Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2244: The second spar

Chapter 2244: Second Crystal

"If you don't find him at this moment, behead him in the path of the mountain range, and wait for him to enter the top ten of the list!"

"He will be selected to enter the top ten world practice in the Celestial Realm. If you want to kill him, it will be more difficult!"

Looking at the look of the beast owner, the man shrouded in black robes flashed a complex eye and a cold voice in his eyes.

"You are right in saying this, but in this mountain range, I heard that it is not so easy to enter, and the kid is not so good to kill!"

The beast owner is not stupid, looking at that figure, a flash of light flashed in the beast owner's eyes, a polite way.

I can't tell why, even though the person said that he and the beast master were one purpose, they both wanted to kill Mo Wentian.

However, this person only made suggestions, but did not think of going to Mo Wentian.

The beast owner is not a fool, how could he fully believe this person, go directly to the mountain path to kill Mo Wentian.

"Beastmaster, it seems that you don't hate the kid that much, otherwise I would have been yours, not to mention the trail mountain range, even in the forbidden land, I would go and kill Mo Wentian!"

The harsh voice sounded, and in this person's eyes, the killing intention was boundless.

"Don't you say that your purpose is the same as mine?"

"You have such a strong killing intent on Mo Wentian's kid. You shot him directly, why did you let me enter the trail mountain range?"

It’s okay for this person to say nothing. When this person said this, the identity of the person in the beast master’s heart became more doubtful.

At the same time, a sense of vigilance rose in the beast master's heart.

"Why let you enter the trail mountain?"

Listening to the beast master's words, for a moment, the figure enveloped in black robe turned out to be speechless.

"You are right, I want to kill Mo Wentian, but kill Mo Wentian, I want to do it in my own way!"

A cold voice sounded, and a cold cold flash flashed in the beast master's eyes.


After talking, the beast owner did not hesitate, the figure flashed and disappeared in place.

And at the moment when the beast owner left, the figure shrouded in black robe had a terrifying anger in his eyes.

"It's awful!"

"I don't believe my words, this beast owner is not as stupid as the devil people said that day!"

Looking at the direction the beast owner left, this person's eyes were filled with anger.


The man's hands clenched into fists, and his bones creaked.

At the next moment, this person seemed to remember something, his figure flashed and disappeared.


And at the moment when the figure disappeared, a figure appeared in the void.

This figure is none other than the beast owner.

"My beastmaster is my beastmaster. If you want my beastmaster to be your tool, don't even think about it!"

In the eyes of the beast master, a glimmer of light passed by.

The beast owner can stand on the top of the peak for ten thousand years in the ancient relics, there is still a merit.

"Mo Wentian, I must kill you, but I will not enter this path mountain range, is Qitianjie not your old nest? I will wait for you in Qitianjie!"

Suddenly, it seemed that he had thought of something. In the eyes of the beast master, there was a flash of coldness and anger.

Immediately, the figure of the Beast Master flickered and moved towards Qi Tianjie.

And just as the beast owner was heading towards Qi Tianjie, the figures of Mo Wentian and Fat Man had already appeared in the depths of the Youjing Mountains.

Mo Wentian has stored the snatched crystal in the Wen Tian Pavilion.

Feeling the power on the crystal, Mo Wentian only felt the breath on his body, which was surging rapidly and seemed to grow in general.

"Boss, is it really difficult to find the crystal?"

Mo Wentian and the fat man searched for the second crystal, and a whole day had passed.

Unfolding the soul of the soul, Mo Wentian came all day, and did not feel the breath of the spar at all. This made Mo Wentian's expression become serious.

"It's hard to find the spar?"

"What's the hurry? There must be some crystal stones. We haven't found a second crystal stone. This crystal stone cannot be taken away by other disciples!"

A icy voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a very cold cold mountain.


Listening to Mo Wentian's words, the fat man opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

"Fat man, don't worry!"

"It's not so easy to find this crystal spade!"

Looking at the fat man's dimmed look for a moment, Mo asked to step forward and reached out and patted the fat man's shoulder, Shen Sheng said.

"It's not that easy to find?"

"Boss, I believe in you and believe in myself!"

Wen Yan, a fat flash in his eyes, said with a firm face.

"This is not bad, this is what you should be!"

Mo Wentian looked at the fat man, his mouth slightly curled, and raised a touch of arc.

"Boss, I really thank you!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, the fat man was full of gratitude.

"It's too early to say thank you. Waiting for you one day to stand on the top of this heavenly world. It's not too late to thank me again!"

Mo Wentian's expression was very serious.


Fatty lightly nodded and nodded, but in his expression, he was very firm.


"There are no crystal stones here, let's go look elsewhere!"

Suddenly, it seemed that he remembered something. In Mo Wentian's eyes, there was a flash of light and a deep voice.

After talking, Mo Wentian didn't hesitate at all, his figure flashed and disappeared in place.

Seeing this, the fat man quickly followed.

A quarter of an hour passed quickly.

When Mo Wentian and the fat man appeared again, they had already appeared deep in the mountains of the trail.


And at the moment Mo Wentian and the fat man appeared, roars came.

"Boss, this is the roar of the monster!"

Listening to this roar, the fat man's expression suddenly became serious.

"Let's go and see!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, there was a flash of light.

Immediately, Mo Wentian went directly in the direction of the roar.

"Yu Jing Shi is in the belly of the monster!"

"The monster beast roared endlessly. He wanted to refine this spar, but he seemed unable to refine it!"

"What kind of monster is this monster? It's so strong, it doesn't look like a monster!"

"The breath of this monster is so strong that it seems to have reached the realm of the heavenly emperor!"

"This is more than the mid-term state of Heavenly Emperor, this is simply reaching the peak of Heavenly Emperor!"


Mo Wentian and the fat man had just appeared, and there was a lot of discussion.

Seeing not far away, a dozen people have been brought together. Mo Wentian is somewhat familiar.

These dozens of people are none other than the people who participated in the battle for honor.

The eyes of these dozen people all fell on the huge monster figure. They looked at the monster, but they didn't mean anything.

That look, it seemed that the monster was horrified.

"Boss, this crystal stone was swallowed by this monster?"

Listening to this discussion, the fat man's eyes raised a sudden, deep voice.

"I'm afraid this is not a monster that has been swallowed into the belly. This is the masterpiece of Yuan Ran!"

Mo Wentian's eyes shrank abruptly, a cold cold flash in his eyes.

"Boss, you..."

"Are you saying that this crystal spar was stuffed into the belly of the monster by Yuan Ran?"

Wen Yan, the fat man's eyes, full of awe-inspiring.

"This monster is stronger than the original monster, and this monster is still practicing physical fitness!"

"Even if this monster is swallowed by this crystal, it won't explode and die!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, a glimmer of light passed by.

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