Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 908: Learn to bark

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Chapter 908: Learning To Bark

"Yes, hasn't this gambling contract been made before?"

"Is Bing Zuo not wanting to fulfill this statement?"

"The people of the Demon Race are really shameless! They have made appointments long ago, but they don't want to admit it!"

"The people of the Demon Clan really don't have the slightest credibility at all. In the future, for the disciples of the Demon Clan, we see that it is better to take a detour!"


Listening to Xiao Yan's words, every figure looked at Bing Laozu, his eyes were full of disdain.

"You little reptile, where can I talk to your master!"

The sound of discussion came from the ear, and Bing's ancestor looked at Xiao Yan, and his eyes suddenly felt a sense of killing.

"Old miscellaneous, it seems your grandpa grandpa I do not teach you lessons, you do not know your grandpa grandpa I am great!"

Listening to the little reptile, Xiao Yan's eyes were cold.

That look, as if the next moment, you will incarnate as a dragon, and hit the ice ancestor.

"Small sister, stand back!"

Just then, Mo Wentian's cold voice suddenly came.

"Boss, let me teach him!"

In Xiao Yan's eyes, a terrible war was raised, and the cold voice was full of strength.

"Back down!"

Seeing Xiao Yan refuse to retreat, Mo Wentian's voice became colder.

"Boss ..."

Xiao Yan looked at Mo Wentian's solemn look, opened his mouth, and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Old miscellaneous, Bendi has no time to talk nonsense with you!"

"There is only one end to those who do not submit to this emperor, and that is death!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian looked at the ice ancestor in front of him, and a terrible sense of killing rose in his eyes.

The Devouring Heaven Sword, now trembling in his hands, immediately shot a sword and beheaded towards the ice ancestor.

The billowing power emerged from the vastness, and the void shattered directly.


"This is impossible?"

Looking at Mo Wentian's sword beating at himself, Bing Laozu only felt the breath of death coming towards himself, and his eyes were full of fear.

At this moment, he had forgotten that he was a strong man in the late days of the King of Heaven, and the opposite Mo Wentian was just a warrior in the perfect state of Heavenly King.

"Click ..."

"Click ..."

There was a sound of ice cracking, and Mo Wentian approached him more and more.


With a cold drink, Mo Wentian Yijian chopped down directly towards the head of Bing's ancestor.

But when Mo Wentian cut this sword down, the look of the ice ancestor changed instantly.

"I surrender!"

"I surrender, don't kill me!"

Among countless people's anxious expressions, Bing Laozu knelt on the ground, asking for mercy again and again.

"Oh my God? I'm not mistaken! The ice-old ancestor of the dignified demons actually knelt on the ground and asked Mo to ask for forgiveness?"

"If it was passed on, it would be a great joke!"

"The demons are really shameless. He is a grand ancestor of the demons!"

"The demons seem to be really finished!"


Looking at Bing Laozu Zhao Mowentian kneeling down, countless warriors, eyes widened instantly, eyes full of incredible.

"This kind of mentality can even become the ancestor of the Demons. It seems that the demons are really rubbish!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian stopped the Devouring Sword in his hands and looked at the ice ancestor in front of him.

"Master, I am willing to be your dog!"

"Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

Watching Mo Wentian's Devouring Sword in his hand stopped, Bing's ancestor reached out and wiped the sweat beads on the forehead, asking for mercy again.

It seemed that I was afraid that Mo Wentian would change his mind and kill him in general.

"What the Emperor wants is not your old miscellaneous obedience, and your disciples of the Demon Clan, all must submit to the feet of the Emperor!"

The cold voice resounded through the void, and Mo Wentian's eyes were even more arrogant.

"I surrender, all the disciples of my demons are surrendered!"

"As long as you give me time, all disciples of the Demon Clan will surely surrender at the feet of the master!"

Listening to Mo Wentian's words, Bing's ancestors did not hesitate in the slightest, and vowed utterly.

"That being the case, that Emperor is not an unreasonable, untrustworthy person!"

"As long as you follow the gambling agreement, Bendi will naturally not embarrass you!"

After hearing the words, Mo Wentian gave a slight grin at the corner of his mouth, and a smile spread from the corner of his mouth.

The smiling young man looked nothing like the brazen and endless warrior just now.

"Mo Wentian, this boy is really too arrogant, too cunning!"

"You're right. Seeing Mo Wentian's expression, I don't seem to be fooled by Bing's ancestor. All this seems to be Mo Wantian's calculation!"

"If that's the case, this kid's city would be too deep!"

"This kid is just a talent. Not only is his strength terrible, but even the city hall is terrible!"


Looking at the figure of the smiling teenager, everyone's eyes widened.

The next moment, when I came back to God, I started talking.

"Thank you, master!"

"Thank you, master!"

Seeing Mo Wentian promised not to kill him, Bing's ancestor's eyes flashed a trace of refined light.

"By the way, you said you would like to be a dog of Bendi!"

"It's been a long time since Bendi heard the dog barking. He called twice to let Bendi listen!"

Suddenly, in Mo Wentian's eyes, a strange light rose, coughing, looking at Bing's ancestor, Shen Sheng said.

"Dog barking?"

For a moment, Bing's ancestor thought he heard it wrong.

He has seen the arrogance of Mo Wentian, but he did not expect that Mo Wutian was so arrogant!

"Learning dogs? Mo Wentian, this kid is too arrogant, has Bing's ancestors already proactively surrendered, and he even puts forward such a condition. This is simply playing on the face of Bing's ancestors naked!"

"Ice ancestors are warriors in the later days of the King. I really don't understand. He cultivated for strength like that, why should he surrender to a cricket in the realm of heaven?"

"Just surrender, and now I am still required to learn dog barking!"

"Is the ancestor Bing, or not?"

"Where there is Mo Wentian, there is a good show!"


After hearing the words, everyone's look changed again, and among the crowd, the pot exploded instantly.

"Mo Wentian, don't bully people too much!"

In the eyes of Bing's ancestors, the cold flashed, looking at Mo Wentian, Yin Road.

"Aren't you calling?"

"Yes, that old Lu Yuan dog, you call twice to listen to this emperor!"

The curvature of the corner of Mo Wentian's mouth became richer and thicker, and then his eyes turned to kneel on the ground, trembling, and Lu Yuan, the elder elder of the tribe with a dull face.

"Old dog, what are you doing?"

"Hurry up!"

"Boss let you learn dog barking, it's your pleasure, hurry up!"

Looking at dull Lu Yuan, Xiao Yan's cold voice sounded.

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