Devouring Heaven Sword God

Chapter 915: Cold Dragon King?

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Chapter 915 Cold Dragon King?

Finally, two quarters later.

Mo Wentian and Xiaoyu reached the bottom of Hanbingyuan.

"Boss, I feel a very cold icy atmosphere!"

At this moment, Xiao Yan glanced around and said in a deep voice.

"Ice cold?"

"Is it the ice dragon Lu Jun said?"

Seems to remember something, Mo Wentian flashed Han Mang's eyes, looked at Xiao Yan, said in a cold voice.

"Yes, boss, it should be Binglong!"

"In addition to the icy air, I also felt a dragon's breath!"


Hearing Mo Wentian said this, Xiao Yan instantly determined.

But the next moment, Xiao Yan seemed to find something, and his brows frowned.

"Just what?"

Mo Wentian watched Xiaoyan's look change dramatically, and there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"Isn't that Lu Jun talking about the ice dragon in the Hanbingyuan, already reached the perfection of the King of Heaven?"

"But why, I feel that ice dragon's breath is not strong, even worse than me?"

He groaned for a moment, a little light flashed in Xiaoyan's eyes.

"How much worse than you?"

Nana whispered in her mouth, and then Mo Wentian directly opened up the spirit and searched.

"It really is!"

"Is this ice dragon in a weak period?"

The spirits unfolded, and in an ice cave less than a hundred feet away from Mo Wentian, a faint cold and slightly faint breath appeared in Mo Wentian's mind.

Feeling such a breath, Mo Wentian's eyes also raised a look of suspicion.

According to Lu Jun, the ice dragon in the cold ice abyss has already reached the perfect condition of the King of Heaven, but even if it is in the weak period, this breath will not be so weak!

"Boss, are you saying that Binglong is injured?"

Suddenly, Xiao Man flashed in his eyes and said quietly.


Wen Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed away.

"You can tell if you are hurt!"

The next moment, Mo Wentian said indifference.

Immediately afterwards, the spirits were put away, stepped forward, and headed directly into the ice cave where the ice dragon was.

Xiao Yan didn't hesitate at all, followed Mo Wentian behind.

"Roar ..."

Mo Wentian and Xiaoyi just arrived at the entrance of the ice cave where the ice dragon was, all of them exuding the vast expanse of chill, instantly resounding in the cold ice.

"This vast Longwei is so strong!"

"It seems that this Lu Jun did not lie. The practice of this ice dragon has indeed reached the perfection of the King of Heaven!"

Listening to this roar, Mo Wentian's eyes were indifferent.

"Boss, do you think Longwei is strong?"

At this moment, Xiaoyan looked at Mo Wentian with a doubt on his face, and asked Shen Shen.

"This ice dragon is indeed the perfect state of Tianlong!"

"Xiaoyu, you are just the beginning of the King of Heaven. This ice dragon roars, don't you feel terrible?"

Listening to Xiao Yan's words, Mo Wentian took a moment's notice, then turned back and looked at Xiao Yan, his face full of shock.

"Boss, I don't feel anything!"

Xiao Yan's face was full of indifference.

"Roar ..."

The ice dragon was still roaring, and Mo Wentian couldn't help urging his strength and stabilizing his breath.

But Xiao Xiao aside, as if not feeling anything, indifferent.

"Boy, who are you?"

"Why entered my site?"

At this moment, the frozen ice dragon opened his eyes instantly and circled in the frozen ice of hundreds of feet.

Those twinkling blue eyes were staring straight at Mo Wentian, and the thick voice was full of coldness.

"Bendi asks God!"

Looking at the body full of frozen ice dragons, Mo Wentian's eyes did not have the slightest fear, and some were cold and arrogant.

"Do you ask me?"

"Have not heard!"

Hearing the words, Binglong froze slightly, and then said coldly.

"A small ice dragon, can you know the reputation of my boss!"

Looking at the Binglong in front of me, somehow Xiao Xiao didn't have the slightest fear. He even had a sense of familiarity in his heart.

"The Cold Dragon King!"

"See the Cold Dragon King!"

As soon as Xiaoyan said this, the ice dragon turned his head instantly, and his eyes changed suddenly when he saw Xiaoyan.

The Baizhang dragon body of the proud ice cave instantly shrank into a small snake smaller than Xiaoyu.

Looking at Xiao Yan, Bing Long's twinkling blue gloomy eyes were extremely cold, but his appearance and look were excited and respectful.

"The Cold Dragon King?"

"Who is the Dragon King?"

"You calling me?"

Hearing that Xiaoyan glanced around, the depths of Hanbingyuan, no one else except him and Mo Wentian.

What's more, the ice dragon was staring straight at him. Despite Xiaosu's confusion, he exclaimed.

"The Cold Dragon King, the little one is you. The Ice Dragon sees the Cold Dragon King!"

"Ice Dragon is fortunate to be able to meet the King of the Dragon in this life."

Looking at Xiaoyan's face was incredible, the figure of Binglong flashed directly in front of Xiaoyan, a pair of eyes looked at Xiaoyan, his face excited.

"The Cold Dragon King?"

"Xiaoyu is Hanlong?"

Watching Binglong look respectful in front of Xiao Yan, Mo Wentian's eyes flashed a trace of refined light.

As for the specific dragon Xiao Xiao was, Mo Wentian was unclear.

Xiao Huan's transformation time and time again, his cultivation was a breakthrough, which brought Mo Wentian surprises again and again.

For a long time, Mo Wentian was also investigating. He really wanted to know what Xiaobei was, but Xiaoye was like a mysterious bottomless pit.

"I'm Han Long?"

"Isn't Hanlong all about the same as you, with feet and horns?"

Slightly hesitated, and then came back to him, Xiao Yan asked in a deep voice.

"Master Hanlong, you just haven't grown up yet!"

"Master Hanlong King, although the small repair is not high, but the small feeling must be correct, you are the Hanlong King!"

Listening to Xiao Yan's unbelievable words, Binglong gave a little politeness and replied in a deep voice.

"Xiaoyu, it's not too late to ask this question in the future, just this ice dragon will treat you as the boss!"

"Now we ask the whereabouts of that ancient book from his mouth, and Tianhu is still asking Tiange to wait for us!"

Seems to be thinking of something, Mo Wentian's eyes, a chilly cold mang rose, cold road.

"Boy, our Cold Dragon King has not spoken yet. What qualifications do you have to order our Cold Dragon King?"

As soon as Mo Wentian said this, the ice dragon, which had just shrunk, suddenly swelled to several feet.

Proudly standing in the ice cave, looking at Mo Wentian, the fiery light flashing in his eyes.

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