Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2225: Fancy Mo Wentian

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Chapter 2225: Seeing Mo Wentian

"What? Now is Emperor Yuan Ran planning to make the next round of assessments, and has he selected the top ten in this contest?"

"As long as the top ten battles are selected, Yuan Ran's mission has been completed!"

"Emperor Yuan Ran's purpose was not to choose the top ten in the battle for honor. Yuan Ran's purpose was to choose his own disciples!"

"Emperor Yuan Ran has seen the strength of everyone. I don't know who is the disciple who Yuan Ran really likes?"

"I think Emperor Yuan Ran is fancy, it must be Yu'er girl, if not Yu'er girl, she would also be a prince!


As Emperor Yuan Ran said this, countless warriors immediately discussed it.

Their eyes are now looking towards Mo Wentian and others.

Everyone knows the purpose of Yuan Ran as the person who presides over the evaluation of the honor list this time.

He came to preside over the battle for the honor list, his purpose is not other, his purpose is to spread his disciples.

"Boss, it seems that everyone is very clear about the purpose of Yuan Ran's coming!"

At the moment, Xiao Jiao listened to the sound of discussion, and a flash of light and a deep voice flashed in his eyes.

"Emperor Yuan Ran was actually too obvious!"

"Everyone says this, I'm afraid he will pick it out soon!"

A icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a very cold cold mountain.

It turned out that Mo Wentian didn't have such a big feeling yet, but this time, Emperor Yuan Ran had been paying attention to him.

In Mo Wentian's heart, there was an idea. This idea was the one who Yuan Yuan emperor liked, not anyone else, it was he who did not ask him.

Thinking this way, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a complex eye.

"Boss, who do you think the Yuan Yuan emperor loves?"

Huantian's figure flickered and fell on Mo Wentian's shoulders. Looking at Mo Wentian, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he said curiously.

"Who the **** is he?"

"Emperor Yuan Ran will tell everyone soon!"

Mo Wentian looked at Phantom Sky, his mouth twitched slightly, and raised a touch of arc.

"You are right, this emperor came this time, the main purpose is to find pro-disciples!"

"This eminent disciple, in the assessment, the emperor has already selected the candidate!"

Emperor Yuan Ran stood proudly in the void, and a cold voice sounded.

"Emperor Yuan Ran really chose the person who has passed on his disciples. I don't know who the person Yuan Ran chose."

"Whoever can become Yuan Ran's personal disciple is better than entering the top ten!"

"It's a blessing to be selected by Yuan Ran, the emperor!"

"I don't know whose luck is so good, and can be selected by Yuan Ran!"

"Emperor Yuan Ran is about to announce the candidate, and you will know it soon!"


Upon hearing that Yuan Ran was about to announce the candidates of his favorite disciples, countless warriors instantly exploded.

Especially those who stand on the ring and have just passed the assessment.

In their view, each of them has a chance.

Looking at Yuan Ran one by one, a look of admiration rose in his eyes.

At the moment, Mo Wentian was indifferent to this.

In Mo Wentian's mind, a decision had already been made, and even if Yuan Ran took him seriously, he could not recognize Yuan Ran as Master.

"This kid didn't even look at me!"

At the moment, Yuan Ran, his eyes fell in the direction of Mo Wentian, a flash of coldness flashed in his eyes, some unpleasant words.

"No matter what this kid thinks, in this battle for honor, I only took a fancy to this kid. If this kid didn't want to be a pro-disciple, then forget it!"

Suddenly, it seemed to think of something. In the eyes of Yuan Ran, a complex flash of light flashed through him.


Thinking this way, Emperor Yuan Ran did not hesitate at all, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

When it appeared again, the figure of Yuan Ran was already in front of Mo Wentian.

"Emperor Yuan Ran fell in front of the Yuer girl group, did Emperor Yuan Ran really fall in love with the Yuer girl?"

"Girl Yu'er, the strength of their team, is the strongest in this assessment. Even if Yuan Ran took the fancy with them, this is not surprising!"

"This Yuan Ran emperor fell in love with the rain girl and the prince, which is acceptable. If Yuan Ran emperor fell in love with the fat man and the kid in the early stage of that day, I would not understand!"

"With the vision of Yuan Ran, how could Yuan Ran see the kid and fat man in the early days of Zun Zun? He would only be the girl and the prince of Yu'er if he wanted to see it!"

"Emperor Yuan Ran fancy, most of them may be Yu'er girls. After all, among them, the strength of Yu'er girls is the strongest!"


When the figure of Yuan Ran fell in front of Mo Wentian and others, countless warriors immediately discussed.

However, in their view, this Yuan Ran emperor is fancy, either Yu'er girl or Saint.

As for Mo Wentian and Fatty, they didn't even care about it.

From their point of view, it is impossible for Yuan Ran Emperor to look at Mo Wentian and Fat Man.

"Boss, this great Yuan Ran fancy, is it really Yu'er girl and the sage?"

At this moment, Xiao Jiao and others were puzzled.

They looked at Mo Wentian, a flash of light flashed in their eyes, Shen Sheng said.

"Look at it!"

Mo Wentian's expression was indifferent.

"Look at it, boss..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Mo Wentian opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

"Your vision is really bad!"

"This emperor is not Yu'er and the prince, this emperor is not Mo Wentian!"

At this moment, Emperor Yuan Ran looked at Mo Wentian, a flash of light flashed in his eyes, and his face was firm.

"What? I heard it right? Emperor Yuan Ran turned out to be the kid?"

"Yeah, that kid's cultivation practice is only the early stage of Heavenly Venerable. Emperor Yuan Ran was really the one he liked!"

"I really don't know what Yuan Ran thought, how could he be fooled by Mo Wentian's kid?"

"Mo Wentian, what did the boy have, how could he be taken by Yuan Ran? I thought that Yuan Ran would also be the lord!"

"That kid's luck is so good that he could be taken by Yuan Ran, if only I could have such good luck!"


Hearing Yuan Ran's words, he stood up in an instant.

In their eyes, full of awe-inspiring.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they wouldn't believe it at all. Emperor Yuan Ran was fancy to Mo Wentian.

In their view, Emperor Yuan Ran would never be able to look at Mo Wentian.

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