Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 2270: Treasure emptied

Chapter 2270 the treasure house is empty

"Don't worry about that. Since the emperor said to improve your cultivation level, it will naturally restore your physique!"

Listening to Chan You's words, Mo Wentian thought that Chan You's physique had been damaged by him, and a complicated gaze flashed in his eyes, lowering his voice.

"Thank you Master!"

"I Chan You must obey the master!"

After hearing this, Chan You hurriedly thanked him.

At this moment, the physique problem that Chan You was worried about had already been resolved, and Chan's right face couldn't help but feel joy at this moment.

"Chan You, in the treasure house of the Five-clawed Toad tribe, with so many cultivation resources, wouldn't your patriarch give your disciples cultivation?"

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Mo Wentian looked at Chan You and said coldly.

"Master, our patriarch is stingy. He just collects, let alone cultivate for our disciples. Even himself, he rarely refines these resources!"

It's okay for Mo Wentian not to say this. When Mo Wentian said this, it seemed to open Chan You's conversation box.

Speaking of this cultivation resource matter, Chan You's dissatisfaction in his heart instantly revealed.


"Even your patriarch himself rarely refines cultivation resources?"

"Then what does he collect these cultivation resources for?"

Listening to Chan You's words, for a while, Mo Wentian even thought he had heard it wrong.

The five-clawed toad tribe’s patriarch’s mobile phone had so many cultivation resources that he did not even refining, but placed it in this treasure house.

This is the first time that Mo Wentian has heard that someone has seized cultivation resources for display, not for refining and improving cultivation.

If it hadn't been for seeing so many cultivation resources in the five-clawed toad treasure house, if it hadn't been for this and Chanyou to conquer it, Mo Wentian would really not believe that there were such people in this world.

At this moment, Mo Wentian became more and more curious about the patriarch of the five-clawed toad tribe.

"What are you collecting these cultivation resources for?"

"He just collects, maybe just his hobby!"

"In fact, our five-clawed toad clan is considered a good race in the Youjing Mountains, but because of this clan leader, the cultivation resources do not allow the disciples to practice, our five-clawed toad clan is getting worse and worse!"

A frustration flashed in Chan You's eyes.

He is just a disciple guarding the treasure house, and it is impossible for him to change this status quo.

"The patriarch of your five-clawed toad tribe can be considered a talent!"

Hearing this, Mo Wentian couldn't help sighing.

This five-clawed toad was originally a good race in the Youjing Mountain Range, but it was this clan leader who did not give training resources to his disciples to practice, and it made the five-clawed toad family retreat more and more.

Mo Wentian was very curious about what kind of person the chief of the five-clawed toad was like.

If it weren't for the final round of the evaluation of the honor list, Mo Wentian would really want to stay and look at the patriarch of the five-clawed toad tribe.

"Master, quickly collect these cultivation resources!"

"The peripheral training resources are just some low-level spiritual herbs, and the innermost level of this treasure house is the high-level!"

Suddenly, thinking of the cultivation resources in the treasure house, Chan You said quickly.

Chan You really knew the cultivation resources in this treasure house.

"You didn't say this earlier, this emperor thought that there are only peripheral training resources!"

"The emperor still wants it. Just for these cultivation resources, you also said that the emperor will collect for a while!"

Listening to Chan You's words, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed with a cold voice.

"Master, follow me. The inner-level cultivation resources are collected by our patriarch, and every piece is taken by the patriarch with great difficulty!"

Chan You said, leading the way.

Mo Wentian didn't hesitate in the slightest, just behind.


In a moment, Mo Wentian followed Chan You to the inner layer of the treasure house.

But when you enter the inner layer of the treasure house, there is no high-level cultivation resources Chan You said, but a blank space, nothing.

"This... how is this possible?"

"I ordered a few of them yesterday. How could it be possible that none of these cultivation resources have been seen!"

Looking at the blank inner treasure house in front of him, Chan You's body couldn't help but step back a few steps, his eyes filled with disbelief.

Chan You clearly remembered that he had to come in every day to check the amount of cultivation resources, but why is there no more cultivation resources now?

This made Chan You's heart not surprised.

Chan You looked at the scene in front of him, and he didn't even believe it. He thought it was an illusion, and wiped his eyes vigorously.

But no matter how many times you wipe it, you open your eyes, and you see a blank.

"Chan You, you can remember clearly, did you really come in yesterday to count?"

Looking at Chan You with the impressive face in front of him, Mo Wentian didn't doubt that Chan You's words were true or false, but Mo Wentian's heart was filled with thoughts.

Had it not been for Chan You's mistake, if he had counted counts every day or even yesterday, today's cultivation resources would have disappeared.

According to Chan You's words, apart from his knowledge of the cultivation resources in this treasure house, only the chief of the five-clawed toad tribe.

Obviously, it was impossible for Chan You to seize these cultivation resources, and he did not have the courage to seize these cultivation resources.

If he had the guts, he wouldn't be here.


"Master, I remember very clearly, I have to come in every day to count!"

"That's why, everyone agrees, I came to guard the treasure house!"

Chan You's face was firm, and his voice was even more certain.

He is the one who guards this treasure house. It is his duty to guard the treasure house. He has to enter the treasure house every day to check the number of cultivation resources.

"Chan You, I can only say that the number you count every day is just an illusion!"

Mo Wentian looked at Chan You's firm face, Mo Wentian had no doubts.

However, a thought arose in Mo Wentian's heart.

Since Chanyou ordered the quantity every day, Chanyou was here every day, Chanyou did not find any abnormalities.

Then there is only one possibility. What Chan You sees every day is not the real scene in the treasure house, at least the scene inside the treasure house is not real.


"Master, our patriarch also practices illusion, and illusion is pretty good, if you say so, I also think what you said is correct!"

It's okay for Mo Wentian not to say this. As soon as Mo Wentian said these words, Chan You instantly thought that their patriarch also practiced illusion, and that illusion was still good.

At least it is in line with what Mo Wentian said. In order to show his strength, their patriarch also showed it to the five-clawed toad disciples.

"Your patriarch also practices illusion?"

"It seems that the emperor's guess is correct!"

Hearing this, Mo Wentian was convinced that the cultivation resources in this inner treasury were actually taken away by their patriarch.

Maybe, the cultivation base of the five-clawed toad patriarch is not the cultivation base displayed now.

His actual cultivation base will definitely be much stronger than his current strength.

At this moment, Mo Wentian understood the thoughts of the five-clawed toad patriarch.

He just wanted to cultivate those cultivation resources himself, and created this illusion.

But what he didn't know was that his five-clawed toads belonged to a race, and he was the only one in this clan that was strong. It was impossible for his five-clawed toads to become stronger.

"Your guess is correct?"

"Master, what is your guess?"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Chan's right eye was full of doubts.

"It's nothing!"

"Since there are no cultivation resources in this inner treasury, the Emperor will conquer the outer cultivation resources and leave!"

A gleam of light flashed in Mo Wentian's eyes.

Mo Wentian had left the treasure house of the five-clawed toad family this time, but Mo Wentian would definitely return.

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