Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 816: Small shrimps are meat too

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816 Shrimp

"I'm okay, just because of these two old messes, trying to kill me, impossible!"

"Xiao Yan, Wu Sheng, Wu Jinfeng, the three of you entered Jiuyou Grotto. The purpose of these old guys is me. Wait for me to solve them. As long as you enter Jiuyou Grotto, these old guys will not catch up!"

Mo Wentian looked at the three men who were invincible.

"Boss, then you ..."

"the host……"

"Old ancestor!"

The three's looks changed for a while.

"Don't worry, I will come and meet you soon!"

Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth, then turned to face up.

It is impossible for these five old guys to kill Mo Wentian.

Entering Jiuyou Grotto to capture artifacts is still a long way. On this way, people who want to kill Mo Wutian do not know how many there are.

I do n’t want to ask Tian to hide the strength, even the Devourer does not want to use it, but I did not expect that these old guys have good strength.

"Boss, this old guy's cultivation is about to break into the late days of Tianjun!"

Just then, Xiao Yan returned to Mo Wentian's side.

I saw a bloodstain on Xiao's tail, shocking.

"Lady King!"

Mo Wentian took a deep breath.

It seems that Mozu's handwriting is not small this time!

"Xiaoyu, you and them both retreated. These five old guys handed them to me. Although they are all mid-day gods, they are also some nourishment!"

"What Emperor lacks now is nourishment!"

Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and groaned.

"Boss, these old guys are not weak, be careful!"

Xiaoxiong wanted to stay, but asked Mo Tian that since he had said so, he could only obey.

"rest assured!"

Mo Wentian looked at Xiao's figure and disappeared in front of Jiuyou Cave.

Turning around and looking at the five people in front of him, Mo Wentian's war intentions skyrocketed.

In the middle of the Five Heavenly Kings, it is really good, but if you want to kill him, don't ask God, this is not enough!

"Boy, let those ants go!"

"It's still a person with righteousness, but how about righteousness, you will definitely die today when you meet our demons Wusha!"

"Boss, what else is nonsense, kill this kid and go back early to receive the reward!"

"Chunxiang of Youxianglou is still waiting!"


The five watched Xiaoying and others disappear, but did not chase them.

After all, their goal is Mo Wentian. As long as Mo Wentian is killed, they can go back and receive the reward.

As for Wu Sheng, Wu Jinfeng and others, in their eyes, they are just ants, and they are too lazy to kill.

"Just because you want to kill the emperor?"

"Not enough!"

Mo Wentian's eyes were full of arrogance.

"Not qualified!"

"Boy, you are only in the early days of Tianjun. We are all strong in the middle of Tianjun. Today we will let you know the power of our demons.

"Wu Yiding!"

"Your Dragon Sword!"

"Hunting Hammer!"


The five of them sang at the same time. In the next instant, various weapons appeared in their hands, and they were beheaded towards Mo Wentian.

"Bite your sword!"

"The sword is breaking!"

Watching five people kill themselves at the same time, Mo Wentian suddenly roared.

A sharp and boundless breath burst out from Mo Wentian's body.

A sword came out, and I saw shock in the void.

The next instant, a crack appeared in the void, and the crack became a few feet in size instantly. The endless void flowed violently.

"What a terrible sword!"

"Wu Yiding!"

"Hunting Hammer!"


The five people who were about to beheaded towards Mowentian changed their looks.

But the next moment, they suddenly became very shocked.

The rolling sword covered Mo Wentian, and the five seemed to see a pair of cold and arrogant eyes.

The eyes were indifferent, looking down at them as if looking at ants.

"Shadow mystery!"

At this moment, a loud drinking suddenly came, and Mo Motian's body was instantly transformed into nine in the void.

The nine Mowentians held the Heavenly Devouring Sword, and the power on his body was rolling.

As if from the King of the Supreme World, Mo Wentian's body is agile like a leopard, nine Mo Wentian, one sword shot at the same time.

These nine swords are very slow.

But in the eyes of the Mozu Wusha, it seems that there is only this sword.

"This is a clone!"

"The power of this sword is beyond the early days of Tianjun!"

"This boy's strength is so strong!"


The five roared, their eyes filled with astonishment.

"Stop blocking this guy!"

"Wu Yiding!"

"Your Dragon Sword!"


The five of them shouted coldly, and then printed one by one in their hands.

At this moment, in response to Mo Wentian's sword, the five middle-aged men seemed to be panic countless times more than the strong men who faced the late Tianjun.

Gu Ding, You Long Sword, Hunting Hammer ...

The five shot at the same time, facing Mo Wutian in the void and greeted them.


There is no so-called violent collision, only the sound of various weapons breaking.

Followed by that was the body of the Devil Wusha, all of which flew out.

"Hmm ..."

Among the five populations, blood spewed out.

"Do not……"


A scream screamed, and Wu Wentian's middle-aged man's chest was directly penetrated by Mo Wentian.

His eyes were wide, and his face was unwilling.

But the vitality on him was passing away quickly, but for a moment, there was no vitality.

"I'm not willing ..."

"This is impossible!"

The old man of You Longjian roared, and the light in his eyes burst instantly.

Five evil spirits, two people fell.

The remaining three middle-aged men no longer had the courage to continue fighting, and their entire bodies trembled.

"Do not kill me!"

"Don't kill me. I'm the elder brother of the elder clan. If you kill me, the elder clan will never let you go!"

"Yes, you can't kill me!"


The three were really scared at the moment!

Afraid of the moment in front of them, which they had never put in their eyes.

"Boss, these people are annoying. What do we do?"

At this moment, Xiao Yan's figure appeared beside Mo Wentian.

"Shrimp is as small as meat!"

"Will the Emperor let go!"

Mo Wentian looked at the three trembling in front of him, and converged the Devouring Sword, and a smile appeared on his face.

This sunny face is hard to imagine. The young man who had just shot and killed two martial arts soldiers in the middle of the day was in front of him.

"No matter how small shrimp is meat?"

Xiao Yan took a deep breath, and then a smile spread.

Xiaoxuan was pretty sure that the three men in front of him had a terrible end.


"It's time for you to make the final impact!"

Mo Wentian raised a wicked smile in the corner of his mouth, stepped forward, and approached the three.

"Boy, you ... what do you want to do?"

"I have the king-level peak artifact and the third-level elixir Lingdan. I'll give you everything you want, don't kill me!"

"As long as you let me go, I'll let my brother give you everything you want!"


The three looked at Mo Wentian with a smile on his face, and the fear in their hearts grew a little more, and the fear in their eyes was not concealed.

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