Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 879: Go to Demon Race

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Chapter 879: Go To The Devil Race


"Did the Devil send the strong while I was away?"

Mo Wentian's eyes raised a terrible sense of murder.

"Yes, they sent ten full-time strong men in the early days!"

"In fact, we all blame us. Master Tianhu told us not to take any action, but I really can't help those people screaming Master Tianhu!"

"I shot and blame me. If we don't, they won't seriously hurt us. In this way, they will not threaten Tianhu adults, and they will not have to follow them!"

Chi Xiao looked at Mo Wentian, her eyes full of remorse, and she could hardly hide her blame in her voice.

"Chi Xiao, don't blame yourself, this is not to blame you!"

"They have come to ten warriors in the early days of Tianjun. Even if you don't, they will definitely shoot at you!"

Mo Wentian quickly lifted up Xiaoxiao, but the chill in his eyes became more and more intense.

"Emperor ..."

Chixiao opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

"Sky Fox!"

Mo Wentian's eyes were full of anger.

Mo Wentian seems to have seen it. When he was no longer Jiuyou, Tianhu and Kulaitian killed them in despair.

He must ask for this revenge.

"Old Devil Dog, Bendi wants you to pay it back a thousand times!"

Mo Wentian's voice was extremely cold, and Mo Wentian's body was terrifying.

In the heavenly city of Jiuyou, the terrible anger rose into the sky.

"What a terrible breath!"

"The breath on Mo Wentian's body has become stronger again. Does his cultivation break through again!"

"The Mozu took away the disciples of the Jiuyou, it seems that the demons and the Jiuyou are about to fight!"

"I watched a show!"


Each figure looked at the void, their eyes were extremely shocked, but they turned back, and more of them looked like they wanted to see a good show.

Although the demons and demons subjugate the orcs, they are under the same door.

The strength of the Demon Clan is stronger than that of the Demon Clan. In front of the Demon King, the Demon Clan is naturally heavier.

Now the people of the Mo clan and Mo Wentian are in conflict, and the people of the Yao clan are naturally optimistic.

"Boss, Sky Fox is now taken away. What should we do?"

At that moment, Xiao Man flashed in Xiaoyan's eyes and asked Shen.

"How to do?"

"Dare to take the Sky Fox, of course, the Emperor is going to go and bring the Sky Fox back!"

In the eyes of Mo Wentian, Han Mang flickered endlessly, and his voice was even more powerful.

"Boss, do you mean to go to Mozu?"

Xiao Yan and Magic Sky looked at Mo Wentian and asked at the same time.

"Yes, go to the Demons!"

"Xiao Jinghen, you stay in Tiancheng, Mozun, Fan Zeng, you follow me to the Mozu!"

Seems to remember something, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed, and he said coldly.

"Yes, master!"

"Yes, master!"


Every figure, Zhao Mo asks the courtesy, respectfully.

"Little sister, magic sky, go!"

With a cold drink, Mo Wentian and others disappeared directly into place.

"Look, that's Mo Wentian, who asks Fan Zeng and Mo Zun where are they going?"

"I looked in the direction, as if to go to the Devil!"

"Mozu? What are they going to Mozu?"

"Among the Devil, there was a strong man in the middle of the day that the Demon King existed. Did Mo Tian go to the Devil to die?"

"Regardless of what he goes to see, anyway, if there is Mo Wentian there is a good show, follow up and see what good shows are going to be staged!"


Each figure looked at the group in the void and began to talk.

The next moment, every figure followed quickly.

"Boss, there are many people who follow us in secret, should we solve them?"

Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian, and her eyes flashed with a deep chant.

"It's just some ants who want to watch a show, killing them is a waste of time!"

"Our priority is to get to the Mozu quickly and rescue Sky Fox from the Mozu!"

Mo Wentian swept at the figure behind him, coldly.

As far as Mo Wentian is concerned, those disciples in the middle and late days of the Heavenly Jun are really not in the same way as the interests.

He was too lazy to kill.

"Boss, why do you say that the Demon King of the Demon Catch the Sky Fox to the Devil?"

Seems to think of something, Xiaoxiong looked at Mo Wentian and asked again.

"For what else, but to want to lead the emperor to the demons, they want to kill the emperor, so that he can go to the beast owner old miscellaneous and receive the reward!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, the coldness can almost freeze people.

"The people of the Demons are really abominable, even when you are away, send someone to take away the Sky Fox!"

"Devils have always been shameless. For them, these are just idiomatic tricks!"


Xiaoyu and Xuantian, one dragon and one demon, you scolded me in a word.

An hour passed, Mo Wentian took the lead and finally came outside the gate of the Demon Clan.

"Old Devil Dog, get out of this emperor!"

Looking at the Demon King's Mansion standing in the deepest place, Mo Wentian flashed coldly in his eyes, shouting coldly.

"Who is this person? He came to my demons so arrogantly, yelling at the devil!"

"This person is so familiar ... I ... I remember it, this person is not asking questions!"

"Do not ask the sky? The ancestor of Jiuyou clan do not ask the sky?"

"This person's practice is not in the late state of Tianjun. Such a practice, in my demons, grabbing a large number of them, how dare to scream so arrogantly, it is really arrogant!"


In front of the gate of the Demon Clan, the figures of the disciples of the Demon Clan looked at Mo Wentian, and their eyes were full of disdain.

The disciples among the demons are unaware of many issues in the demons.

They just heard that Mo Wentian is the ancestor of the Jiuyou clan. As for Mo Wentian beheading their young master and other powerful things, they don't know.

They only know that in front of Mo Wentian, cultivation is not high, only in the late state of Tianjun. Such cultivation, among their demons, is indeed a big deal.

But their stupid thing is, Mo Wentian's strength has never been measured by cultivation.

"the host!"

"the host!"

"Boss, you're walking so fast, it's exhausting me!"


At this moment, every figure fell behind Mo Wentian.

"Brother Fan Zeng?"

"Brother Fan Zeng just called Mo Wentian that kid master?"

"I'm not mistaken. The breath on Brother Fan Zeng, but it has reached the realm of the King of Heaven, he even called Mo Wentian?"

"I heard that, too, and you see Brother Fan Zeng's respectful look!"


Listening to Fan Zeng's sentence, the crowd burst into a pan.

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