I finish what I should do, I will help you to kill the beasts, we will all stay in this assessment!"

Clang's powerful voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes were full of firmness.

"Help me to kill the monster?"

"We all stay in this assessment?"

There was a whisper in his mouth, and the fat man's eyes were full of awe.

All of a sudden, the fat guy thought he was wrong.

After all, his fat man has never met such a good person to him.

At this moment, the fat man was thinking about what good things he did, he could actually stay in this assessment.

"Fat, the strength that Emperor also believes in!"

Mo Wen stepped forward and reached out and patted the fat man's shoulder, a flash of light flashed in his eyes.

"Thank you!"

"Mo Wentian, no..."

"I will call you boss in the future!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the fat man's eyes were full of gratitude.

In his eyes, it was even more red at the moment.

The fat man originally wanted to say Mo Wentian, but at the next moment, it seemed that he had thought of something. The fat man changed his tongue and directly called Mo Wentian the boss.

At this moment, in the heart of the fat man, Mo Wentian was identified.


"Fat, do you call me boss?"

Listening to the fat man, Mo Wentian only felt very familiar.

Both Xiaojiao and Huantian called him the boss.

"I don't know what happened to Xiaojiao now?"

When he thought of Xiaojiao and Huantian, Mo Wentian's brow furrowed.

In his heart, he was even more worried about Xiaojiao's safety.

"It's useless to think too much, I still do what I should do first!"

In his mouth he said nothing, Mo Wentian's eyes were full of firmness.

"Boss, I will call you boss in the future!"

"My fat man grows up so big, no one has treated me so well!"

The fat man pondered for a while, looking at Mo Wentian, grateful.

At this moment, the fat man's voice seems to have changed somewhat.

At this moment, the fat man really put Mo Wentian into his heart.

The fat man is also a very simple person, as long as he is good to him, he will be good to others!

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