Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2221: Ancient Book of Heaven

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Chapter 2221 Ancient Book of Heaven

Mo Wentian has always been a person who treats him how he treats others.

The girl Yuer, the prince and the fat man all regarded Mo Wentian as a friend, and he naturally regarded them as friends.


"A group of ants who are not afraid of death, since you want to die together, then this seat will fulfill you!"

Seeing Mo Wentian, the four of them stood together, watching their unity, flashing envious eyes in the eyes of that figure.

It seemed that he was so envious of Mo Wentian's four people being so united.


The next moment, the figure flashed and disappeared in place.

When it appeared again, that figure had already appeared behind Mo Wentian and others.

The figure, without any hesitation, fell directly towards the four of them.

It's just a palm, but the palm power is terrible.

"Boss, be careful!"

"Be careful, this person should not be underestimated!"

"We can still block him if we shoot together!"

"Shoot together!"

"Solve this monster, if we can solve this monster, we must be the champion in this assessment!"


And at the moment when the figure shot, Yuer girl and others immediately discussed.

At this moment, the breath on them quickly soared.


And just at this moment, a wave of void waves came.

Immediately, a figure appeared in the void.

This figure, Mo Wentian is very familiar, this figure is no one else, it is the old man of ancient books.

Mo Wentian looked at the old man who appeared suddenly in ancient books, his eyes raised with doubt.

"Predecessors of ancient books!"

" are you..."

Mo Wentian looked at the old man of the ancient book, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.


And just when Mo Wentian was so shocked that both the Rainer Princess and the fat man were puzzled, a puffy voice came.

I saw the figure that was about to put his palm on Mo Wentian's body, and actually knelt down directly towards the old man of ancient books.

He looked at the old man in the ancient book, with some respect and some fear.

In that way, it seemed that he was in awe of the old man in ancient books.

"Leave it quickly, this kid is the one you want, you can't hurt him!"

The old man in the ancient book looked at the figure with a cold face.

"The person you want?"

"Ancient book Tiansheng, this..."

Listening to the old man from the ancient book, the figure trembles.

He seemed to want to say something, but opened his mouth, but said nothing.

"Ancient Book of Heaven?"

"Ancient book Tiansheng, does this person's cultivation practice have reached the level of Tiansheng?"

"Heavenly strong, this is the famous name that can be counted in the entire Celestial Realm?"

"This man is the supreme Heavenly Saint Powerhouse, and the Heavenly Saint Powerhouse is rumored to destroy the world with a wave of his hand!"

"I heard it right, is this person really a strong sage?"


Along with the man's sentence, the Tiansheng strong, except for Mo Wentian, the three discussed.

At this moment, their eyes fell on the old man.

They looked at the old man in ancient books, their eyes filled with awe.

At the same time, there was a little bit of admiration in their eyes.


"Predecessors of ancient books turned out to be the strongest celestial beings, unexpectedly the strongest celestial beings?"

After listening to this argument, Mo Wentian came back to look at the old man in the ancient book in front of him, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed with awe.

The old man of the ancient books followed him in the ancient relics. Mo Wentian didn't really know that this old man of the ancient books turned out to be a strong man of heaven.

For a moment, Mo Wentian was really hard to believe that there was such a terrible existence beside him.

At this moment, Mo Wentian couldn't calm down for a while.

At the moment, the eyes of the old man of the ancient book fell on that figure.

"Since I know who I am, this kid is the one in this seat, and I haven't rolled over quickly!"

A cold voice sounded, a flash of cold flashed in the eyes of the old man.

The old man of the ancient books had no good feelings towards the monster.

", the breath on you is not the level of Heavenly Saint, your cultivation seems to have declined!"

And at this moment, the figure seemed to have discovered something, even stood up and looked at the old man of the ancient book.

That look, it seems to want to see something from the old man in the ancient books.

"My training has fallen?"

"Is the cultivation of this seat visible to you and other ants!"

Listening to this figure, a complex eye flashed deep in the eyes of the old man of ancient books.

Is it true that this monster is right, why his cultivation just declined, and his cultivation behavior declined a lot.

The old man of the ancient book thought of this, and his expression dimmed instantly.

The thing that happened a million years ago, like playing a movie, flashed in the minds of the old men.


At this moment, the fist of the old man of ancient books could not help but clenched tightly, the bones creaked.


At the same time, an immense colossal pressure on the old man of the ancient books went towards that figure.

"Don't be angry with the ancient book Tiansheng, I'll leave now!"

And when the coercion of the old man of the ancient book was looming toward him, the figure fled and left quickly.

"Let's go, that monster is finally gone?"

"That monster is gone, and it's time for us to go back to the entrance of the mountain path!"

"Yeah, ten days, it's coming soon!"

"Predecessors of ancient books, it is really amazing!"

"Ancient book Tiansheng, he seems to know Mo Wentian?"


Seeing that figure disappeared, Yu'er and others discussed it.

They seemed to have discovered something. They looked at Mo Wentian with their eyes in unison.

I can't tell why. Although the old man of the ancient book appeared, he hadn't said anything to Mo Wentian, but the old man of the ancient book said that Mo Wentian was his.

Yuer girl and others instantly felt that the relationship between this old man and Mo Wentian was unusual.

But what is the relationship between the old man in the ancient book and Mo Wentian, but they can't tell.

"Predecessors of ancient books, did your cultivation practice really reach the realm of heaven?"

But at this moment, Mo Wentian looked at the old man in the ancient book and said seriously.

"Boy, my strength, you are not unseen!"

In the eyes of the old man of the ancient book, a complex flash of light flashed, lowering the voice.

"Predecessors of ancient books, your strength, I have seen it, but why did that monster beast call you ancient **** of heaven?"

Suddenly, it seemed that he remembered something, and Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a touch of light.

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