Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 905: Shameless ice ancestor

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Chapter 905: Shameless Ice Father


Mo Wentian looked at the ancestor of Bing, shook his head slightly, with a regretful look in his eyes.

He wanted to subdue the ice ancestor, but if the ice ancestor was not submissive, it would be no surprise to him.

A person who could not be used by him, did not ask Tian Ke to leave no meaning of Bing ancestor at all.

If a strong man in the realm of the King of Heaven cannot surrender to him, it is better to kill and kill the valuables devoured.

"Icebound sword!"


Suddenly, Bing's ancestor looked at Mo Wentian, the killing intention in his eyes skyrocketed, and the cold voice sounded.

An air of Xiao killing, swept away towards Mo Wentian.

"Blade of Heaven!"

"Breaking the sword!"


Just then, looking at the ice ancestor who beheaded himself, a cold voice sounded.

Looking at the ancestor of Bing, Mo Wentian's eyes raised a terrible sense of murder.

The next moment, I saw Mo Wentian's hands swept away from the sky.

"Booming ..."

With Mo Wentian's shot, the void was smashed directly wherever the sword's qi passed.

Terrible power, spreading wildly into the void.

Endless void rushes out of the void rift.

From a distance, it's terrible.

"Good strength, I originally thought that Mo Wentian himself was not strong. The reason why he could kill the ancestor of the fire was entirely due to the roulette in his hands, but now it seems that it is not just the roulette It's up! "

"The power of this sword is enough to be comparable to the late Uranus!"

"Heavenly King is fulfilled, and the power of the late Emperor is exhibited. This is simply evil!"

"too terrifying!"


Looking at the terrible sword in the void, countless warriors, eyes were full of impressive looks.

"Boss, be careful!"

At this moment, Wu Tian's slightly worried voice sounded in Mo Wentian's mind.

"Don't worry, he can't kill me just by this trick!"

Mo Wentian gave a slight grin and said indifferently.

"Boy, let's die!"

The next instant, I saw a cold drink from the ancestor of ice, and the frozen sword in his hand was beheaded towards Mo Wentian.

"Old miscellaneous, your trick is too weak!"

Leng Ao's voice sounded, and Mo Wentian's eyes raised a smirk.

"Hmm ..."

The sound of metal collision came. The two Excaliburs collided directly, sparking dazzling sparks.

"Huh ..."

The next moment, Mo Wentian snorted, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

His face even paled.

"The warrior who cultivates the power of ice is really strong!"

There was a whisper in his mouth, and Mo Wentian's eyes rose with a very bright light.

Although the ancestor of this ice ancestor is a little worse than the fire ancestor before him, the strength he exhibited is not much worse than the fire ancestor.

With this move of Frozen Sword, although Mo Wentian blocked it with the Devouring Sword of God, the mighty frozen force invaded Mo Wentian's body.

If Mo Wutian's body was not terrible, the frozen power would be enough to make Mo Wutian lose his combat power.

"Boy, you know how good I am!"

"My ancestor gave you a chance, with all your dogs, kneeling on the ground and begging your ancestor for mercy, your ancestor will mercifully forgive you for not dying!"

Looking at Mo Wentian, Bing Man's eyes flashed endlessly.

If Mo Wentian kneels on the ground and asks for his mercy, it will be more pleasant to him than to kill Mo Wentian.

The feeling of having a character resounding in the ancient relics kneeling towards him for mercy is absolutely sour.

"Give me to die?"

After hearing the words, the curvature of the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth became richer.

He doesn't ask God, when do you need to ask for forgiveness!

The ice ancestor in front of him is simply ridiculous. In the later period of a small king, he even wanted to subject him to surrender. This is simply a dream!


Just then, in the void, a terrible voice came.

Xunsheng Mo Wentian looked towards the void, and saw an endless void, a dragon body the size of a hundred feet, rolled up an old man, and ran straight towards Mo Wentian.

However, within a few breaths, the hundred-foot-long Shenlong threw the old man directly out of the void.


A figure fell to the ground and stirred up dust on the ground.

"What dropped in the void just now?"

"Looks like a figure?"

"Not good, is it the elder?"

"It was the Shenlong who threw down the elder!"

"This is impossible? The elder is the strong man in the middle of the king, and this little snake is only in the early days of the king. How can he fight the elder?


As the elder's body fell to the ground, everyone returned to God, and his eyes were full of impressive words.

"Boss, the mission is complete!"

At this moment, Xiao Yan's figure flashed and appeared directly in front of Mo Wentian.

Looking at Mo Wentian, the corner of Xiao's mouth slightly lifted, said in a deep voice.

"Little sister, hard work!"

"This old miscellaneous, you take care of it for me, wait for me to solve this old miscellaneous first!"

Mo Wentian slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and his eyes flickered with coldness.

"Boss, don't worry!"

Xiao Yan quickly answered, his voice was extremely bright.

"Ice ancestor, save me!"

"Save me!"

At this moment, Lu Yuan, the elder elder, looked at the ice ancestors not far away, and frantically spoke for mercy.

"In front of Bendi, do you want to ask for mercy?"

Mo Mantian flashed a cold mang in his eyes, then stepped out and appeared directly in front of Lu Yuan.

Seeing the landing far away, Mo Wentian evoked a smirk, sternly.

"Mo Wentian, the gambling contract is you and my bet, you put Lu Yuan!"

Seems to remember something, Bing's ancestor looked at Mo Wentian, his eyes flashed, and said coldly.

"The bet is yours. My bet is right!"

"The battle between my monster and your running dog Lu Yuan is a matter between them, and it is not your responsibility!"

He heard that the curvature of the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth became more intense.

But Mo Wentian's eyes looked at the ice ancestor not far away, but his eyes were full of disdain.

"Boy, you ..."

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Bing's ancestor was almost furious.

But it was always his fault that he opened his mouth and tried to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Old miscellaneous, Bendi will give you another chance!"

"Submit, or die!"

Mo Wentian looked at Bing's ancestor, and his eyes flashed coldly again.

"You beheaded and killed so many of my demons, I will never surrender to you!"

The ancestor of Bing glanced around, watching the figures looking at himself, as if for the sake of face, the voice was full of stern and powerful.

"Not surrender?"

"Then die!"

In Mo Wentian's eyes, it was extremely cold and cold.

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